JULY chat



  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    They expect you to almost zero out, because if you're starting with a deficit and eat back some of the burn, you'll still lose weight. If you lose calorie intake through burn, you can cause your body to reset to that intake. It's not "starvation mode," but the body will adjust over time. I went back and calculated my intake based on what I ate at 30. I was consuming 900 calories a day for years. Fainted a lot if I had to stand, but otherwise was healthy and maintained weight. Had a sitting job and did no exercise. When I had to start walking a mile uphill to work carrying 30 pound pack, I dropped 20 pounds in a month. And Fainted more.
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    I think I see what you're saying, but it's confusing.

    So, if I exercise for 40 minutes, MFP is actually putting more calories in my daily bank to spend.
    I guess I'll just look at the number of calories on the exercise page that I am allegedly burning...

    As a diabetic I am trying to limit my carb (sugar, salt, fat) intake, and if MFP increases the totals, then at the end of a day like today, I get the message that I'm not eating enough.

    Whatever... >:)

    I guess I'll just ignore it and do what feels right for me.

  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,753 Member
    First day on Atkins went very well. I had no cravings in between meals at all. I hope that continues and the scale budged downwards a lb. this morning, I know it is water weight only but gee, it was swell to see it move to a lower number instead of edging upwards. I made my diary private but if anyone is interested in how I am eating I am following the foodie 2 week plan, which is available at


    I am following the 20 plan, so 20 net carbs per day. If all goes well I plan to switch to the 40 plan after completing this one.

    I am thinking of this as a detox from the high GI stuff. Hopefully just changing how I am eating will get my body's attention and I will drop the lbs. finally. I am just glad I didn't allow myself to regain all the lost weight, I am well below my previous high weight, and that is reassuring. I only ate my 2nd snack yesterday so I would not be going too low in calories. I have been snacking late at night @11, so I had that 2nd one @8, well before bedtime and I could have taken it or left it and felt fine. Hoping this behavior sticks with me.
  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    Well getting to chat at the end of July is better that not chatting at all ! FOCUS ~~ that is a constant battle for me. I aim to keep plugging along and do the best I can. Am I going to BLOW a day by eating "all the wrong things" YES, will I berate my self for it, YES Will I still care enough about myself to struggle to reach my goal,

    YES ! Have a great Saturday !!
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    @CrisEBTrue - what a great photo! I thought at first that *was* your husband in the picture with you :o ... and then I figured out what you were saying LOL

    You know, I think the diary entry will only not go in when you have under 1000 calories... If your carbs deficit is large I don't think it will prevent the diary entry. ~ Kathy
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    I got a kick out of that, @wandakc ! Focus! So funny. Reminds of the kids movie with the dog that keeps getting distracted. <squirrel!>