When you hit goal:

Bonny132 Posts: 3,617 Member
What is the one thing you want/wish for/crave etc?

I am totally boring, I want to look good naked in the mirror. I just want to be able to love myself again. I want to feel confident. I don't want men talking to my "girls" I want to be approached because of me. Because I am a pretty amazing person. Someone who is slowly learning to love herself again.


  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    I've put my sweet bod through the ringer! I just want to take good care of it from here on out... Never starve her again.
  • KetoGirl_ZC
    KetoGirl_ZC Posts: 48 Member
    I started by just wanting to be healthy. Now that my diabetes is under control I want to beat IR and achieve a normal weight.

    On the vanity side, I would love to wear a dress again, it's been 20 years or more. This may be a dream that not even keto can achieve because my legs are swollen and unfit to expose. Le sigh.

  • Catawampous
    Catawampous Posts: 447 Member
    To feel my best. At 54 I want to look at myself and say "not bad, not bad at all" and feel good about it. I don't color my hair or wish for face lifts ... I wish to age gracefully because I feel I've earned every gray hair and every wrinkle I have. Life's battle scars. They aren't a bad thing. Treating my body like I did IS a bad thing.
  • coloradoartstudio
    coloradoartstudio Posts: 104 Member
    I definitely want to lose weight for vanity's sake. I cringe when old friends fly into town, we get together and they see how much weight I've gained. My high school is talking about an all classes reunion next year in Vegas - I'd love to look like I'm aging well.

    Ultimately, at 50, I have some aches and pains that I hope resolve or get better when I'm back to a reasonable weight. I walk (used to run) and the last time I tried running, my ankles hurt so bad that I was limping the next day. I have an old running injury on my right ankle - but both ankles hurt so it has to be because I'm carrying around an extra 60 pounds on my frame.

    When I get down closer to my goal, I'd love to do a beach vacation. I haven't worn a swimsuit in public in years!
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    LOL @coloradoartstudio and the class reunion. I attended my 45th class reunion this year and was tickled to have lost my excess. For a nano second, I considered taking my old cheerleading jacket for effect but quickly realized that was unnecessary, would be a little much...and hot. LOL. Heat hot that is. But then on the other hand somehow a 62 year old looks a bit silly and not so "hot" or even slightly "cool" in a varsity jacket. ;):p Eek!
  • sherryrichie
    sherryrichie Posts: 114 Member
    I'm so hoping that when I reach my goal (32 pounds to go), that my blood glucose has tamed itself and my insulin resistance is well on the road to recovery. I'm learning as I work my way down to my goal that it's not even so much about the weight as how much better I am feeling, the abundant energy I have, the patience I have found, and the fact that I have finally found my woe for life.
  • Niccidawn092
    Niccidawn092 Posts: 64 Member
    I just want to be a good example to my daughters. Being able to be active and set an active life style for them would be my wish.
  • suzqtme
    suzqtme Posts: 322 Member
    edited October 2016
    I'm looking for better health and more energy. I've also realized I will need skin removal surgery as well as a boob job. So maybe the girls will stand up and say hi again. A mean feat after 60!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    1. I want maintenance to be easy, because I have finally found the correct way to eat for me. 2. I also want to be able to continue improving my cardio health, keeping below the prediabetic A1C no. and being able to do some yoga positions I haven't been able to get into for years.
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    I want to feel comfortable going out in white pants (before Labor Day) and not wish I'd worn Depends when I get home.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    I just want to look better. I've always been fat... since about age 10... prior to that, I was actually underweight for my height until I got type 1 diabetes and tripled my weight in just a few years.

    I should also be able to go further and faster for outdoor stuff (hiking, trail running).
  • Working2BLean
    Working2BLean Posts: 386 Member
    Reaching goal is just the start of a new chapter, or hopefully many new chapters!

    I have taken on a few new hobbies that are fitness related. It is easier to go do fun things. I hiked to a nice waterfall yesterday and enjoyed a great day with a friend.

    Once reaching a weight goal for fitness goal, I don't see why we don't have a new set of life adventures to set out on! I'm lookingoforward to an Ironman 70.3 next spring. There will be lots of little events between now and then and good times with fitness friends

    Reaching goal was not an end, it was more of a new beginning.