Adjust total calorie burn from Fitbit?

rizzla765 Posts: 2 Member
Hi Guys
Ive been using MFP and fitbit for years now and have pretty much worked out that I think my total burn that fitbit gives me each day is out by about 200cals. It always tells me I usually burn 2600 per day I think its more like 2400. So to lose weight I always use the 2400 number and then take off calories depending how much I want to lose etc. So I know what works for me but I would like it to show more accurately so it doesnt send too many calories each day to MFP. So is there anyway to make Fitbit say you burn less? I was wondering if I adjust my stride would that lower my calorie amount per steps walking each day? I measured my steps the other day and I think it was set to 69, when I measured I thought I measured 65, so I selected 67 in the middle to be on the safe side, will this adjust the calories at all? Any advice would be great. I know at the end of the day nothing is perfect but would just like to adjust slightly to make more accurate for me.
Thanks guys


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,564 Member
    Many people have adjusted their height and/or age to get a better estimate. I took two inches off my height and the number looks better for me.
  • myfitkaren2016
    myfitkaren2016 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey! Someone can help me!!! Why I I can't see my step from Fitbit on MFP I sync already
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I reduced my stride length and height by 2.5 inches which hasn't made a noticeable difference, you can also increase your age until you get the accurate numbers..
  • rizzla765
    rizzla765 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks guys

  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    edited August 2016
    rizzla765 wrote: »
    Thanks guys

    height is easiest to effect bigger changes in BMR, which is used as bases for daily calorie burn.

    Just confirm you get your average daily pace stride-length figured out and entered in manually, since the auto-length based on height will now be incorrect.

    Which Fitbit though?

    Because HR based uses BMI for some calorie calculations for HR, and with height changed that will be screwed up now.