Having trouble getting in the groove again.



  • beachwoman2006
    beachwoman2006 Posts: 1,214 Member
    I can't tell you how many times I've lost and gained weight. I reached goal once (in the 70's and didn't stick around to get lifetime) and goal and lifetime once (in 1997). Then I gained most of it back because I really hadn't LEARNED anything in the process of losing the weight. All I was focused on was the number on the scale. I can't tell you how many times I rejoined WW between 1997 and 2002. I would join, go to a few meetings and drop out. I even did Atkins for a while and lost about 15 pounds in two weeks. Then I ate a piece of bread. LOL

    When I rejoined in 2002, I decided that I was going to use it as a learning opportunity instead of focusing on reaching goal again. It took me 22 months to lose 55 pounds to get back to my goal weight. You do the math! LOL

    But the good news is that I *did* learn something this time around. While I'm about 5 pounds above goal right now due to some unforeseen medical issues, I also KNOW what I need to do to not let it get any higher than that.

    It's all about having your head in the game.
  • misterhub
    misterhub Posts: 6,530 Member
    I also am having a very difficult team becoming focused. My head has not been in the game for a whole lot of reasons. There have been some reason transitions, which I view as positive, that should result in a change in my focus.
  • slimriptide
    slimriptide Posts: 328 Member
    It's good to know that we are in good company (I always knew this). I can relate to all of this too, and am trying to stay focused. There certainly is no finish line, but I have to keep moving in the right direction!
  • glennowill
    glennowill Posts: 134 Member
    I did actually track everything yesterday, so there's that. Of course I got that nifty MyFitnessPal message: "If everyday were like today, you'd weigh 292lbs in 5 weeks!" I mean... I didn't track my bike ride calories burnt so hopefully that's not where I'll be in 5 weeks. WI today was in fact lower than yesterday.
  • goldenfrisbee
    goldenfrisbee Posts: 1,640 Member
    glennowill wrote: »
    "If everyday were like today, you'd weigh 292lbs in 5 weeks!"

    I like getting that little message. It shows me how just a little tweak can have an impact over a period of time.
  • minimyzeme
    minimyzeme Posts: 2,708 Member
    @glennowill , I thought of you (and other GOADs in a slump right now) after my meeting the other night. A woman who consistently attends and has just as consistently been frustrated and tired of following the program shared her story of recent success. She is married with one daughter. Like many couples, they both work during the day. She had acknowledged at several prior meetings she wasn't tracking (and wasn't losing).

    So over the past couple weeks, she realized she needed to jump-start her efforts. She decided to start with meal planning. She said she initially just focused on planning dinners for the week. Planning led to shopping, and food prep on Sundays. She said just having that meal squared away for the week made her life so much better that she started tracking again. Now, she's expanded the scope to all the meals. She and her daughter spend 'quality time' together on Sundays doing the prep and enjoying time together. Her husband usually gets home before she does during the week and dinner is ready to put in the over, turn the crock pot on, etc.

    The great thing is she seems so much happier now that she's found a way through her challenge. She's tracking, and losing weight. Her whole family is benefiting from the breakthrough and she was just beaming. She had busted through her frustration and was once again seeing results. It seemed by looking for a way to start (planning dinners), she had found a path to success--achieving her desired results. I think she was persistent, innovative and employed a great strategy to get where she wanted to go.

    I'm not suggesting her path should be yours, only using her example to illustrate what seems like maybe somewhat similar circumstances with a positive outcome. I hope you have the same success!
  • glennowill
    glennowill Posts: 134 Member
    Thanks for that @minimyzeme. The day I started this thread I actually baked a bunch of potatoes, grilled sausage and chicken, and prepped some veggies and that alone helped me get my meals aligned for work lunch and the evenings. Meal prep really makes a big difference for me - the more I cook at home the healthier I eat.

    I actually made it out of the 280s as of this morning - hit 279.6. I don't know if it was a bunch of water weight or what but I'm not going to focus on it too much. My strategy for now is track everything, every day and not worry about being way over in calories when that happens. I just need to see it all again - see exactly how I'm eating and why things are how they are. 3 days of doing this has already reset my focus a bit. My secondary strategy is to try to weigh in every day. It helps me to have an idea of where I'm at, and I noticed a lot of you successful people tend to weigh in often.

    Work is crazy and I have a big passion project that has taken up a lot of time outside of work, in between all of that I make time for my GF, friends and family, and even a bit of exercise. I really liked what you said in your initial post @minimyzeme about running the program in the background and I'm trying to think of it in that way.
  • Swtdwy
    Swtdwy Posts: 83 Member
    I'm in the same boat (numbers are different but story is the same). Kept weight off for 4 years and thought I had it licked! A couple months of significant events (father's passing, kids Bar Mitzvah, right into the holidays) and viola, not tracking or concerned about what I was eating anymore. Cue weight creep.
  • minimyzeme
    minimyzeme Posts: 2,708 Member
    Sounds like a good plan, @glennowill . Glad you're finding your way back (you too @Swtdwy ). I can see where time and trust can go haywire, not to mention stresses. (I think I gained a lot of my weight when my mom was going downhill.) Thanks for your posts; I need to read these from time to time to help keep my head in the game!