Is the group dead?

SanyamKaushik Posts: 215 Member
Is this group dead or people are just sleeping :)
Well, I came here after so so long....


  • kellybean14
    kellybean14 Posts: 237 Member
    I personally am in more of a zombie-state.
  • SanyamKaushik
    SanyamKaushik Posts: 215 Member
    wake up wake up :DDDD
  • Tall_E
    Tall_E Posts: 182 Member
    Felt your elbow are you? Seems like no one has had much to say lately but I'm alive and losing weight!
  • SanyamKaushik
    SanyamKaushik Posts: 215 Member
    :). goodness gracious... For a moment, I thought, the idea of vegetarianism is wiped out :D
  • Tall_E
    Tall_E Posts: 182 Member
    MFP is loaded with vegetarians & vegans. How are you?
  • kellybean14
    kellybean14 Posts: 237 Member
    We made kale chips and hummus for the first time last night, and my meat-loving sweetie went nuts over them. That was fun! It's fun to hear a meat eater tell you to back away from his kale.
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    Hey there? So I just learned about groups on MFP (umm ... where have I been? lol) so hey everyone :)
    Yeah ... I'm a vegetarian :D
  • Tall_E
    Tall_E Posts: 182 Member
    Well, hey shaynak112! Those must be vegetarian jelly beans :smile:
  • Tall_E
    Tall_E Posts: 182 Member
    We made kale chips and hummus for the first time last night, and my meat-loving sweetie went nuts over them. That was fun! It's fun to hear a meat eater tell you to back away from his kale.

    I'm pretty excited because my love-my-sausage-and-pork husband became a vegetarian four months ago after seeing Forks Over Knives. Makes my cooking life easier and it's more fun now to go out to restaurants together.
  • kellybean14
    kellybean14 Posts: 237 Member
    We made kale chips and hummus for the first time last night, and my meat-loving sweetie went nuts over them. That was fun! It's fun to hear a meat eater tell you to back away from his kale.

    I'm pretty excited because my love-my-sausage-and-pork husband became a vegetarian four months ago after seeing Forks Over Knives. Makes my cooking life easier and it's more fun now to go out to restaurants together.

    Wow, that's excellent! Good luck to him - it can be a difficult transition, but having you to help guide him make yummy and nutritious eating decisions can only help. (I'm curious to see Forks!)

    I am fortunate in the fact that my squeeze doesn't go crazy over not having meat with every meal; he's probably 70% vegetarian which makes it a lot easier on me. The most important part, for sure, is that we respect each other and don't force ideas on one another. <3

    That being said... vegetable eating is pretty righteous. ;)
  • Tall_E
    Tall_E Posts: 182 Member
    We made kale chips and hummus for the first time last night, and my meat-loving sweetie went nuts over them. That was fun! It's fun to hear a meat eater tell you to back away from his kale.

    I'm pretty excited because my love-my-sausage-and-pork husband became a vegetarian four months ago after seeing Forks Over Knives. Makes my cooking life easier and it's more fun now to go out to restaurants together.

    Wow, that's excellent! Good luck to him - it can be a difficult transition, but having you to help guide him make yummy and nutritious eating decisions can only help. (I'm curious to see Forks!)

    I am fortunate in the fact that my squeeze doesn't go crazy over not having meat with every meal; he's probably 70% vegetarian which makes it a lot easier on me. The most important part, for sure, is that we respect each other and don't force ideas on one another. <3

    That being said... vegetable eating is pretty righteous. ;)

    Righteous, indeed!
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
    as a door nail
  • jzombee
    jzombee Posts: 14 Member
    I have posted in a few vegetarian/vegan discussion boards and not gotten any feed back? Where are all the active vegans? I am brand new to the site and would like some friends to discuss things like vegan recipes, help in the transition, detox? and any other randomness that comes with being vegan...
  • davadoto
    davadoto Posts: 105 Member
    Hi! Vegetarian still on board...well after falling of the MFP wagon for almost a year. Finding a hard time to keep up with posting recipes and other, but you can add me as a friend a check out a couple Caribbean recipes in my diary. I'll try to be more detailed in my recipes or add notes. Take care everyone and success on your journey!