JULY chat

retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
edited June 2016 in Social Groups

Over half the year has gone by. Time to reflect on what we are doing right to reach out goals and what we need to improve.

My logging of food needs to be tightened up, take more care in selecting items from the food dbase, make sure the serving size I am having matches up with what the nutrient label says it should be, that kind of thing. I am seriously trying to lower my carb intact and make my protein more moderate, and upping the fats. It is all about the balance.

Anyone else finding little things to improve on, or to build on for that matter, if you are doing something that works well, please share. :)


  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    Going back on track as last of visitors,leave town. Also going to find out why I keep accumulating commas.
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    Happy Canada Day to all of our friends here celebrating! Here's to a great and a beautiful country filled with great people.

  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    HI everybody! Just popping in...

    Right now, nothing is working, I'm just trying to not gain weight but stay motivated to go to the gym. Not easy. I had pulled a muscle in one leg (at the gym of course) which was bugging me for awhile so now I'm just concentrating on not doing anything to aggravate that occasional twinge in my knee. o:)

    I'm looking at adding more vegetarian meals into our life. My husband is a meat and potatoes kinda guy who, when I first met him would literally say "Where's the meat! if I made a vegetarian meal. He thought canned peas were a vegetable.

    But he's come around to my way of thinking. Mostly because he has no choice since I'm the cook. haha

    Anyway, that's all from here.

    *confession* I am thinking about making some home-made icecream. I haven't done any in about five years. So there. >:) Happy 4th!


  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    Good to see ya Cris. When I first meet DH he didn't like veggies either. He hated spinach or so he thought, I made a spinach salad and just served it, he raved about how tasty the lettuce was in that salad. Later he spent over a year being totally vegetarian with me. Funny how that turns out.

    How are you doing on the new medication? I hope your numbers are under control. I am actually cutting some carbs from our diet, since DH is trying to not have to take meds for his T2 condition.

    Hope to see you more often.

    Happy 4th.
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    Hey @CrisEBTrue - nice to hear from you! And with a lovely picture too... Hope you enjoy the 4th... Send us some virtual homemade ice cream - sounds great! No calories or carbs in digital ice cream... ;) ~ Kathy
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member

    OH ^^ SO much THIS.


    Why do I look so serious here ? (it was about 1983)
    I had braces and.. my ex constantly berated me for being fat.


    I did NOT make home-made ice cream yesterday. We did splurge with some Blue Bunny ice cream bars I found..ahem. (they are little mini-bars) I think that somewhere it's required that ice cream appear SOMEWHERE on the menu on the 4th, right???

    The meds: It's a mixed bag, as always.

    The Lantus does lower my blood sugar, but unfortunately, like one of the other diabetic meds.. it tends to 'cause weight gain.' Dandy, huh. You might remember *starts boring medical recital* that with Bydureon I lost about 18 lbs because it made me nauseated and food tasted/ smelled awful. *woo* But not only did that stuff not lower my blood sugar--it RAISED IT.

    So when I switched over--I was a mess for a couple of weeks because I felt hungry ALL the time... dizzy, etc etc.
    blah blah blah.

    Anyway. I still have days where I feel like Food is The Enemy, days where I don't give a darn, days when I stress about everything. Mainly I'm trying to NOT do what I've seen other people do, and that is use insulin like it's an antidote. (I only inject once a day, at bedtime).

    I had a couple of friends who would eat whatever they wanted and then inject their insulin.
    Both were type1 though.. and they're both dead. They were my age, too.

    We're doing a Viking River Cruise next year--France.
    Sure, I'd like to lose 40 lbs before then, but at the moment I'm just trying to focus on not bursting out of any clothing I already have, and exercising so I'll be able to walk around while we're there...

    This is just a rhetorical question, but I've always wondered how drugs can make you gain weight if you aren't eating more calories? I asked my doctor and she had no answer. I think the drugs make me feel hungry when I'm not, tired when I shouldn't be (so I want to eat),etc. But at some point....one still has to eat something.

    Oh well.

    Now you know why I don't post very often, I get philosophical and annoyingly maudlin.



  • classykaren
    classykaren Posts: 106 Member
    I still think can peas are a vegetable. I do like spinach salads tho. :)
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    I found this to be very interesting, it is a risk calculator for heart disease. You will need your total cholestrol no., HDL no. , your systolic blood pressure no. to fill it out:

  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    My calculation came in at 2% over the next 10 years. Not bad considering my murky family history with heart disease.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    CrisEBTrue wrote: »
    My calculation came in at 2% over the next 10 years. Not bad considering my murky family history with heart disease.

    Mine was 2% too but not much HD in my family, there is stroke however.
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    Hereditarily, I'm probably already dead. :D

    My birth mom suffered from raging, uncontrolled type2 diabetes, and apparently had suffered a couple of small heart attacks ( ? ) before unexpectedly dying in her sleep at age 55. My biological father had a quadruple bypass when he was in his 60's, but did pretty well for another 25 years, dying at the age of 85. His younger brother had a heart attack when he was 45... and he was a little guy; only about 5'4". That's as much as I know about family history. Of course both of my bio parents were smokers at some point, and although it's neither here nor there--both were alcoholics. :/

  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    Oh that is a lot of HD in one family. My biological father died from alcoholism complications, basically his system couldn't handle all that plus he had to go to rehab a couple of times for drugs. Mom is still here but she no longer produces blood cells so it is just a matter of time now. Her heart has never given her an issue. So I think that 2% might be right on for me.

    Miss your humor when you are not logging in.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    Needing a laugh this AM? Here you go:
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    Hello everyone! I decided it was time I stopped in to chat. It seems like such a long time and such an incredible journey since I have been here.

    In a nutshell, In May I was officially diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, which explained the extreme pain, inflammation, and brain fog that I had been dealing with for months. Shortly after diagnosis I discovered the Paleo Autoinflammation Elimination Protocol. OMG what a journey that has been. They recommend NOT trying to lose weight while on that protocol, to just follow it and try to heal your body and you will lose weight in the process. The first month I lost 10 lbs - partially I believe from inflammation and partially because you always lose weight when you switch to a lower carb diet. The second month I stopped losing and leveled out. The third month, (I am on almost 70 days now) I realized that I was strong enough to give up my afternoon nap and add some exercise back and I started losing again. In all, I have lost 15 lbs since I started without limiting food quantity in any way. That is the great part, that and the fact that once you start healing you realize how sick you have actually been! The bad part is that all you can eat are meats, vegetables and fruits. No bread, sugar, grains, seeds, or nightshade plants (potatoes, tomatoes, and peppers) After 30 days of 100% compliance (or as long as it takes you to heal, I am hopefully estimating a year at this point) you can start reintroducing foods to see what you tolerate, though you can never have gluten or probably nightshades again. You learn to cook with alternatives to flour, you conquer this one recipe at a time, and you learn a whole new lifestyle. Fortunately there is a VERY supportive community out there to help.

    If any of you do have autoimmune diseases (and the number of people is growing RAPIDLY in this country! Hello to GMO foods and pesticides!) I STRONGLY suggest you read the book The Paleo Approach by Sarah Ballantyne. She also has a website that explains a lot and a facebook group with over 40,000 people. I belong to the facebook group AIP Support which has over 12,000 and is an ongoing source of information, recipes, and support.

    I hope everyone is doing well in here and is having a happy productive summer! I will weigh in periodically and let you know my progress. If anyone does have autoimmune and wants to ask me anything about this, my email is jeking725@gmail.com.

  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    Janet that sounds great will check out the facebook group for sure.

    Glad you are seeing such wonderful results. Hope to see you here more often.
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    Good morning!

    Janet, I'm glad to hear that you've found relief AND lost weight along the way.
    It has to be so encouraging for you (despite having to give up so many foods) to feel so much better.

    I'll skip over my usual whining to tell you, that on Tuesday we went over to Greensboro to see Josh Groban in concert. :)
    My husband always buys the VIP tickets, so we were in the 2nd row.. AND ( ! ) We got to actually meet and have our pictures taken with him at a meet and greet. woo.

    I've been a big fan of his since he started out, but hearing/seeing him in person was unforgettable.
    What a voice! Many performers don't sound the same in a live performance--but he sounded EVEN BETTER.
    How is that possible? <3

    I'm still smiling. B)



  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    I think he is a wonderful voice as well. Sounds like a great time at the concert.

    I am playing with upping my burn, cutting some carbs, etc. Tired of being stalled out. That is my whine for today. Looking forward now to wine for the today.

    Make good choices today everyone.
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    This just in:

    (The original photo has my husband on the other side, but I cropped it so I could use it as my profile photo on Facebook..) :D


    I have a question:

    Why, when you add exercise to your diary, does MFP "up" the number of calories, fat, carbs, etc., available?
    Have I asked this before?
    it is very annoying; I set my carbs at a certain level and then if I enter my exercise... Boom!
    That "available" number goes up, right? Or am I losing my mind?

    I don't need to have anything "added".
    I don't mind if they show how many calories are "left" at the end of the day (like money in the bank) but
    it's annoying to have the carb count go up.

    *still cranky*
