What triggers your binges?



  • Byronic_Ryu
    Byronic_Ryu Posts: 176 Member
    Stress triggers include: not being able to fit into an outfit, mistreatment from family, people trying to police my food (I had this happen recently by an acquaintance), and gender dsyphoria. Physical triggers include: low glucose levels and hormonal changes because of my illness.
  • Itchula
    Itchula Posts: 40 Member
    I have family triggers and stress/anxiety. Started back on MFP (this is week two). Had healthy meals prepared. Allowed myself "real" meals (whatever I cooked for my BF for dinner). This week talked myself out of a binge twice and had a super close call this morning (like, called and cancelled the food order I ordered online). Today was really tough. My BF is going away for the weekend and I'm afraid I'm going to cave. I don't know if I have "trigger" foods... I guess. I have foods that are my go-to's when I plan to b/p. The doctor also changed my meds. One is supposed to help me not binge and one is to block the euphoria after a purge, but I know I need to force myself not to get there in the first place.
  • teresadutton
    teresadutton Posts: 217 Member
    Anxiety is my number one trigger. But I'll also binge when I'm angry. I'll get stuck in these binge/restrict cycles. Been stuck in one for awhile now.

    Yep this for me too word for word. Also bored and sometimes I really have no idea why, just this driving need to stuff my face. I recently started with a therapist and the new BED medication Vyvanse it is helping soooo much, but I do still struggle from time to time but my time between binges are a lot more now than they used to be.

  • Brownilocks
    Brownilocks Posts: 30 Member
  • proudseal
    proudseal Posts: 83 Member
    Stress and feeling overwhelmed. Feeling like I can't handle life right now. Wanting to check out from reality for a while.
  • Autumn_Elixir
    Autumn_Elixir Posts: 22 Member
    Loneliness, stress, any type of emotion I don't want to particularly deal with. Also, if I have the house to myself... yeah, that's a bad thing, lol.
  • nad1996
    nad1996 Posts: 13 Member
    edited July 2016
    Stress,boredom and sometimes I dont even know why it happens its like a devil that suddenly attacks. I binged again yesterday and the feeling sucks terribly I look soo bloated now. im determined to get better from today onwards I know I can do it! How did you manage to stop the urges? Could use some tips :)
  • Kabiti
    Kabiti Posts: 191 Member
    I can't put my finger on what triggers me. Impulsiveness and eating makes me want to keep eating. Hunger is horrible because I know I need to eat, but then I don't have the wherewithal to stop eating.

    I have ADHD, so this is a big, big part of it. I'm on Vyvanse for the ADHD and it hasn't changed my eating much at all. I'm switching to Concerta and Topamax to help. I just need my overall impulsivity to go away. I'm pretty good at making good decisions when I *can*.
  • leahisnotmyname
    leahisnotmyname Posts: 20 Member
    Relationship problems and sadness, loneliness definitely make it easy for me to restrict. When things are going well and my boyfriend is around, that's when I tend to eat more. He is well aware of my eating disorder and tries to keep me eating properly. When I am left to my own devices, I would probably starve.
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    Thanks for sharing leahisnotmy.. i feel the same. If i didn't have family or someone around i don't think I would bother eating, and if I did eat, not healthy stuff.
  • TomiO2424
    TomiO2424 Posts: 2 Member
    For me, I'm not sure. I just feel super hungry and end up eating out of control. I have a problem with control and limits. I cant never find a healthy medium. It's either all or nothing. The food doesn't even have to taste extremely good either. I do know, i end up bingeing more when I'm alone "unsupervised".
  • annelieserecovers
    annelieserecovers Posts: 10 Member
    Anxiety and refined sugars, mostly anxiety though. Also I find that sweet yoghurt does it too.
  • emdarling07
    emdarling07 Posts: 24 Member
    Suppressing my intuition or feelings / compartmentalizing.