What's your favorite exercise?



  • quackmeow
    quackmeow Posts: 6 Member
    I'm a runner because it's portable. For me, exercise has to be convenient or it won't happen.

    Also, I practice something I call opportunistic exercise: I try to run, walk or bike instead of driving. If I'm early to the bus stop, I walk to the next bus stops until the bus is due. Stairs instead of elevators. Use the bathroom on a different floor at the office and take stairs. Park far from my destination and walk. Gardening and yard work.

    Obvious, I know. But it's about making those choices as the opportunity arises! And it's kind of amazing how quickly the steps add up!
  • terronesaaronc
    terronesaaronc Posts: 7 Member
    I've started swimming laps at my local YMCA. It takes a while to get used to the strokes and breathing, but it has become a relaxing end of the day workout for me.
  • lmgroupiegirl
    lmgroupiegirl Posts: 10 Member
    AngryBecky wrote: »
    I am wondering: Has anyone use walking as their main exercise and seen results? I hope I'm on the right course.

    I do/have! I only last week added an actual workout routine to my exercises, all I've been doing since February has been upping my activity level by walking for 20-30 minutes at least 4 times a week. I lost 12 lbs by just adjusting my portion size and adding the walking. I've creeped back up a few lbs since my kids got out of school and our routine changed, but I'm jumping back in there.
  • arrondo
    arrondo Posts: 12 Member
    AngryBecky wrote: »
    I am wondering: Has anyone use walking as their main exercise and seen results? I hope I'm on the right course.

    I saw results doing "nordic walking," which kinda looks like cross country skiing without the skis using special poles. Brings the upper body in to directly contributing to forward motion, plus elevates the heart rate with the increased arm swing. Makes me actually look forward to climbing the hills!
  • AmyK127
    AmyK127 Posts: 2 Member
    I used to think I hated exercise-I just hate running! Love to row. Love to pick up heavy things and put them back down. So that's what I do so I don't lose my mind at work
  • haleyholland12
    haleyholland12 Posts: 5 Member
    I like yoga. I used to like walking, but we moved and now there's nowhere interesting to walk to within 2 miles -- which is reeeeallly difficult with a double stroller and hilly terrain. I used to run (jog) half-marathons but then I got married and pregnant...and pregnant again. This summer I started jogging and then found out I'm pregnant for the third time and was too tired and sick to continue. So I've been feeling pretty discouraged, actually. The most exercise I get is chasing toddlers and gardening, haha. We also have limited time and money so I can't join a club or even a community pool. So...I hate to be a downer but I really don't know what to do. Am I just whining while the answer is staring me in the face? Maybe I should just suck it up and brave the hills.
  • haleyholland12
    haleyholland12 Posts: 5 Member
    P.S. Did I mention how hard it is to do yoga with a couple of kids climbing on you? Haha
  • jblanscett
    jblanscett Posts: 4 Member
    Cycling: outdoors preferred but I don't do it often and if I'm at the gym it's cycle/spin class. I also like trail walks with the dogs and I'd like to get in good enough shape to hike too.
  • Brandaustin
    Brandaustin Posts: 5 Member
    I do 2 15 minute walks on my break carrying a kettlebell and listening to music
  • StuffIDontKnow
    StuffIDontKnow Posts: 1 Member
    I'm running through the Insanity program again. Did it two years ago. Anybody else tried it out? I highly recommend if you are up for high intensity interval training
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    Swimming laps!
  • vs_shine
    vs_shine Posts: 1,322 Member
    Mud Runs
    Obstacle Courses!
    Love it especially when they're dog friendly, so I take my pup along!
  • Nancy12302
    Nancy12302 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm with you @rosebarnalice ... lap swimming! Although my cat generally won't participate
  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
    Favorite form of exercise is definitely running, having always been a runner. My favorite workout though is Plyometrics from P90X2. My favorite non-video workout is doing sets of the basics...push-ups, planks, squats, lunges, etc.
  • carynchristopher
    carynchristopher Posts: 2 Member
    tanjia wrote: »

    I haven't heard of mixxedfit before! Googling now!

    It's sorta like Zumba but hip hop :) it's soooo much fun!

    How do you log your Mixxedfit class on here?