
pgalesal Posts: 2 Member
I just started keto today and I am going to use four wk planned menu. Is there a way to report my cal for the day w/o typing in each item. I'm following the diet exactly so the fats/carbs/protein/and calories are already figured out for me.


  • NoWeigh8
    NoWeigh8 Posts: 3 Member
    Let us know how goes for you. I got some emails from, but never followed up with it, but it seemed like a decent program. I don't know the meals, but don't they have the calories listed on each meal, so all you need to do is add them up for the day? Have you tried myfitnesspal's food tracker? I use it every day and it automates using my smart phone all of my food diary, including how much I got total in calories and protein/fat/carbs. Really useful and even good for traveling, as it has access to tons of nutritional data online, as thousands (or millions) of people post that info and it is then accessed by myfitnesspal. Alternatively, use a spreadsheet or a piece of paper to track your intake.