Living the Lifestyle - Monday, 8/15/16

minimyzeme Posts: 2,708 Member
edited August 2016 in Social Groups
Everyone says it, but just how do you do it? How do you take the guidelines of the WW program and turn them into a lifestyle you can live every day...from now on? That is what we are here to explore. Each weekday, a new topic is offered up for discussion. Newbie? Join in! Veteran? Join in! Your thoughts may be just what someone else needs to hear.

Monday -- GadgetGirlIL (Regina)
Tuesday -- goldenfrisbee (Chris)
Wednesday -- Rachel0778 (Rachel)
Thursday -- misterhub (Greg)
Friday -- Jbrack381us (Joe)

Topic: It's hotter 'n hades across a large part of the country. Do you eat ice cream as a hot weather treat? If so, have you changed brands or flavors as you lose weight? If not, do you have a favorite similar food / treat this time of year?


  • crewahl
    crewahl Posts: 4,327 Member
    I used to keep Breyers in the house back when a) quantity wasn't a concern, and b) their ingredients list for peach ice cream was "cream, milk, sugar, peaches". Nowadays, the only ice cream in the house is Healthy Choice fudge bars.

    But ice cream was never limited to a hot weather treat. The local ice cream stands might have been closed, but the grocery store (and Friendly's) was always open.

    Toasted Almond Fudge, anyone?
  • Al_Howard
    Al_Howard Posts: 8,521 Member
    Moosehead Lake Fudge! <g> Usually don't buy, as is sings it's siren voice to me.
  • minimyzeme
    minimyzeme Posts: 2,708 Member
    All the past two summers I indulged in Haagen Dazs Vanilla Swiss Almond, but only 1/4 - 1/3 cup at a time. Though in my past I was sure a 'serving' was a pint, I was surprised to find a much smaller amount would satisfy me.

    I am now (mostly) adhering to the WW Smart Points plan and the point cost of my previous choices have gone up considerably. I have switched almost entirely to Wegmans Plain Whole Milk Greek Yogurt. I use 1/2 - 3/4 cup at a time and usually add a teaspoon of Crofters Raspberry Spread or pure maple syrup. That and a lot of fresh fruit!

    Now Charlie's got me thinking about that Toasted Almond Fudge...damn!
  • Jerdtrmndone
    Jerdtrmndone Posts: 5,798 Member
    Weakness Greens Homemade Vanilla ice cream
  • leeless511
    leeless511 Posts: 243 Member
    I love ice cream. I still eat (but much less often) soft serve vanilla cones at the local ice cream stand in my little town. At home prior to SmartPoints I started eating the light double churned ice cream, Mint Chocolate Chip and Moose Tracks were favorites. Now I began eating Halo Top if I want scoops of ice cream and I just recently added Yasso Yogurt Bars, again Mint Chocolate Chip, started with Coconut...both very good.

    Since I don't indulge as much I have found I don't crave it as much either. I bought 3 pints of Halo about 2 months ago, all three are still unused. The Yasso bars (6) per box I share with my hubs and those last at least a month. And this year I only had one cone at the local ice cream place.

    How things change...
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 7,182 Member
    I love ice cream, too. But I have maintained intuitively for quite a while, and my intuition tells me that ice cream is something I must avoid - most of the time. MY DW keeps Tillamook ice cream in the freezer and has a bowl most evenings, but I resist. About once a month I have a cone at a local stand. They have a local creamery produced brand that is really good and a giant single scoop of coffee almond fudge is a buck and a half. I enjoy the race to keep it from dripping on my hand. Makes me feel like a kid again.
    MICHGOLFER2 Posts: 197 Member
    DH is the ice cream junkie in our house, and I eat what he buys when it is something I like. His latest kick is Snicker's ice cream bars, which check off all my boxes for a great treat - chocolate, caramel, nuts. They are portioned out, rather than a big tub of ice cream. which helps me keep track of how much I am eating. Fits within my points for the day - as long as I stop at one.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Halo Top rocks my world. 240 calories per pint and 24 grams of protein?! I'm in love. I don't get it very often because it's expensive but I sure enjoy it when I do.

    For a more economic treat I like skinny cow snickerdoodle ice cream sandwiches or blue bunny snack size birthday cake cones. Individually portioned so I don't overdo it.
  • goldenfrisbee
    goldenfrisbee Posts: 1,640 Member
    Ice cream not so much, but frozen blueberries are a real treat.
  • countcurt
    countcurt Posts: 593 Member
    I like ice cream. But I don't love it, so it's not a usual challenge for me. My wife loves ice cream so we do stop for a treat every now and then. Like last night. For me, a kiddie cone is enough.

    My wife does keep ice cream in the house (I think), and she is one of those sick individuals who does not feel the need to eat more than the suggested serving or more than every few days. Even though she loves the stuff. I cannot recall the last time I got the urge to eat any of the ice cream.

  • misterhub
    misterhub Posts: 6,544 Member
    As I've noted several times to the GoaDie crowd, ice cream is one of my trigger foods. I canNOT keep it in the house. If I want ice cream, I go get one or two scoops. So, it is a treat. Because it is not in the house, I only have it about once every two to three months.

    That said, yesterday, I treated myself to a cup filled with a scoop of black cherry, topped with a scoop of regular chocolate. cream.
  • Snowbird_IL2Fl
    Snowbird_IL2Fl Posts: 8 Member
    A Halo Top adv appeared my page so I clicked on it ... WOW only 240 cal for pint of chocolate or strawberry ... and my local Kroger's store supposedly has it.
  • MurpleCat
    MurpleCat Posts: 229 Member
    I like ice cream but it doesn't rule my world. I make space for it occasionally, and then its usually Edy's Slow Churned or No Sugar Added. Variety of flavors, but mint chocolate chip is my favorite. Occasionally go out for ice cream at a stand, then I get a kiddie cone.
  • myallforjcbill
    myallforjcbill Posts: 5,679 Member
    I enjoy some from time to time. We will walk downtown for some soft serve at the dairy at times. And if we buy Three Twins Mexican Chocolate I will indulge, but I can take it or leave it most days. I still like some Frozen Yogurt at times though.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,522 Member
    I've eaten ice cream nearly ever day since starting WW. Current fave is Breyers no sugar added. Also like Yasso frozen Greek yogurt bars.

    I did a big review of treats when I started and determined that frozen got me a lot more bang for the points. Still mourn the loss of the WW Giant Fudge Cup which was just 2 Pts at the time.
  • lilybbbbb
    lilybbbbb Posts: 88 Member
    I love ice cream, but only the premium kinds. I also enjoy it more if I go out for it--it's not one of my binge-eat food around the house--they are usually along the lines of nuts or chips or cheese.
    Occasionally I'll get a pint of Haagen Daz or Ben & Jerry's, and we have a couple of local homemades I love! Gelati Celesti and Bev's.
  • savignr
    savignr Posts: 711 Member
    When I lived in the Buffalo area, there was a small local producer called Perry's Ice Cream. My favorite was Death by Chocolate - chocolate ice cream with chocolate chips and chocolate truffle pieces. Add a healthy helping of chocolate syrup and it was indeed death by chocolate. Here in Texas we have Blue Bell, also a very good brand. But, all that said, I very rarely have ice cream. There is usually some version in the house for the kids, but I'm just not that into it.
  • jbrack381us
    jbrack381us Posts: 345 Member
    I am also in the ice cream loving category. Our apartment sized fridge does not really have room for ice cream and I know that eating a whole pint is probably an unhealthy choice. Generally, ice cream means a scoop of World Class Chocolate from Baskin-Robbins, usually on the 31st of the month when the scoops are only $1.31/scoop.
  • susan092907
    susan092907 Posts: 364 Member
    I like ice cream, but I don't keep it in the house. I enjoy having really good full fat full sugar ice cream or gelato a few times a year from a shop that makes its own. I can keep better control of it that way than if I kept it at home. And when I do have that treat in the shop, I often get it as a sundae with real whipped cream. To me it's worth the calories as long as it's an infrequent treat.
  • imastar2
    imastar2 Posts: 6,175 Member
    Believe it or not I have lately had some Brewsters sugar free and fat free in a small bowl with chocolate on top FF SF also. I know it's not the same but when it's for a real treat once in awhile it really taste good to me. I still eat ice cream but in a very limited way.