FINALLY working out again

amgreenwell Posts: 1,267 Member
It has taken me until my precious one is 5 months to start working out and watching what I eat. Before baby I was a runner and meticulous about logging and keeping my weight down. Afterwards, not so much. So, I've got 20 lbs to lose and hoping this kick start of working out and logging daily will help.

Any other ladies out there just getting back into the groove?? let's motivate and support each other as best we can!

You got this!


  • fit_mama30
    fit_mama30 Posts: 178 Member
    I just started working out again yesterday. Got my membership to the gym and I also registered for two weekly Stroller-Cardio classes. Can't wait to be back to lifting and doing as much as before. It may take some time though, my son is 1 month old today.
  • am_change
    am_change Posts: 1,010 Member
    My baby is 7 months. I've managed to get back into healthy eating but not into exercising at all. She's still not even close to sleeping through so just haven't had the energy or anyone to look after her really so been meaning to do dvds. Signed up for a run a few weeks ago that'snow in 2 weeks thinking that that would spur me on eek. Good luck!
  • LisaTcan
    LisaTcan Posts: 410 Member
    My baby is 5 weeks, back to walking 10k steps a day and logging but still not really cooking or going to the gym. I'm hoping to re-join the gym at 3 months once I feel comfortable leaving her in the daycare.
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,267 Member
    So, week 2 of logging and working out is in the books. I am only going to weigh myself once a week, on Sunday. I'm really not concerned about the scale as much as I am about how I feel...and right now I feel great!!
    I hope everyone has a great weekend and continues on the healthy journey!
  • zgolub
    zgolub Posts: 90 Member
    Baby is 12 weeks today. I was doing lots of walking while at home with her, but now back to work for 2 weeks and of course the weight loss has stalled.
    Starting to diligently log now and will hit the gym next week now that they will watch her (they only take babies after 3mo old).
    Lets do this ladies! The holidays are around the corner and its impossible to lose weight during them. Now is the time!
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,267 Member
    Beginning week four of working out and eating better. Have only lost about 2 lbs but I'm feeling SO much better these days. I get up at 5 a.m. and either get on the elliptical or lift weights while hubby and baby sleep.
    I walk at least once a day at work, more if I can fit it in.
    I hope to lose this baby weight before trying to get pregnant again!
    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • am_change
    am_change Posts: 1,010 Member
    @LisaTcan @amgreenwell @zgolub wow you're doing amazingly! 5am is serious dedication and 2lbs is great progress. As is gym membership at 3months you're putting me to shame. Still lots and lots of walking and mum and baby yoga once a week but I need to get some cardio in too. Keep it up and thanks for the inspiration!xx
  • SusanMFindlay
    SusanMFindlay Posts: 1,804 Member
    I've been doing a circuit-style "bring your baby and stroller" workout class since baby was about two months old. He'll be a year old in a couple of weeks. (I did the same class with my first son as well - from about three months to about nine months.)

    I've lost a bit of weight as a result, but the real gains have been in feeling my body get stronger, faster, (very slightly) more flexible and (very slightly) more co-ordinated. The set-up is alternating laps of an indoor track with resistance band and bodyweight strength exercises (and some abs). Lots of "squat and press" type stuff. When I first started, I could complete about six laps all walking. Now, I can run the whole ten laps and finish in under the allotted hour. I kick higher. I squat lower. I'm way better at the ab and oblique stuff. I'm still babying my knees on the walking lunges, but I should be able to get to them in about 10 pounds.
  • KerrieJane86
    KerrieJane86 Posts: 75 Member
    My little girl is 6 weeks and the crossfit gym I used to go to is starting a "Mom WOD" twice a week starting next Thursday and you bring along your baby :) I'm so excited for it since I gained almost 70lbs while being pregnant... haha but I'm excited to get back in the swing of things and trying to get out and about with walks with my dog on days it's not too windy for my baby :)

    Anyone that does the gym style with your baby do they mostly stay pretty chill or is it a stressful situation?
  • SusanMFindlay
    SusanMFindlay Posts: 1,804 Member
    Anyone that does the gym style with your baby do they mostly stay pretty chill or is it a stressful situation?

    Babies mostly stay chill. Every so often, they need feeding or changing or something, but everyone understands because everyone's in the same boat. Toddlers are more hit and miss. Some of them play quietly or play at working out too. Some require way too much supervision for mum to get much done.

    With a six week old, you'll be fine.
  • kkmark
    kkmark Posts: 561 Member
    Hi would love motivation from you all. My baby is 8 month old want to seriously get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. If anyone willing to check on me i want to do atleast 20 min of exercise everyday and drink my daily water intake. Please message if your up for it we can do it together. plzzz
  • kkmark
    kkmark Posts: 561 Member
    I've been doing a circuit-style "bring your baby and stroller" workout class since baby was about two months old. He'll be a year old in a couple of weeks. (I did the same class with my first son as well - from about three months to about nine months.)

    I've lost a bit of weight as a result, but the real gains have been in feeling my body get stronger, faster, (very slightly) more flexible and (very slightly) more co-ordinated. The set-up is alternating laps of an indoor track with resistance band and bodyweight strength exercises (and some abs). Lots of "squat and press" type stuff. When I first started, I could complete about six laps all walking. Now, I can run the whole ten laps and finish in under the allotted hour. I kick higher. I squat lower. I'm way better at the ab and oblique stuff. I'm still babying my knees on the walking lunges, but I should be able to get to them in about 10 pounds.

    How do you find classes to go with the baby.
  • am_change
    am_change Posts: 1,010 Member
    Hi @kkmark I'll send you over a friend request. Also in the challenge groups there's one called ultimate accountability challenge where we all have to sign in every day to say if we exercised at least 20mins, ate within our calories and tracked everything. It's helping me!
  • SusanMFindlay
    SusanMFindlay Posts: 1,804 Member
    edited November 2016
    kkmark wrote: »
    I've been doing a circuit-style "bring your baby and stroller" workout class since baby was about two months old. He'll be a year old in a couple of weeks. (I did the same class with my first son as well - from about three months to about nine months.)

    I've lost a bit of weight as a result, but the real gains have been in feeling my body get stronger, faster, (very slightly) more flexible and (very slightly) more co-ordinated. The set-up is alternating laps of an indoor track with resistance band and bodyweight strength exercises (and some abs). Lots of "squat and press" type stuff. When I first started, I could complete about six laps all walking. Now, I can run the whole ten laps and finish in under the allotted hour. I kick higher. I squat lower. I'm way better at the ab and oblique stuff. I'm still babying my knees on the walking lunges, but I should be able to get to them in about 10 pounds.

    How do you find classes to go with the baby.

    I work at a university that has lots of classes, and I'd heard about this one from friends at work, so I looked at the list of fitness classes that the university offered. You could also try Googling your city name and something like "mom fitness" or "baby fitness". Or asking friends if they know of anything. Or check the notice board at a doctor's office, public health centre (or whatever you call the place you take your kid for vaccinations) or even the grocery store. Our public health centre definitely had posters advertising mom & baby yoga/pilates. You could probably even phone a local gym or two and ask if they know of anything.
  • kkmark
    kkmark Posts: 561 Member
    Thank you susan. Will check it out.
  • kkmark
    kkmark Posts: 561 Member
    am_change wrote: »
    Hi @kkmark I'll send you over a friend request. Also in the challenge groups there's one called ultimate accountability challenge where we all have to sign in every day to say if we exercised at least 20mins, ate within our calories and tracked everything. It's helping me!

    Thank you am_change definitely need the challenge let me join.
  • hubn8147
    hubn8147 Posts: 110 Member
    My little girl will be 5 months tomorrow and I've lost 36 of the 43 pounds I gained while pregnant by eating healthier. I have been struggling however to get back into working out! I loved running before getting pregnant and I've tried several times to get back into running - however - my pelvic floor muscles are not quite the same and I keep peeing myself every time I try to run! So frustrating! Anyone else have this problem? It's a whole lot better from when I first had her, but still! I thought by now they would be all better
  • SusanMFindlay
    SusanMFindlay Posts: 1,804 Member
    Have you tried exercises to strengthen your kegel muscles? That might help.

    I had "spontaneous pee" issues for a few months after the birth (e.g. every time I coughed), but they seem to have gone away. At my "moms and babies" workout class, our instructor has us squeeze a bender ball between our thighs while doing a lot of the resistance band work, and I think that's supposed to help (as well as helping with core stability).