Low Carb Travel ideas

Hello I have some upcoming vacation plans coming up and don't want to completely go off low carb while traveling. Do you have any items that you pack while traveling with you? Snacks etc. Or meal ideas that you typically go to in restaurants when on the go? Thank you for any ideas


  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    Restaurants- bunless burgers, steak and veggies, wings (as long as they aren't breaded), Cobb/Caesar salads without croutons, BBQ without the sauce

    Travel snacks - pepperoni, nuts, pork rinds, cheese sticks, hard boiled eggs
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    I find sunflower seeds good traveling food along with the things Samantha stated.

    Taco salads without eating the bowl worked too. Cheese omelettes work for breakfast or dinner. Baked or grilled chicken with salads are good too. I order a lot of Mexican food like pollo Mexicana or stuffed poblano peppers (ask if they bread them, most won't) without the beans and rice, just give me some lettuce and tomatoes and a side of guacamole or sour cream. Greek salads work well too. I did a road trip earlier this month without gaining, and I had wine at several of my meals, too.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Pork skins, beef jerky/sticks, almonds, walnuts, Brazil nuts (in controlled amounts), moon cheese type snacks (Amazon sells "Just the Cheese" snacks in a variety of flavors that are good, imo!). Or, for an ice chest; boiled eggs, sandwich meats, cheese... Traveling, and remaining LCHF isn't as hard as you think! Even pizza toppings can be very satisfying, bunless burgers/subs....

    Most of all, have a great time making memories!
  • IowaHomeGirl
    IowaHomeGirl Posts: 40 Member
    It depends upon how I'm traveling and my destination. If I fly, I take snack packs of nuts and make sure I have a bottle of water. On the distant end, I stay at my timeshare where I have access to a full kitchen and a grill.

    For car travel, I'd put lunch meat, cheese and HB eggs in a cooler. When eating out, I'd focus on salads and protein, or grilled meat/fish with a couple of sides of steamed veggies.
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    Macadamia nuts pack a great punch in a small package, mixed with other stuff (not M&Ms) or solo.

    Costco Dry Roasted Macadamias
    1.5 lbs = $17
    ~ 5500 calories
    ~ 20 cal / nut
    1/4 cup serving = 230 cal, 200 fat
    24g fat, 2g net carbs, 2g protein