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  • weaverlinda47
    weaverlinda47 Posts: 2 Member
    Don't know if I can figure this out
  • estherbarto1
    estherbarto1 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello I'm Esther from VA. I have a boy and girl. I'm looking to lose 10 pounds by November 16th. And then another 10 at least. I've never joined a community group on MFP so I hope this works.
  • sadiepie05
    sadiepie05 Posts: 52 Member
    Hi. I'm Sadie. I'm looking to lose the rest of this baby weight I put on 4 years ago. I have 25 left to go and it's really been a struggle.
  • ElisaJtsu
    ElisaJtsu Posts: 97 Member
    Hi guys. I'm 34 and from lovely Lancashire. I have started with mfp in 2014 and lost 27lbs over 12 months. I kept off the weight for some time and although I wanted to lose more, I was rather happy with the 'new me'. However, to cut a long story short, I started a PhD and have been piling on the pounds since. Thanks to stress, no regular meal times, sugar cravings and simply not managing to restrain myself I am now back to where I started. I'm having trouble to motivate myself and just need some support and new goals to get going - I hope that this might just give me the much-needed push!
  • MermaidAnnie89
    MermaidAnnie89 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi. I'm Haley from Minnesota. I always bounce from one thing to another. I've never been motivated or driven to lose the weight. Not until my boyfriend of 6 years came to me with his fears that I would live long enough to enjoy having a family together. It's set a fire under my butt that hasn't been there before. I want to lose the weight but I want to do it in a safe and natural way. I don't need to lose it all over night but I would love to see progress and stay on track and stick to my goals.

    I'm really excited to be apart of this group. Can't wait to start!!!!
  • Jezzie1075
    Jezzie1075 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm Jessie from Florida. I'm 41 and ready to shed a few pounds.
  • RamonaMoon
    RamonaMoon Posts: 321 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Jenny, 34 years old form Dublin, Ireland. I have been in a couple of these groups before and found them really great as motivation but I fell off the wagon in recent months. This group is going to be exactly what I need to get back on track!

    I began this journey a few years ago and lost 20 lbs (of about 45-50 needed!). I have kept those initial 20lbs off but I have been struggling to crack the next 20. Ideally I would like to lose an additional 20-30 lbs over the next 12 months. 15lbs by January would be a great start.

    Good luck everyone, I'm really looking forward to getting stuck into this again!
  • demdimples
    demdimples Posts: 5 Member
    I'm Sarah. I've done weight watchers, Paleo and many others. I've been on an emotional roller coaster with job loss, moving, and depression. I'm at my all time heaviest, and would like to gain back my confidence, and health. I need to get back to focusing on me and WANTING it for me instead of caring what others think. My overall goal is to lose 30 pounds, so this would help me get half way there!! I look forward to the journey with everyone :) Together we CAN do this!
    Thank you for your honesty!! I'm am emotional eater (always have been). The stress of the last year has made me pack on the pounds. I too at at my heaviest, not counting full term pregnancy.
    I'm looking forward to losing pounds and gaining self control and confidence with you!!

  • 1crvygrl
    1crvygrl Posts: 503 Member
    I'm 53 and about 63 pounds overweight. I've been in the last couple of challenges but didn't really put in the effort so I've actually put on a few pounds recently(the past 2 weeks) Hoping to at least get those lbs back off, possibly even more before this challenge starts in 3 weeks. I don't exercise regularly, struggle to get in water and eat way too much fast food. My husband wants to lose a little weight too, so you'd think that would help but, not so far.
  • ashcky
    ashcky Posts: 393 Member
    Hello my name is Ashley and I'm from Missouri. I'm 24 and I've been in the obese category for my height 5'1 all of my highschool and adult life. I've been here each time after my kids were born but I'm sticking to it this time. I had some health issues with my stomach which has pushed me to switch to gluten free and create a healthy lifestyle. I've lost 35.6 lbs so far. I've still got a lot to go but I am determined!!
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    Hi, I'm in too, female and 50. My goal is to drop 40 lbs by May. I lost 15 pounds in the spring and got stuck. Didn't have the support to push through the plateau. I gained a lot back when I fell in June and hurt my leg. Was hard to workout. I tried to find people locally who wanted to work together, but that was very hard. How do you meet people that really want to drop weight and want someone to do it with? The fitness clubs seem to have people who don't want to talk to anyone. They just want to get in/out asap. I want some friends to support and to receive support. Would love to have other females friend me and we'll support each other! Anyone from Minneapolis/St.Paul, MN? Good luck all!

    Check on for a local chapter, very supportive group and you may find someone that will walk with you or exercise with you.
  • yaldaash
    yaldaash Posts: 3 Member
    Hi All! I'm Yalda. I have Hashimoto's (thyroid condition) and have been struggling for a few years now with weight gain. It's a bit trickier to lose weight for me, because of my slower metabolism I have to always be on top of my test results and push myself I think double because of my low energy. Nonetheless, I don't use it as an excuse it actually fuels me more because I believe there is a light at the end of the tunnel. It certainly helps that I'm engaged and getting married next year so I have double motivation to achieve my goal. My goal is to drop another 30 lbs. I'm short, I'm only 5"2. I have already lost 6 lbs. I know I can do it, I think this group could serve as encouragement. Currently, I'm gluten-free it has been a few months and I think it has helped. Good luck everyone! :smiley:
  • kayjosh2422
    kayjosh2422 Posts: 864 Member
    Welcome friends!