back again to seriously try it



  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    scaryann1 wrote: »
    @DSFit I've been working my way up to my TDEE for almost a year now. I still have a little ways to go. I have had to fight with myself almost every day to up my calories. The mental aspect is crazy difficult to deal with some days. After getting my daily average up to 1900 consistently, I'm working on getting them consistently up to 2100. I've hit it two weeks out of four, and not two weeks in a row yet either. I'm not going to give up! I can't believe how much energy I have now compared to a year ago when I was eating under 1000 calories a day. I ate so little then that I considered 2000 calories a major binge and would become physically ill the once a week that I hit that many calories. Once I hit that 1900 a couple of weeks in a row I no longer had the desire to binge, and I haven't since! I have learned so much this year, it's been a crazy roller coaster ride mentally though.

    May I quote for the group?:)
  • scaryann1
    scaryann1 Posts: 259 Member
    @Raynn1 yes you may :smile:
  • jerilynconn
    jerilynconn Posts: 524 Member
    I wouldn't worry about the fat grams. As you increase calories the fat grams will increase as well. If you are hungry all the time, you need more food.

    I'm not to my goal yet but I have come to love myself and to feed my body. It's much better on this side I promise you. Give into the process.
  • DSFfit
    DSFfit Posts: 133 Member
    edited July 2016
    so I've been eating over 1400 calories for over a month (started before I posted here) I am now trying to eat at 1600 calories but I'm still hungry all the time.
    The first weird thing is I got a menstrual cycle--I thought I was officially in menopause since its been over 6 months since I had one! I guess that proves I wasn't eating enough.
    I'm not really sure how I should log my exercise as light or moderate etc.
    I try to walk 2-3 miles several times a week. Do weights(dumbbells) or circuit training 3 times a week and I'm active with yard work etc. I do kayaking but not every weekend although I am hoping to go every weekend.
    Im trying to determine my actual TDEE.
    54 years old
    153 ish lbs

    if moderate its about 2400
    light 2100

  • TerezaToledo
    TerezaToledo Posts: 613 Member
    @DSFfit , considering your workout description you are definitely at least moderate, forget light activity. But you probably are scared of the numbers the calculator are giving you. Don't be afraid, you are burning all that. 1600 is too little, no wonder you are hungry all the time. Increase your calories slowly, go for 1700 for a week, than 1800 for another and so on until you reach your TDEE. Stay there for some weeks so your body can remember what maintenance is and introduce a slow cut. In a nutshell that's a reset.
    Being hungry is the way that your body finds to try to make you keep the calories coming. It's a good sign, it shows that the body is changing and the metabolism is increasing.

    This post talks about not eating enough calories

    Team EM2WL
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    As Tereza says, you are definitely underestimating. You are certainly in the moderate category and your body is telling you that by saying "HELLO!!! IM HUNGRY!!!" :smile:
    Finding your TDEE is a mind game because no one wants to believe they actually burn that many calories. But I assure you, you do. Increase up slowly, listen to the hunger cues.

    EM2WL Ambassador and Moderator
  • DSFfit
    DSFfit Posts: 133 Member
    Great advice, I am having a hard time allowing myself to eat 1600-1700. I just upped it yesterday to 1700, with exercise it was 1900 but I am mentally beating myself for eating.
  • TerezaToledo
    TerezaToledo Posts: 613 Member
    Don't beat yourself for eating. I know it can be challenging and hard, emotionally and physically to do such a huge change, but trust me, your body will thank you for that! Increase it slowly and don't go into the "I need to burn or earn those extra cals", ok? You are fixing your metabolism, keep that in your mind.

    Here is some reading on metabolism fixing

    Team EM2WL
  • empressichel
    empressichel Posts: 730 Member
    The mental part of this is the hardest. Just know that you are loving and healing your body and you deserve that.
    Just increasing your calories is a great step.
    I'd like to leave you with the quote I have on my profile;
    "... the scale can only give you a numerical reflection of your relationship with gravity. That’s it. It cannot measure beauty, talent, purpose, life force, possibility, strength, or love. Don’t give the scale more power than it has earned. Take note of the number, then get off the scale and live your life. You are beautiful!” ~ Steve Maraboli

    This process does get easier. Hang on in there, we are here to support you.
    EM2WL Ambassador and Moderator
  • DSFfit
    DSFfit Posts: 133 Member
    Thank you all for the great articles and advice!

    I made it to 1600 calories yesterday my goal for this week is 1700
    but two problems
    one is I was 14 grams over fat goal
    second I felt like I was eating all the time

    My question I have now is
    the EM2WL TDEE calculator gives me different (higher) numbers than the Scooby one
    I know you used to recommend the Scooby one

    Do I put in my current weight in the calc or my goal weight?

    Scooby gives me a TDEE of about 1700
    and the EM2WL is about 2100

    a big difference

  • TerezaToledo
    TerezaToledo Posts: 613 Member
    Yay for upping the calories, you are doing great!

    How are your macros doing? If they are balanced, it does not matter how many grams of fat you are eating, specially if they are healthy fats. The 40-30-30 is my goal on the macros, even thought I've been doing more a 40-35-25. As long as your protein is close to 30%, the other two will fall in place. Eating all the time? Well, it may feel like that and isn't that great? Honestly, it will feel like a chore sometimes, but just eat.

    You will use your current weight on the calculators. Then you recalculate every 5 lbs or so. The difference between the calculator results will basically be because of the activity level you are putting. That's the hardest part to figure out, to be honest. You and I are almost as tall and now that I have my metabolism higher I would eat about 2300 to maintain.

    Considering that, I'd think that the 2100 TDEE is the more appropriate one for you. The calculators will usually give me less than what I actually eat, but I am way happier eating above them, lol. Right now I am not focused on my weight, I look at my size and body fat %. I am a SAHM and focus on strength training with some 15 minutes HIIT workouts here and there. I do have a Fitibit and when I was wearing it, that was close to the burn it would give me when I added the ST.

    Team EM2WL
  • jerilynconn
    jerilynconn Posts: 524 Member
    Current weight.

    The calc is just an estimate. Once you eat at that level for.a few weeks you can move up to test out the tdee.

    I think it's okay to think of macros as a range. It would be nearly impossible to hit each one on the nose.
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I believe all the calculators call for your CURRENT weight.

    Dont worry about being over on fat right now. Your goal right now is to get to TDEE... THEN we will worry about cleaning up the macros:)
    And yes, it will feel like you are eating all the time because your not used to getting those cals in. You will adjust, and as you go, you will learn ways of increasing your meals with more cals so you dont eat all the time.

    EM2WL Ambassador and Moderator
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Current weight - because you want current TDEE estimate.

    Confirm your stats match, that's a big spread. They start with different BMR's, but that still wouldn't cause that effect because the other math is the same.

    On Scooby confirm you didn't select a bigger deficit amount and not really getting the TDEE figure, but eating figure.
  • texgal927
    texgal927 Posts: 67 Member
    keep trying
  • DSFfit
    DSFfit Posts: 133 Member
    Ok I am going to eat 1800 for a couple weeks and see what happens I will up it to 1900 after that.
    I think I must have put in different activity levels.
    I am fairly active at least moderate maybe strenuous.
    Yesterday I hit 1525 but I really need to buy some protein powder. Last year I was most successful when I was using that to help get my protein in.
    I don't eat much meat (just chicken) and my diet contains a lot of veggies etc--I'm in my second year of belonging to a CSA and that helps me try new veggies and old ones in new ways.
    Thank you everyone for so much great positive support. It really helps.
  • TerezaToledo
    TerezaToledo Posts: 613 Member
    @DSFfit Great job! Work the up slowly!

    Team EM2WL
  • empressichel
    empressichel Posts: 730 Member
    Yes! You are doing so well.
    Here is a link about some plant protein.
    I am vegan so I understand the struggles of getting in enough protein. Thought it might give you some ideas other than chicken, anyway.
    EM2WL Ambassador and moderator
  • DSFfit
    DSFfit Posts: 133 Member
    Thank you for that link.
    I forgot about lentils--I used to eat them frequently.
    Going to buy some!
    Yesterday I was at about 1700 calories, woke up feeling bloated and gross. I did eat a lot of sodium though.
  • empressichel
    empressichel Posts: 730 Member
    Yes, bloating is no fun at all :(
    Wait! I have an article about that too! :)

    I find I feel more bloated when I eat more carbs, and as a vegan your protein either comes with carbs or fats! That's why I have a protein shake or 2 a day just to make sure I'm hitting my macros.
    Hope this article will be useful for you too.