Newbie Alert!!! I am 26 and fat lol

Hey I am new to this group and this community. I am looking for some supportive buddies who can motivate me, while I also motivate them! I am tired of being fat and I would like to be a normal weight. I don't want to waste all of my 20's being fat and uncomfortable. Feel free to add me as a friend!


  • kaiaasha
    kaiaasha Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I'm a newbie too! I have the same feelings, tired of feeling like I'm wasting my youth being insecure and uncomfortable with myself.
  • NFLFreak90
    NFLFreak90 Posts: 18 Member
    It feels so good to have someone to relate to, someone that gets it. I think that most people think because your "younger" that means that the weight comes off easier, but it doesn't. I think that having this group and this support system, we will be melting this weight off in no time! If you ever want to talk or need some encouragement, just shoot me a message!
  • Mirelle242
    Mirelle242 Posts: 63 Member
    I love your topic cuz I'm 24 and fat. I'm willing to be support!! Just add me!!
  • samanthafinnie
    samanthafinnie Posts: 29 Member
    Hello everyone! I am also on the same position as well. I went through my closest yesterday and only 50% of my clothes fit. That was my wake up call . Feel free to add me!
  • robingoblin
    robingoblin Posts: 46 Member
    Feel free to add me too! 26, larger than I'd like, and I want to be healthy FOR GOOD!

    I've been going back and forth between extreme restrictive dieting and "just living life" (indulging way too much!). I finally started seeing a dietician to find a happy middle ground and I already lost 6 lbs from my highest stable weight this summer! (3 from my lowest). Woohoo! Trying to lose weight in a sustainable way. My dietician has also really been helping me with the emotional aspect of weight, which is really helpful. (Let's be real, I've had really toxic thought patterns about all this.)

    I want to be able to choose outfits on how awesome they are, not just if they hide my arms and stomach! I want to feel confident!

  • queencelina
    queencelina Posts: 68 Member
    Welcome ! I've been here for years but I haven't been as consistent and I need the motivation ! Feel free to add me !
  • MissxAsh
    MissxAsh Posts: 83 Member
    I'm 23 and just started (again) and would love some new fitness buddies as well
  • anniebanannieee
    anniebanannieee Posts: 2 Member
    I'm new too!
  • katelaurel390
    katelaurel390 Posts: 88 Member
    I'm new to this group too! Looking for more motivational friends :)

    After college (when I was in shape and felt good about myself), I went straight to law school, where I struggled to find a good routine and then in the last almost 2 years since graduation, I've gained even more weight due to family/job/moving situations. I saw a number on the scale I had never seen before and hope to never see again...I'm more determined than ever to lose 50 pounds this year and get back to feeling comfortable and confident!
  • samuelgina91
    samuelgina91 Posts: 158 Member
    Feel free to add me too, it is a common story weight gain secondary to school, health issues (nothing serious just steroid use), family and moving around. I want to lose 45 lbs so feel free to add me and we can support one another in our journey.
  • caitlinkimber
    caitlinkimber Posts: 1 Member
    im newly 26 and been fat for years, only really fat these last 2 years
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    edited March 2017
    Hi!!! My start weight was 225ish after I injured my ankle. I've lost a bit over 35lbs so far about 3-4 months of dieting (Oct-March but with a 1-2 month break) and I'm out of the 190s as of today woohoo! :D 13.8lbs from the halfway point of my goal weight (which is 127). Halfway point is 176. I'm 5'4" and 26 going on 27 years old. :) Add me if you want! Also, be aware I don't eat clean. I eat what I like although I do sometimes try to get decent protein compared to what I ate before (I'm a vegetarian so it's difficult).
  • CBJourtney
    CBJourtney Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, all!

    I'm 24 and have been "big" all my life. I need motivational people that are actually going to stick to it. I have a lot of weight left to lose! 5'3 and still have about 99 lbs to go. lol. I'm also a single mom, so theres that.