Do you preplan daily calories, weigh in more than once a week?

tuffgirl19 Posts: 771 Member
Yesterday it was 6pm and I still had around 800 calories left for the day. A MFP suggested preplanning for the next day. Do any of you do this for calorie intake/macronutrients? Also, I see people posting loses often and wonder if you weigh in several times a week, post and if it's motivational for you.


  • nbintliff
    nbintliff Posts: 22 Member
    I weigh myself every day! Even if I'm down .2 lbs, I update! I don't preplan my calls but I eat very similarly every day so I do kind of know where I'll be at. I like eating more calories earlier in the day so I'm more satisfied and ding have to worry about eating too much later in the evening.
  • tuffgirl19
    tuffgirl19 Posts: 771 Member
    Thanks for your response nbintliff. I really appreciate it! Our weigh in day is on Friday, so would I just post the total amount I lost since previous Friday even though updating .2lbs etc when I lose? I find I'm eating more for breakfast and lunch and light dinner, usually salad with some chicken.
  • cxrdxnxs
    cxrdxnxs Posts: 10 Member
    It's tough because there's this cycle for me down up and down so it can be really a bad thing for motivation. I'm trying to embrace it and maybe use the graph as motivation. Seeing it sometimes go up right before it comes down isn't so bad then.
  • StrongGirlFitGirl
    StrongGirlFitGirl Posts: 183 Member
    I weigh myself almost every day. I only skip if I know for sure it's going to be up and I know that seeing a bigger number will only make me feel bad.

    I'm getting to the point where that number is simply data. Feedback on where I am at that moment. Seeing the graph be all zig zaggy but ultimately trending downward makes me feel ok with the little ups that happen.