New here, looking for some accountability and support

JKJ1984 Posts: 4 Member
Hi, I'm new here, just joined today.
About me: I'm a single working mother of two. I started with MFP sometime last year, then fell off the wagon. After the birth of my youngest in May 2012 I dropped to my personal ideal weight of 135-ish (yay breastfeeding!). I was a SAHM for a year and a half and after reentering the workforce 3 years ago with a desk job I packed on 25 pounds! I was back up almost to my pre-birth weight within a year or so.
About my goals: I am currently sitting around 160 pounds (BMI 25.8, so just barely in the overweight range). I'm not necessarily lazy but I enjoy what little bit of me-time I get. I'm a single working mom so my evenings are filled with chores, dinner, kid-time, tending my gardens and chickens, etc. When I get a half hour to myself I want nothing more than to curl up with a book and cup of coffee or tea, further exertion is NOT at the top of my list! I need to push myself past that, but it's hard when I feel like I'm always on the go. I work a desk job, so I'm very sedentary (I get thrilled when my fitbit shows more than 3,500 steps!) My current plan is cutting calories and increasing activity with a goal of losing a pound a week. I'm not one for sticking to a schedule, life and kids are too unpredictable for that. I don't have convenient access to a gym, or money for a membership, but I do have an elliptical collecting dust in my bedroom so I'll be hitting that every evening before bed. Ultimately I would like to get back down to 140 because I felt really good between 135 and 140, and I have some really cute jeans I would LOVE to wear again. ;) At 32 years old I'm going to start having a slower metabolism and weight will be harder to lose and harder to keep off so I want to act now.


  • JKJ1984
    JKJ1984 Posts: 4 Member
    A big problem I have is fighting the hunger! Raw fruits and veggies leave me feeling even hungrier, and I am a carboholic (anything pasta is my frenemy). Resisting empty snacking is so not easy.
  • Anicamarais
    Anicamarais Posts: 46 Member
    I tried the high protein and fat diet a few weeks ago.. I can eat as much of any meat and fat as I want and still lose weight. . Luckily my blood type supports this diet. I should stay away from dairy and wheat products but I can eat any animal protein and fat. Also lots of green dark veggies.. This diet also puts your body in ketosis for those familiar with it... It might not work for everyone but it sure works for me.. Eat fat to lose fat...
  • JKJ1984
    JKJ1984 Posts: 4 Member
    I love meat so I'm boosting my protein and fats and I feel fuller for longer, but man oh man is that pasta tempting! I've been doing good so far, MFP has my goals set at 50% carb, 30% fat and 20% protein and I'm closer to 40/30/30. I've found that the trick is to plan ahead, I take breakfast and lunch to work so if I know what I'm taking in advance I can plan out the day's intake better.
  • thaliamustafa
    thaliamustafa Posts: 61 Member
    I am also trying the low carb high fat diet and it has been easier than i thought! Pinterest is definitely my friend when it comes to whipping up some LCHF meals. Simple things like lettuce wraps over buns, zucchini noodles over pasta, cauliflower mash over potatoes make a difference! I hope your strong desire for the cute jeans motivates you everyday to put in at least 30 minutes on that dust collector!