
authorwriter Posts: 323 Member

I went looking for some info because today I added inulin (NOW brand certified organic) to my BPC. I typically add psyllium and NOW Apple Pectin fiber to the coffee, and also at the end of the day in my Fage Total yogurt.

Been reading up on pre and probiotics. I want to encourage the good bacteria, starve the bad. Also, been on antibiotics for an unrelated item and figured if I was going to be killing off a lot of gut bacteria, I may as well set the stage for the good stuff to take over. Inulin listed as a good prebiotic, so I ordered it. Figured I'd stack the deck all I could.

Fast forward. So BPC lasted a few hours. YAY! Then I got hungry. So I put some psyllium and apple pectin fiber in water and drink. Helps, but not enough. Enter eggs, bacon, cheese, some frozen veg. I'm full. Yay. Except I'm hungry again pretty fast. So I have some shrimp sauteed in olive oil and eat it dipped in a TON of mayonnaise. Full. But not for long.

So I put INULIN in water and drink. halfway through the glass, I'm full. really really full. Like weirdly full.

And I start googling.

I'm going to add a tsp of it to every serving of food or BPC I eat and if I get hungry before bed, try the water trick.

I will post the results.

Has anybody tried this?


  • jasperdog52554
    jasperdog52554 Posts: 115 Member
    I have not tried that specifically, but I can't eat anything with inulin (aka chicory root) in it because I have IBS and fodmap sensitivity (suspected/suggested by my GI doctor) It makes me feel awful, bloated heartburn, and churning insides.

    I found out the hard way after fiber bars and meal replacement shakes. I originally thought it was the dairy, but finally figured it out.

    I'm glad it is working for you!
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    That is great info, thx.

    Any other pearls from your GI doc?
  • jasperdog52554
    jasperdog52554 Posts: 115 Member
    Not really. He ran the blood panel, and I'd had a colonoscopy a few years back due to some issues. He basically gave me the fodmap pamphlet and told me he could run more tests, but it was my money. I normally swing from severed C to sudden D. He did give me one piece of advice that I knew but was never told by a professional. He did NOT recommend more fiber to help. He said it tends to make things worse with IBS- hence my experience with the fiber bars
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    So you've got it pretty well under control now?
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    I have tried Inulin as a prebiotic but never could tell it it changed anything.

    Six month after I eliminated sugar and all grains from my diet my 40 years of IBS fully resolved and has not returned. Now that the leaky gut seems to be fixed I still am not going to get back into the sugar and grains due to the bump in pain they give me.
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    IBS fully resolved in 6 months.... Wow. How bad had it been?
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    edited July 2016
    RalfLott wrote: »
    IBS fully resolved in 6 months.... Wow. How bad had it been?

    Life defining for about forty years. Now if I am driving down the interstate I do not have to be looking for the NEXT exit in a panic. I expect like most people who have an autoimmune health related issue and or obese I had a leaking gut that was a health risk. I do not know what caused my Ankylosing Spondylitis but I know in just 30 days 40 years of pain levels in the 7-8 range dropped to 2-3 and has stayed low.

    Yes I wish I known it was my diet all of those years that was making me so sick but hey now I do know and at life just gets better and better daily at the age of 65. My son keeps pushing me to get my research of the last two years into a book but maybe some day when I retire. :)
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    Ok... how about a TEDTalk?