August Coffee/Tea and Gratitude

retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
Feeling really, really good on this induction week eating plan. I think I can stick with this. Not hungry, just skipping snacks most days.


  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    Guess not one is grateful for anything this month so far. >:)

    Well, I thought I knew a lot about google searches, etc. But I learned about

    today. As I am kinda picky about where I get my nutrition and exercise research reports from I think this will help a lot and you can filter out older studies as well.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Hi, hon ...... good luck on your "new" way of eating ! I'm trying to curb my carb intake, but it is NOT easy. I figure ANY success is a good thing. Also, I am grateful for everything going on in my life right now, thank God. I feel truly blessed each & every day !
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    Grateful I kept track of what I ate on my trip. I knew I had done fairly well but was surprised at just how well I did stay on program. Only really bad thing was some wine on two days, but just a glass no more. I won't be weighing in for a couple of days, will give my body time to settle down from traveling. My wedding ring usually tries to slip off each evening but not tonight so I know I have some water weight to ditch.

    Hope everyone is doing great.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    First and foremost, my sister's dr. says he got all the colon cancer removed. AND the spots on the liver do not appear to be cancereous, so no chemo will be needed. She should be able to go home tomorrow. I am so relieved.

    Secondly, my weight is exactly the same as when I started my road trip, so no gain. Super happy about that. I was surprised at how easy it was to order low carb meals down there, it wasn't hard at all and I got a few recipe ideas too.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    I just came back from 2 weeks in northern Florida ...... the weather there was very rainy, so I didn't walk as much as planned. But I took that into consideration when eating out ...... eased up on carbs. And when I got home & stepped on the scale ..... no weight gain !
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    Grateful my sister does not have to go through chemo. Dr. says all the cancer is removed, he will just be monitoring her carefully. She lives in the mountains and getting down to chemo each week would have been a chore for everyone, they don't allow patients to drive themselves. So this is good news for her and her supporters. We would have figured a schedule out, but it is great to not have to do that.
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    I upped fat and started a colitis flare, but got it under control. Yay! The pills i would have to take more than doubled in price since January, so logging and seeing what was different and needed adjusting really helped!
    My BIL seems approved for kidney transplant list, for which we are glad. The hope of that is keeping him more positive about being on dialysis.
    It's so encouraging to hear you all also are getting encouraging doctor reports on your lived ones.