Hey everyone!



  • smbrooks404
    smbrooks404 Posts: 24 Member
    I joined OT on January 29th with the 8x plan. It's really strange because I love it and I hate it!! I find myself wanting to go back for more torture but after the workout it really feels super! I need to lose weight but I know my body and from doing bootcamps and such, I usually always gain lbs (muscle) at first. I haven't lost weight and I also don't see a change in how clothes fit, but I am sure that will come soon. I am doing pretty good with my diet, I feel good and I can tell that my body is digesting food much better, which I think is a good sign for an improving metabolism. I am going to stick with it and may even increase my membership.
  • LynGrahamKemp
    LynGrahamKemp Posts: 32 Member
    Hello all, I had a free class this past Wednesday and loved it... I have signed up for the once a week class for now. I will be incorporating this class into my workout weekly workout schedule for that added kicker.
  • Crozbilee
    Crozbilee Posts: 1 Member
    I've just joined the last week as well! New gym right across from my house, so excited. I now need to get on track with food. Is anyone more hungry than usual since doing these workouts?!
  • mothiez
    mothiez Posts: 11 Member
    I've just joined the last week as well! New gym right across from my house, so excited. I now need to get on track with food. Is anyone more hungry than usual since doing these workouts?!

    yes.but in a good way :) im not running to eat a greasy hamburger but going to nom on lean meats and veggies :)
  • amandacowan1978
    amandacowan1978 Posts: 50 Member
    I find my appetite fluctuates a lot!! Some days I'm starved from morning until night and other days I'm just not. I feel a difference in what my body can do. But I'm not seeing a difference on the scale. Maybe some in the ways my clothes fit. Like I'm filling out the jeans better, etc. I about 8lbs from my goal so I'm assuming I'm not seeking a difference in the scale because I'm sort of swapping out fat for muscle. I'm near Phx, az.. Doing 8 classes per month but probably going to upgrade. Aside from otf, I also do two other sessions of hiit/strength training but those classes I really super focus on balance and form because I have a hip condition I have to remain conscious of.
  • mothiez
    mothiez Posts: 11 Member
    I find my appetite fluctuates a lot!! Some days I'm starved from morning until night and other days I'm just not. I feel a difference in what my body can do. But I'm not seeing a difference on the scale. Maybe some in the ways my clothes fit. Like I'm filling out the jeans better, etc. I about 8lbs from my goal so I'm assuming I'm not seeking a difference in the scale because I'm sort of swapping out fat for muscle. I'm near Phx, az.. Doing 8 classes per month but probably going to upgrade. Aside from otf, I also do two other sessions of hiit/strength training but those classes I really super focus on balance and form because I have a hip condition I have to remain conscious of.

    scales are jerks. unless youre luggage flying on delta , dont pay attention to the number. notice how your clothes are getting baggy, or more comfortable, maybe your bra fits better.

    ive noticed that some of my clothes DONT fit now, because my body dimensions are changing for the good :) (butt is lifting and smaller opposed to wide and flatter, so clothes fit kinda weird now)

    most importantly you are promoting your health on the inside :)! keep it up!
  • AngelinaB_
    AngelinaB_ Posts: 563 Member
    edited September 2016
    I feel the same way, I only have lost a pound in a month but my body has changed for the better so I am extremely happy, as well how much I can achieve now in terms of endurance and strength. I am no stranger to lifting but due to an injury this is a great way to incorporate as much as I want and push myself. Machines at the gym are cool but I like this better, plus the instructor around so I can check form if I am in doubt. As far as appetite goes, what works for me is a protein shake immediately after workout otherwise I get ravenous.
  • amandacowan1978
    amandacowan1978 Posts: 50 Member
    So I started carb cycling. Not eating less carbs over all, but eating fewer over a 2-3 day period and then more over the next couple days. So following macros that I switch up. 25% carbs, 40% protein 35% fat and then 40% carbs, 40% protein and 20% fat (mfp is awesome for ease of switching your goal on a daily basis).

    I'm eating mostly fruits, veggies and nuts for carbs, making sure to get lots of fiber still. At 25% that's still like 110-120 carbs which I know not everyone classified as low carb but whatever.

    This is what I've changed and since I wrote that I've lost about 6lbs. I'm feeling like I'm still getting all I need exercise wise. I do heavier carbs in the morning near my workouts, leaner in the evening before bed. Roughly 1800-2000 calories. Interesting that switching that up is what is making a difference. Also definitely feeling stronger, still making gains at the gym in my weights lifted.

    Pretty soon here I will take a break from the cycling, even things out and then see what happens.
  • NareenaTheGypsy
    NareenaTheGypsy Posts: 475 Member
    New to OTF, returning here to MFP... I am back at the weight loss again after a 2 year health issue-hiatus but the point is I AM HERE! :wink: I just finished my 7th and 8th class. A friend and I did a class, rested between and then went for the first half of the next class. What a rush!
    I am a data freak, as I saw someone else post and OTF helps me to see what I'm working on both for the workouts themselves and the cal burn afterwards.
    I will see you all around. Wear your orange! LOL
  • lazydaisy33
    lazydaisy33 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi! I joined orange theory yesterday. It’s been over two years since I’ve worked out... its time I took control and got my life back on track. This just seemed like the most logical first step.
  • yumidonaghy
    yumidonaghy Posts: 1 Member
    Hey ya'll! I am Yumi. I am in LOVE with OTF I have been going on and off for several years now but this past 6 months has been a real game changer for me. One of the coaches (Coleen) texts me to light a fire under my *kitten* and gets me going. She signs me up for classes when she doesn't see my name for a while. It's kinda funny because I always accuse her of harassing me...but in the way I need to be. I feel so much stronger and healthier. At first I wanted to lose weight but now I have come to the conclusion that it's not about the number on the scale but the strength and inches I have lost. Plus with My Fitness Pal and FitBit...it all comes together!