retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
The mornings here are feeling like autumn already, still gets warm mid day but mornings are perfect for long walks already.

How is everyone doing?


  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    Things are good here in NC. It is finally starting to cool down some. We've had this long stretch of 90 degrees+ temperatures, with a lot of humidity. Thank goodness for AC. I know it's not as bad as it is in some places--but that's why we don't live in one of those other places. It just gets tiresome.

    My meds switch caused me to: *wait for it*

    gain weight. :s

    >:) Let's just say I'm very frustrated but I am going to start all over again for sure, just re-invent everything I do.

    Enuf of that... Bah.

    Have a great day; can you believe it's already September?


  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Hey Cris, glad to see you back again. Just keep coming back. Sorry the meds aren't helping out at all with the weight loss.

    Maybe you should just concentrate on staying the same for a while? Reduce the stress on yourself for a while.

    Love your photos :) Miss them when you aren't posting.
  • Limon421
    Limon421 Posts: 23 Member
    Going to be a while before it's cooler here. So goal is to be out on levee no later than 6:45 am.
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    Good morning everyone! Long time no chat! I have been on a very interesting journey. On May 13th I started the Paleo AIP diet and what a roller coaster that has been. It is based on a book called The Paleo Approach and the diet consists of Meat, Vegetables, and Fruit. That is it!!! Eventually you can begin to reintroduce certain foods (I plan to reintroduce chia seed pudding today) but you can never again have gluten and pretty much any grains. I started the diet when I found out I had Rheumatoid arthritis, and after 30 years of home health nursing, I considered that pretty much a long slow trip into a horribly disabling condition. Four months after starting this diet I am pain free and just added a chiropractor (to complete that process) to my protocol and this week added back yoga! They encourage you to NOT focus on weight loss while you are in the healing stages of this diet, and I have only lost 14 pounds in that amount of time. But I feel better than I have in a very long time!! My dog is on it and all of his skin problems and allergies are gone as well! I am in a wonderful support group and have learned to cook with the "nonflours" (cassava, yucca, arrowroot and tapioca starch) so there are more things you can eat than you would think. If any of you have an autoimmune disease or have reason to be interested, I recommend that book and also a wonderful support group called AIP Support on facebook.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Janet, so glad you have found something that has helped you heal. Try picking up 14 lbs of something, it is not that small of an amount. Yea You for losing and healing at the same time.

    Good to see you posting again.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    limon421, I always find it harder to get walks in on the hotter days. We had a lot of those this summer, but it does feel as if the HOT summer heat is gone. We will get plenty more 80+ days, but shouldn't see any over 90 now. Thank goodness.
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    Janet, so glad you have found something that has helped you heal. Try picking up 14 lbs of something, it is not that small of an amount. Yea You for losing and healing at the same time.

    She said it best!!!

    Re: staying the same--that's what I had done. But the weight is creeping back.. so I can't just ignore it and pretend it will go away... (my favorite ploy and guess how that has worked out for me. :p Bah!!)

    We had some recent visitors out in front:


  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Ahh, so cute :)
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    Well, that's depressing!

    Of course it doesn't help that they base these kinds of articles on a 30 year old woman, rather than a rather out of shape, overweight 66 year old woman who has never been able to run more than five feet without twisting an ankle and falling on her tukus. LOL :p

    That's why I don't bother to read this kind of stuff anymore.
    It's akin to reading makeup tips designed to make a 30 year old "look 20 again" , or an bevy of tips about "how to fit into your bikini before summer!!!"

    I tried to make this sound funny but I don't think it came out that way. *oops*

    Maybe eating low-carb is making me cranky?

    I went outside the other night; it was dampish and muggy. I swear, it smelled like
    yeasty, fresh bread dough waiting to go into the oven.

    *sob* I'm hallicinating. LOL


  • evesmom2
    evesmom2 Posts: 231 Member
    I closed on my "new to me" house on 6/23. I've been improving it and working on it and moving stuff a little bit at a time. Finally settled on 10/15 for a final move date. I can't wait. 95% of my kitchen stuff is at the new house, so i can't cook...ugh. I'm still losing so that is a good thing...63 pounds lost since 4/4 and today I tried on a pair of size 16 jeans I got at goodwill a month ago...they zipped up. Not very comfortable, but I haven't been in a 16 in years.
    I do not understand today's sizing...very confusing. I've got 2 pair of 22' fits fine, one is huge. 3 pairs of 18's I got at Goodwill....1 fits, the other 2 I can't zip. Whatever somebody did to sizes over that last 40 yrs is annoying.

    As I read some of the success threads on MFP, how come people who are the same height as I am (5'2") get to eat so many calories and MFP only lets me eat 1200? Is that an age thing?
    And how come people who are also my height, have a goal weight north of 140 when the charts say 100-115?
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    evesmom2 wrote: »
    I closed on my "new to me" house on 6/23. I've been improving it and working on it and moving stuff a little bit at a time. Finally settled on 10/15 for a final move date. I can't wait. 95% of my kitchen stuff is at the new house, so i can't cook...ugh. I'm still losing so that is a good thing...63 pounds lost since 4/4 and today I tried on a pair of size 16 jeans I got at goodwill a month ago...they zipped up. Not very comfortable, but I haven't been in a 16 in years.
    I do not understand today's sizing...very confusing. I've got 2 pair of 22' fits fine, one is huge. 3 pairs of 18's I got at Goodwill....1 fits, the other 2 I can't zip. Whatever somebody did to sizes over that last 40 yrs is annoying.

    As I read some of the success threads on MFP, how come people who are the same height as I am (5'2") get to eat so many calories and MFP only lets me eat 1200? Is that an age thing?
    And how come people who are also my height, have a goal weight north of 140 when the charts say 100-115?

    Congrat on the new home, that is always exciting and a big job all rolled into one.

    I have a pair of 14s that will fall downwards through out the day, a pair of 12s that are perfect, another pair that falls just like the 14s only slower, and a pair of 10s I can zip up but can't go out of the bedroom in. I agree, the sizes have changed a lot over the years, marketing is to blame. If you had two pairs of pants, both fit the same, would you buy the one with the larger size or the smaller size label??? Heck I'm short, I just want them to not be long enough to trip over personally.

    MFP can give you different answers, depends on how you view your activity level and your age, height, etc. Most women underestimate their activity level, basically the 1200 cals. is if you do nothing. Do you just sit all day or do you play with kids, go shopping, walk to a mailbox down a drive way, sweep a kitchen floor, move furniture or big boxes around etc.? If so you are more active than you are probably giving yourself credit for. That is why is you go the 1200 route, it is a good idea to track your exercise and eat to support that. TDEE is your total daily energy expenditure, you see that talked about a lot on MFP. Many of us have found heybale's spreadsheet helpful:
    Just TDEE Please spreadsheet - better than rough 5 level TDEE charts.
    Many find their TDEE and then cut the calories from there, example TDEE=2100 cals per day, so cut 500 cal. to get a pound a week loss average. (7*500=3500 cals. in a lb.) So you would eat 1600 cals. not 1200. Or if you need more accuracy, get an activity tracker that tells you your daily TDEE, and cut from that number, it will vary based on what you are doing on that day.

    Depends on which chart you are using. I am only 5'3" and my goal according to the chart in my drs. off says I should be between 141-105. Having been at both of those numbers as an adult, and I prefer the higher end. I am fitter, eat better, and feel better than the low end of the scale. Also there is a lot of research out there that says 60+ people should weigh a bit more, in case of a sudden turn of bad health. Full disclosure, before I was 30, I had to stuggle to stay between 110-115 lbs. my desired weight, after 30 that changed and I am always happiest at 130-140 lbs. anywhere in there, I am good to go. I am currently above that 140 target.
  • evesmom2
    evesmom2 Posts: 231 Member
    wow...thanks for that info. I have a Dr appt late October. I'm assuming he will be happy with my loss but I am going to ask him how much he thinks I should weigh.... I'm 5'2.5" I am just hoping to get off some of my meds. I'm on 2 for BP and also Metformin 2x a day for Type 2. My sugar numbers in the morning are hovering just above 100...about 103-107. So I don't know if that is good or bad....they are much better than they were but is that enough? (just a rhetorical question)
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    Congratulations on your new home!! Nesting in a new place is fun!!!

  • evesmom2
    evesmom2 Posts: 231 Member
    Thanks. I can't wait to move in!
  • evesmom2
    evesmom2 Posts: 231 Member
    Thanks. I can't wait to move in!