I Really Want Something Sweet

TishaSB Posts: 8 Member
I guess I can say that I am having a rough day, week, I think it has been almost the entire month of June. I have really wanted a piece of candy or ice cream or just anything sweet. I have been fighting the temptation but it is to the point that I can taste the sweetness and I really want to breakdown and buy something but I won't. The other day I asked my coworker for some M&M's and I had about 10 and felt totally guilty afterwards. I know that being on this journey isn't and wasn't going to be easy but there are days when I want to grab some Talenti, Blu Bunny, or Haagen Daz and curl up and watch my favorite movie. I guess I am just having a moment but I needed to vent and get it off of my chest. URGH


  • Mersie1
    Mersie1 Posts: 329 Member
    You absolutely can and imo should have some. I know it may feel scary to have "some," but you can do it. It is a journey- a one that will last your whole life. There is nothing bad about those foods as long as you have no allergy to them and you are giving your body the nutrition it needs- most of the time!
  • TishaSB
    TishaSB Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you for your encouraging words. I had candy two times last month and I felt absolutely ashamed and upset. I feel as if I let myself down and it really hurt. Actually the candy didn't taste that great which made the way I felt even worse. I had 2 slices of pizza last night, 4 fried raviolis, and 1 loaded potato skin and I will say that it truly did a number on my stomach. I also felt bad after eating it and it didn't taste that great. I finally realized that the foods that I once enjoyed (basically downright loved) are not really that great to me.
  • irismstroup
    irismstroup Posts: 11 Member
    Look into iifym. Macro counting. It'll give you a little leway in your diet while still hitting your goals. Also look up halo top creamery for a great option for those ice cream cravings
  • Verdenal
    Verdenal Posts: 625 Member
    Only you can judge. Some people can have a cupcake now and then and it's no big deal. Others can't.
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    I will go to natural yogurt and some blueberries and cocoa stirred into it, thesesubstitutes for sugary sweets work for me and keep my appetite from soaring. Best wishes as you keep on learning what will work for you. :)
  • Chanidee
    Chanidee Posts: 17 Member
    While I agree that you need to do what's best for you, I think it's okay to have a small piece of candy when you crave it. For me, if I want something it's better I have a little. If I keep stopping myself then I end up binging. There are days when I've planned sweets into my calories and still lose. ☺
  • Tretop76
    Tretop76 Posts: 256 Member
    Look into iifym. Macro counting. It'll give you a little leway in your diet while still hitting your goals. Also look up halo top creamery for a great option for those ice cream cravings

    I want to try the Halo Top but no one carries it in my town. Thinking about starting a revolution here with my grocer lol.
  • Tretop76
    Tretop76 Posts: 256 Member
    I've tried everything and every kind of diet and the best thing for me is to not deprive myself and stay in calorie range. Last week I ate Hershey bars 3 times and still lost almost 6 pounds.