retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
edited October 2016 in Social Groups

Fall is here and it is time for a new chat thread.


  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    Hey ho; we went up to Illinois to see my mom. She'll be 96 on Oct 31.. at the rate she's going she may outlive me. ha

    Our leaves are still mostly green...


  • classykaren
    classykaren Posts: 106 Member
    Thank you for the pictures living in Florida I sure miss the fall.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Just send us pictures of sunny, warm Fl days mid winter, we will be even then. :)
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Chats are kind of quiet. Is everyone bracing themselves for the holidays, LOL.

    I am pretty happy these days eating low carb/high fat/mod protein. My weight is slowly coming off and I hardly ever feel hungry. The research is plentiful to show this is healthy and safe way to eat. I am following the new Atkins, plenty of healthy fats and veggies. Just low GI/GL ones.

    How are the rest of you coming along?
  • lizandrashaw
    lizandrashaw Posts: 154 Member
    Starting from before I joined MFP, I've broken the 10 pound mark. I'm getting into pants that were way too tight in June and July. Really happy with my progress right now.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Starting from before I joined MFP, I've broken the 10 pound mark. I'm getting into pants that were way too tight in June and July. Really happy with my progress right now.

    NSV are the best!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Going to take a friend with us to Barr Lake, the migrating birds should be around and the cotton woods should be turning as well . He had cataracts removed on one eye earlier and tomorrow he goes in for the other eye. So wanted to take him on our long walk to a place that should provide a lot of eye candy today for him.
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    Chats are kind of quiet. Is everyone bracing themselves for the holidays, LOL.

    I am pretty happy these days eating low carb/high fat/mod protein. My weight is slowly coming off and I hardly ever feel hungry. The research is plentiful to show this is healthy and safe way to eat. I am following the new Atkins, plenty of healthy fats and veggies. Just low GI/GL ones.

    How are the rest of you coming along?

    That's great that you found something you can work with.
    I looked at the Atkins plan.. but...I just don't think I could deal with eating less than 20 g of carbs a DAY for 2 weeks. For example: half of a small banana has 12+ g of carbs.

    I try to keep my carbs under 100g a day and that can be a struggle. I get hungry.
    I'm trying to eat Good Carbs and keep my blood sugar under control which is a wacky, insanely bumpy road which seems to defy logic and my food choices.

    So. I'm not losing weight; when I really cut my carbs I don't have the energy to exercise; I just want to lie down and take a nap.

    Oh well.

  • Quilty60
    Quilty60 Posts: 30 Member
    Hello. I just joined. I hope this is a fairly active group.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Activity picks up more and more towards the big holiday season. But we are one of the more active groups most of the time.
  • Quilty60
    Quilty60 Posts: 30 Member
  • Quilty60
    Quilty60 Posts: 30 Member
    What does everyone here do for fun?

    I love to embroider, quilt and sew. Made my first quilt top 10 months ago. Recently finished a baby quilt for my niece's baby. I would add a picture but don't know how.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    I love being out of doors, winters in CO can make that challenging some days, but most days, it is ok for walking. I have started using a digital camera lately, still learning how to take good shots and using the adjustments on the camera.

    I love to take online classes, there are some seriously interesting classes available for free on the internet. I also love my Kindle, reading mostly the free books or the one's that are on loan via the library. In the past I did embroidery and crocheting, but I no longer do those. I need to move more than needlework type hobbies allow :).

    I also love to cook. I am currently playing around with ethnic and low carb recipes. This is why I must get out and move more.

    In area where you type your message, you can add a photo using the icon that is a page with the right hand corner turned down. You can drag a file over or do a regular search for it.
  • Quilty60
    Quilty60 Posts: 30 Member
    I am from Minnesota so I want to hibernate on cold days. Lol. My digital camera is no where to be found lately. I wish I could take decent pictures. I bought a student copy of Adobe's Creative Suite CS4 years ago so I have Illustrator and Photoshop included. I have modified some photos. I would love to do some video editing but it's too expensive.

    I have a sewing/embroidery combo machine so I don't do much by hand any more.

    I tried doing digital books through the library here but they said they weren't set up for it yet.

    I used to run 5 to 10 miles a day and was very active. Loved to garden and canned anything put in front of me. I now have Systemic Lupus so I had to give up almost everything I love except sewing.

    Because of this I gained 40 pounds. I am determined to get rid of the weight so I have more energy. Being a couch potato is not my style.

    Will have to check on the picture thing. I am on my phone so I may have to go on a desktop computer for that.

    Have fun with your new camera!

  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member

    This is a test only. Use the camera icon to insert photos from you phone.
  • Quilty60
    Quilty60 Posts: 30 Member
    I don't get a camera icon on my phone. I see icons for: bold, italics, quotes and smiley faces. Bummer.
  • Quilty60
    Quilty60 Posts: 30 Member
    It has been a rough couple of days. My husband fell from a ladder and had to call ambulance. He has a crushed vertebrae. Eating at the hospital cafeteria isn't easy. No clue how things were made so had to guess at calorie content.

    Our 16 year old dog went to doggie heaven this morning. Grandchildren were here this morning to say goodbye. I am a wreck.

    I was up every two hours with husband and dogs so I have no energy to cook. Have to think of something very easy other than ordering pizza. Any ideas? I have pork steaks thawed out. I can throw in oven with potatoes.

    Thanks for letting me vent. Tomorrow will be a better day. ;)
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Quilty60 so sorry about your husband's injury and the loss of your furbaby.

    You can always vent here. Sometimes you just have to go into survival mode. Once things settle back down at our house, you can work your plan. For now, take care of DH and yourself, whatever it takes.
  • lizandrashaw
    lizandrashaw Posts: 154 Member
    So sorry to hear about your dog! That is so heartbreaking.
  • Quilty60
    Quilty60 Posts: 30 Member
    Thank you so much. It was a tearful day yesterday. My heart broke for the grandkids. They took it very hard.
    I am exhausted from taking care of husband and everything by myself.
    Because of my energy limits, my husband did 99% of the cooking. I sure am in survival mode. So tired, I don't dare drive. I am doing only what my energy allows. Housework and laundry will have to wait their turn.
    Thank you for allowing me to vent. I'm usually upbeat and don't whine....lol