How much weight have you lost so far?



  • AlyssaAnne03
    AlyssaAnne03 Posts: 79 Member
    My daughter is 10 months
    I have about 100 lbs to lose, it's so overwhelming
  • AlyssaAnne03
    AlyssaAnne03 Posts: 79 Member
    amarie210 wrote: »
    Hi! I have a 12 month old and had lost all my baby weight (45 pounds) plus a few extra by 4 months post-partum but PPD and winter set in and I gained about 15 pounds back. Now it's almost summer, PPD is under control and I'm ready to lose it again! My biggest issue is that baby still isn't sleeping through the night (so I'm exhausted) and is also not ready to wean. I found when I cut calories much below 2000/day my supply drops. I'm more than ready to be done breastfeeding though. Any tips? My older daughter self-weaned around 11 months without a problem. This time around I'm not so lucky.

    Ppd caused me to gain so much.

    I'd suggest trying to focus on just making those 2000 calories very healthy, lots of good fats and proteins and leafy greens. Try quinoa for a carb if you haven't yet since it's a complete protein. And try to focus on weight lifting of you can

  • kristen_bures
    kristen_bures Posts: 47 Member
    My daughter is 10 months
    I have about 100 lbs to lose, it's so overwhelming

    I have well over 100 to lose and I understand how overwhelmed you feel. But we can do this. :)
  • clarkvera
    clarkvera Posts: 1 Member
    I am 7 months pp with baby #3 and feeling the most unhealthy I have ever felt! Really need to start taking better care of myself. With each pregnancy I've gained 7 extra pounds compared to previous so now I'm about 21 pounds over pre-pregnancy weight (which was itself a bit high but at least in a normal range). All excess weight is in the belly area so strangers still think I'm pregnant!! Really need accountability to logging calories etc and motivation from others who have been there!
  • 12Sarah2015
    12Sarah2015 Posts: 1,117 Member
    edited June 2016
  • 12Sarah2015
    12Sarah2015 Posts: 1,117 Member
    30 pounds down now!
  • Rosyg24
    Rosyg24 Posts: 2 Member
    Pre pregnancy weight: 143
    End pregnancy weight: 178
    Current weight: 158
    Goal weight: 140

    I have 18 pounds to lose. Ugh the struggle is real. I started working out 6 weeks postpartum until the doctor gave me the okay. on Friday 6/24/16 I weighed 155 and I gain 3 pounds back. why is it so hard to lose the weight.
  • wintermama13
    wintermama13 Posts: 172 Member
    Pre pregnancy: 199
    End: 240
    Current-4 weeks pp: 212
    Ultimate goal: 140

    Waiting on my 6vweek checkup to do much for exercise as I had a csection but working on my diet right now and hoping to make some more progress until I can really start moving again
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    edited July 2016
    Pre-pregnancy weight: LMAO I was pregnant back to back for three years, what is this pre-pregnancy of which you speak?

    End: 250's? Maybe higher even?

    Current: 144lbs

    Goal: I find this hard to qualify right now. My original goal was 160, but that was way too much, adjusted to 140 which I'm close to, but I'm thinking I might try to cut down to 130 before moving to maintenance and starting the Strong Curves lifting program. Idk :/
  • 12Sarah2015
    12Sarah2015 Posts: 1,117 Member
    I did it! ::happy dance::

    I am back to pre-pregnancy weight (actually 1 lb below, bc I got pregnant right around Christmas). I was up to about 200 (I stopped looking) at 9 mo pregnant. Now at 8.5 mo pp, I am 137 and fit comfortably into my regular jeans.

    I would like to lose maybe 2 more lbs (which would bring me down to college weight, before having four babies) and recomp (I started lifting weights almost 2 mo ago) and get a bit less jiggly. The mommy tummy is much reduced but unfortunately not gone yet :(.

    Progress! I weighed in today at 131.5! I have never been this light in my adult life. My midsection is way less jiggly and I am starting to see muscle definition. Can't wait to see how things change at the end of this phase of the program :smile:

  • CorkyBaby666
    CorkyBaby666 Posts: 4 Member
    30lbs in 8 weeks =) from 217lbs to 187lbs
  • CorkyBaby666
    CorkyBaby666 Posts: 4 Member
    30lbs in 8 weeks =) from 217lbs to 187lbs
    I'll 6foot btw so not morbidly obese lol
  • am_change
    am_change Posts: 1,010 Member
    30lbs in 8 weeks =) from 217lbs to 187lbs
    I'll 6foot btw so not morbidly obese lol

    That's fine, but the lovely ladies on this group don't judge and we support each other whether in a normal weight bracket, overweight or obese regardless. Congratulations on your weight loss x
  • SusanMFindlay
    SusanMFindlay Posts: 1,804 Member
    Weight when I met my husband six years ago (and goal weight): 140 lb
    Weight when I got pregnant the first time: 160 lb
    Weight when I got pregnant the second time: 170 lb
    Max. pregnancy weight (same for both pregnancies): 225 lb
    Current weight 175 lb

    My oldest turns three next month; my youngest turns one next month.
  • NMWa
    NMWa Posts: 12 Member
    I am 14 weeks pp today and have lost 13.5kg of the 17 I gained. Haven't done much in terms of exercise other than walking and am only just now starting to pay more attention to what I eat. I exclusively breastfeed so that must be helping :)
  • LisaTcan
    LisaTcan Posts: 410 Member
    I'm now 6 weeks pp and at 156lbs, down 21lbs and have 21 to go! I have low milk supply and I am taking a medication to increase my prolactin. I've only lost 2lbs this month so I think it is impeding my weight loss (known side effect). Oh well, I only plan to be on it for 3-6 months so I can breastfeed.
  • am_change
    am_change Posts: 1,010 Member
    LisaTcan wrote: »
    I'm now 6 weeks pp and at 156lbs, down 21lbs and have 21 to go! I have low milk supply and I am taking a medication to increase my prolactin. I've only lost 2lbs this month so I think it is impeding my weight loss (known side effect). Oh well, I only plan to be on it for 3-6 months so I can breastfeed.
    Hi Lisa,
    I found that losing weight early on seemed to reduce my milk supply so I stopped trying to lose for a while and focus on healthy choices. Now a few months on it doesn't seem to be affected. Good luck!xx
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    pbprincess wrote: »
    My little guy (#3) is 8 months. I checked in at 215 pounds at 37 weeks, didn't look again til he was 3.5 months, I was 199. That was the end of december. Since then I have lost 30 pounds. I'm at 168.4 at my last checkin

    My booger is 13 months now, still nursing. I haven't been logging food lately, but I am at 157.2 currently. Getting there slowly but surely.
  • KerrieJane86
    KerrieJane86 Posts: 75 Member
    Pre-pregnancy = 154.4 lbs
    Pregnancy (night prior to giving birth)=222.2 lbs
    Total gain= 67.8 lbs

    Weight now-=189.2 lbs (as of Sept 14... I guess I should weight myself soon)
    Total lost so far= 33 lbs
  • winonaalls
    winonaalls Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone. I am 6 weeks PP with my second child and have just been given the green light for exercise. YAY!!
    I left the hospital weighing 172 and have already lost about 18 pounds.

    Right now I weigh in at 148 pounds and am looking at a goal of another 28 pounds.

    Right now I'm in a size nine but I'm wondering if I'm ever going to lose my belly flab I've acquired :/
  • pangepange
    pangepange Posts: 49 Member
    Hi everyone. :)

    I'm two months post-partum.

    Pre-pregnancy weight: 135 lbs
    End of Pregnancy Weight: 184 lbs
    Current Weight: 157.5 lbs.

    I'm most looking forward to getting back into my original wardrobe!
  • SusanMFindlay
    SusanMFindlay Posts: 1,804 Member
    pangepange wrote: »
    I'm most looking forward to getting back into my original wardrobe!

    Me too! Unfortunately, I seem to be a different shape from pre-pregnancy (carrying even more weight around the middle and even less on legs/hips/butt) so I expect to have to get down lower than my pre-pregnancy weight for clothes to fit. :tongue:

    Weirdly, I still can't comfortably get my engagement ring on at the same time as my wedding ring yet - even though I'm lighter than I was between pregnancies (when I could do that no problem). So, my second pregnancy gave me fat fingers? I don't understand!
  • TiffanyBeckett
    TiffanyBeckett Posts: 173 Member
    I am 12 days PP with my third!

    Pre pregnancy 165
    Deliver at 200
    As of today 178.9

    Lost 21 lbs and still have 13 lbs to go for pre baby but goal weight 145!
  • am_change
    am_change Posts: 1,010 Member
    @SusanMFindlay it's so weird toy just mentioned rings as I was going to post about it! I'm now back to my pre preg weight but can't get my wedding and engagement rings back on. I took them off at about 6months preg. I don't get it! I'm also still not fitting ack into clothes nicely so I'm aiming to lose lots more!

    @TiffanyBeckett congratulations! Take some time to heal and not worry too much about what you're eating though. We'll still be here when you're ready.xx
  • am_change
    am_change Posts: 1,010 Member
    am_change wrote: »
    @SusanMFindlay it's so weird toy just mentioned rings as I was going to post about it! I'm now back to my pre preg weight but can't get my wedding and engagement rings back on. I took them off at about 6months preg. I don't get it! I'm also still not fitting ack into clothes nicely so I'm aiming to lose lots more!

    @TiffanyBeckett congratulations! Take some time to heal and not worry too much about what you're eating though. We'll still be here when you're ready.xx

    You not toy!
    Back not ack.

    Ugh I should read before I post sorry!
  • SusanMFindlay
    SusanMFindlay Posts: 1,804 Member
    edited November 2016
    My rings came off very early in both pregnancies. I swell up like a balloon - water retention *everywhere*. But after the first pregnancy, I was able to wear 1 ring at 180ish (i.e. 20 pounds pregnancy weight left) and both at 175ish.

    Post-second pregnancy, I'm currently at 165 and can only barely wear 1 ring. I suspect I'll have to get to 155ish (i.e. lower than my pre-pregnancy weight) to wear both this time. :tongue:
  • hubn8147
    hubn8147 Posts: 110 Member
    I'm 5 months postpartum and I've lost 35 of the 43 pounds I gained while pregnant (I was up to 198 the day before I had my daughter). After that, I've got another 20 to lose!