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  • AnnaM63
    AnnaM63 Posts: 25
    HSM1982 How is the diet working for you? I am still having issues and am wondering if the FODMAP diet is working. Oh and by the way, I have heard about the FODMAP diet before but am not sure what kind of diet it is . What does the FODMAP diet consist of? I have to call my doctor yet again since the Linzess is still causing bloating and pain every morning sometimes all day. :frown:
    Something that did help was the cruise I took recently. I did have cramps in the morning but for the rest of the day it was better. Sure wish that I could have stayed on the boat. :smile:
  • alinanra
    alinanra Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I am Ayumi from Brazil and I am trying to get fat.

    I am 166cm and 40kg, because almost everything that I eat I have diarrhea.
    I have lactose intolerance and I cant absorb much fat.

    Is there anyone trying to get fat also?
    I would like to know some people trying to gain weight also so that I get more motivation.
  • Hi, my name is Sherry and I have had IBS as far back I can remember, though I have never been officially diagnosed.

    My husband and I just celebrated our 23rd anniversary and have 4 kids. While it took a while for hubby to adjust to the fact that when I say "I have to go" I mean it, our kids grew up knowing mom needs to be close to the washrooms.

    When the kids were small, they were a great excuse to make sure where the toilets were, now, well it is almost embarrassing.

    But I learned to deal with it and can control most triggers through diet, watching my stress and what I eat when there is a heat wave helps. I have also started exercising which let me go through a small heat wave with no problems, and I was able to eat and drink. Normally if it gets to hot, I can't even sip on water and have to hydrate through veggies.

    Now I just want to loose weight and hope by doing so I can help prevent any future attacks.
  • jenfitnessmama
    jenfitnessmama Posts: 138 Member
    Hi everyone!

    My name is Jen and I was diagnosed with IBS 3 years ago, though I've been suffering from it for much longer. It started when I was 14-15 and I am now 26. I spent 10 years suffering because I was too embarrassed to tell anyone or talked to my doctor. My mom was actually the one who introduced me to the idea that I might have IBS after watching a medical news story and told me repeatedly that I should talk to my doctor, but I was too embarrassed to tell anyoned chronic diarrhea and could barely eat anything.

    Finally I decided to talk to my doctor because it was too much to handle and he sent me to a gastroenterologist who then sent me to a nutritionist. I tried eating her way for two months, but with all the special products she was asking me to buy, it was becoming too expensive (not to mention boring) to eat the same thing every day.

    Needless to say after going off her diet I began to experience symptoms again and it hasn't been until the last two weeks (since reading the book "Eating For IBS") that I've begun to take my diet seriously again. But learning exactly what to eat and what to stay away from and how to eat it has been a little confusing.

    I've never known anyone else with IBS before and it's good to know I'm not alone :)
  • Hi! My name is Tara. I live in the metro-Phoenix area. I'm a returning student attending ASU. I was a financial analyst for many years, and have gone back to school to follow my passion for sustainability. I'm on the board of a student sustainability consulting group, I'm a part-time professional photographer, and in my spare time (lol), I'm launching a startup website.

    I've been living with IBS for 2 years. While in the hospital for a burn, I was infected with C-Diff, which made me sicker than I've ever been in my life. After winning the battle with that infection over several months, I was left with IBS. The docs didn't know what it was at first... I gained over 20 pounds in 2 weeks and felt horrible. I went on the HCG diet and lost 30 lbs.

    My stomach didn't give me any issues until about 6 months later, when I gained 30 lbs in one month, while vigilantly watching my diet and not exceeding 1,000/cal per day. The GI doc finally figured out it was IBS. I went on the HCG diet again, 500/cal/day for 4 months and lost absolutely nothing. I think this is probably because the HCG doc gave me a modified diet where I was allowed to have yogurt, and I've since found out dairy is my worst trigger. I also think my GI tract was in bad shape by this point.

    Since then I've identified many food triggers, which made up most of what my regular diet used to be; dairy (Greek yogurt), whole grains (insoluble fiber), broccoli, apples, artificial sweeteners. I haven't used the FODMAPS diet to determine all of my triggers. I'm not confident that I could stick to a diet that is so strict with my crazy, busy schedule.

    I struggle with eating out. Even with ordering a salad, I am frequently triggered by salad dressings. There are so many hidden ingredients at restaurants, how is it even possible? I'm miserable... daily stomach pain, bloating, constipation, diarrhea. I can't for the life of me lose any weight. Seriously, I ate 500 calories a day for 4 months and lost absolutely nothing.

    I'm hoping to learn from this group and hoping to find help to alleviate the suffering and lose the weight so I can fit into my clothes again!
  • kiwilan
    kiwilan Posts: 90 Member
    Hi I'm Alana, I'm 22 and living in Wales, UK. I was diagnosed last summer by my doctor as I was complaining of stomach pains and only emptying my bowels every 5 days - was sent packing to the docs by my partner and his mum! Last september I was diagnosed with a B12 defiency so after a load of blood tests I was put on injections every 8-10 weeks.

    At first, thought my triggers were milk (dairy generally) but put milk back in to my diet but not having it solely but have had lactose milk too. Last few months have been hell, on and off with IBS-C and D, recently had to quit my job with stress I had from having constant pain in work and with being in my final year of university. Seeing my doctor within the next week to see if she can put me on some sort of diet to help with weight loss because I am at a loss.. Seem to be just gaining and gaining (probably with self indulging because I'm slowly giving up).. So thats me..
  • suzfimbres
    suzfimbres Posts: 36 Member
    Hi there, new to the group, but not to the disease or even to MFP. Just hanging out at home this morning... Sick... Hoping I'm not putting my job in jeopardy because of another IBS flare up... :/ Lame. Well, thought I'd join a group to see how everyone else deals with it. Happy Monday!
  • suzfimbres
    suzfimbres Posts: 36 Member
    Hi! My name is Tara. I live in the metro-Phoenix area. I'm a returning student attending ASU. I was a financial analyst for many years, and have gone back to school to follow my passion for sustainability. I'm on the board of a student sustainability consulting group, I'm a part-time professional photographer, and in my spare time (lol), I'm launching a startup website.

    I've been living with IBS for 2 years. While in the hospital for a burn, I was infected with C-Diff, which made me sicker than I've ever been in my life. After winning the battle with that infection over several months, I was left with IBS. The docs didn't know what it was at first... I gained over 20 pounds in 2 weeks and felt horrible. I went on the HCG diet and lost 30 lbs.

    My stomach didn't give me any issues until about 6 months later, when I gained 30 lbs in one month, while vigilantly watching my diet and not exceeding 1,000/cal per day. The GI doc finally figured out it was IBS. I went on the HCG diet again, 500/cal/day for 4 months and lost absolutely nothing. I think this is probably because the HCG doc gave me a modified diet where I was allowed to have yogurt, and I've since found out dairy is my worst trigger. I also think my GI tract was in bad shape by this point.

    Since then I've identified many food triggers, which made up most of what my regular diet used to be; dairy (Greek yogurt), whole grains (insoluble fiber), broccoli, apples, artificial sweeteners. I haven't used the FODMAPS diet to determine all of my triggers. I'm not confident that I could stick to a diet that is so strict with my crazy, busy schedule.

    I struggle with eating out. Even with ordering a salad, I am frequently triggered by salad dressings. There are so many hidden ingredients at restaurants, how is it even possible? I'm miserable... daily stomach pain, bloating, constipation, diarrhea. I can't for the life of me lose any weight. Seriously, I ate 500 calories a day for 4 months and lost absolutely nothing.

    I'm hoping to learn from this group and hoping to find help to alleviate the suffering and lose the weight so I can fit into my clothes again!

    I am right there with ya! It took me a long time to finally start losing weight, a long time to finally figure out what my body needs as far as routine and diet in order to function properly. Everyone is so different, especially functioning with IBS. Our needs can change from day to day. And even when we are doing what has always worked in the past we can still have daily stomach pain. Super awesome, huh?
  • Hi everyone!

    My name is Meka. I am 32 years old. I am a wife and the mother of 3 lovely girls. I was recently diagnosed with IBS after I added school to my already busy life. I am a RN who works in PACU II during the week and as a Forensic Nurse every other weekend. I have a lot going on in my life right now and I think that is what brought it on. I am very new to this and I am really scared that my life is about to change dramatically.

    I suffer mostly from IBS-C and when I do use the restroom - I never feel like its complete. I often feel like I have to go, but usually no success. I continue working out which helps with the pains, but the pain ALWAYS comes back; So much that I am afraid to eat.

    I told my academic advisor that this class (which was only my second class but it was very difficult) would be my last for a little while. I have learned that even if you can do it all - you probably shouldn't. I barely get any time with my family but my job is pressuring the RNs to get their Bachelors before 2020 and I don't wanna risk my job.

    WOW! I am telling my whole life story, LOL! Anyhow, I am glad to be in a group with others who understand what I am going through. I am glad to meet you all! Hey, any ideas on how to reduce bloating?
  • Lady_Clarington
    Lady_Clarington Posts: 76 Member
    Afternoon all. I'm in my late 20s, living in the UK, and currently under going tests for IBS / Crohns. GPs here are a little lax in coughing up information that would be *really* helpful so I'm hunting the internet for advise. I've already found the FODMAP which I am going to incorporate into my diet to see if that makes a difference. The GP did have me on an elimination diet but from everything I've read that included all sorts of vegetables that are known to trigger IBS so its not a surprise that I was still flaring by week three.

    I also over think things. A lot. This does nothing for helping stress levels!
  • erinw878
    erinw878 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello! I am 27, and I've been suffering from IBS for most of my life, although I wasn't diagnosed until I was 20. It has created an anxiety problem for me, which is an issue because, as some of you know, the anxiety triggers an IBS attack. I just take probiotics and always carry pepto and pepper mints with me. Like all of you, I've learned to just deal with it, but I will be teaching a 150 student lecture next semester, and the idea of having an attack during that period is very stressful. I'm interested to hearing how others manage!
  • TheLittleFangs
    TheLittleFangs Posts: 205 Member
    Hello :) I am Lucy I am

    Apparently I have always had tummy issues as a baby my mum said she was advised to give me soya milk. My issues flare up violently and I am pleased to find this group for help as at the minute I feel I am going mad! Mr drs have no ideas any more. I was properly diagnosed at 22 after investigations due to bowel bleeding turned up nothing serious (thank goodness) so here I am nearly a decade later still struggling.

    I have other health issues too and when they play up so does the ibs.

    Sorry that we have to know each other through this but hoping to make understanding friends x
  • Hi, I'm 35 and live in England. I was first diagnosed with IBS at 14 by a GP. Over the years things have got progressively worse and 2 years ago after I started bleeding I finally got to see a specialist and a further 18months of testing and I was diagnosed with Chronic IBS, Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), and Coeliac Disease. I also have Bowel Adhesions which further irritate the IBS and SIBO.

    I have now found out there are issues with my Kidneys and Liver and these are having a knock on effect on the bowel.

    I think the biggest thing I've found not only through my own experience but through speaking with others, especially here in England, is that GP's don't know anything about the bowel yet are reluctant to refer onto a specialist for a confirmed diagnosis. When they do the process can take ages. In my case, it took 20yrs to convince GP to refer me then I had 12 tests over 18 months and had to wait until all tests were done to get results.

    I am now waiting to see the hospital dietician to help me manage my diet as I've had to exclude through trial and error over the years and my nutrition is shocking leaving me needing annual vitamin shots.
  • Hi, I am Kati. I am 34 and from Iowa. I was recently officially diagnosed with IBS but I have suffered symptoms for a few years. I have been doing the FODMAP for 2 months and it has helped greatly. Milk and gluten are big triggers for me.
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    Hi I've ibs d 21 years with s couple periods it vanished for a few years then came back

    Usually when I eat low fat low cal it gets better this time it's worse

    To make things worse they're closing public toilets where I live so I'm worried about going out :(
    I'm 46 female and drained of ibs
  • cynthia_h
    cynthia_h Posts: 20 Member
    I am recently diagnosed IBS-D. Learning my way through the FODMAP diet. In elimination phase right now, one week in. Doing great actually! There are so many choices of ways to eat rice these days, LOL!
    I live in the US, Maryland, outside Washington DC.
  • iaok
    iaok Posts: 1 Member
    I'm Holly. 36 from Minnesota (for now). I think I was fairly average until I had my gall bladder out 18yrs ago, and then life went downhill. Tried the powder stuff that is supposed to help. Nope. Been through colonoscopies, ultrasounds, food diaries. No relief really. No other options given. My current doctor wants me to go BACK to a gastrologist but seriously who has the money to go back into the doc for all the tests. Copays and deductibles take a hurt to the budget when you've already been down that route.

    So I live on Immodium and thankfully I work from home. Stress really makes it worse. I truly believe IBS is not only a physical condition, it is an emotional one as well. I can't do drivethru or the store pick up lines, waiting at stop lights sometimes gets me. Just knowing you are stuck in place far away from a toilet makes those phantom poops come on.

    That with PCOS I have just kept gaining the weight. I decided to stop and try to take charge again. I am on a new probiotic that is actually helping for once. I avoid the things that I KNOW without a doubt trigger. And making baby goals. Some days it is hard to just go for a walk because you never know when it will hit... Once I had to stop and literally poop in the wooded area on my walk. Since then I remember that and worry what if it happens again.

    There for awhile, I didn't leave my house. I could barely go a few miles down the road without a panic induced flare. I have gotten better. Discovering that the antidepressants were actually making my anxiety worse and detoxing off them. It is a process. A lot of prayers and I always keep a spare set of pants in the car even though I have yet to need them it is comforting knowing I have them.