Low carb but if it fits, I eat it.



  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    PamWOhio wrote: »
    kpk54. It is 16 carbs for 2 slices and 5 fiber so 11 net carbs for 2 slices. It is Healthy Life Whole Wheat/Whole Grain. They also have it in White as well but I prefer the Wheat.

    Thank you.
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    For me it doesn't seem to matter what the source of the carbs are, the only thing that matters is the amount. So nothing is off the table for me if it fits but my personal preference is to eat small amounts of higher carb whole foods - beans, starchy vegetables, fruits and those sorts of things. I save sweets and the like for special occasions and don't work them into my normal diet even though I could.
  • PamWOhio
    PamWOhio Posts: 120 Member
    I am the same way, AlabasterVerve. I would much rather have a baked potato than a dessert.
  • Bonny132
    Bonny132 Posts: 3,617 Member
    What types of carbs I eat has a massive effect on me. Rice/noodles/cakes is out, it causes me carb cravings like mad. Crisps... (potato chips) I cannot stop myself eating those, I'll eat till it's all gone.

    On my higher carb day I'll allow myself a small amount of ice cream, maybe a roast potato, a take away, half a bagel, poppadoms, a slice of birthday cake etc But one of the above, not all.

    For me it allows my cravings to be kept in check. Most days I am under 20 carbs. My slightly higher day is more mental than anything else, because I know I can have it, I do not obsess about it, and on the day I have it, my portion sizes are shrinking as we speak. I naturally am reducing the carbs on my off day, as things are getting too sweet, too much. I rather have a few bites and enjoy them than the whole lot, if you know what I mean. This has been a journey for me.
  • xosummerrainxo
    xosummerrainxo Posts: 112 Member
    Agreed Bonny. I find a few bites is perfectly satisfied when does it start the craving and addictions to finish all of what I'm eating. A few bites is enough like you said mentally to know I can have it but don't need to have it. And so many things I don't want anymore that I wanted before and don't even taste good anymore. Such as Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Lol unfortunately I don't even like the taste anymore. Goes to show what changing your lifestyle and what you eat on a daily basis can do to what your body actually wants and needs
  • suehbca
    suehbca Posts: 21 Member
    I have trouble with carbs in general. I do eat veggies, but not high carb. I was baking low carb desserts for awhile, but ate too much, so now one recipe a week. I was eating just when I was hungry for awhile, but now with work, I'm back to eating on schedule, esp for breakfast and lunch. I think that's really the most significant thing for me. If I'm not hungry, I shouldn't eat. I think I'm afraid that if I don't eat lunch on time and then get hungry I won't be able to eat anything then. It really isn't true though, just a fear I think is in the back of my mind. I've had a schedule fo eating for so much of my life, it's hard to break the habit!
  • PamWOhio
    PamWOhio Posts: 120 Member
    I started off here eating 3 meals but now I don't really get hungry till lunch time and I like being able to have a good lunch and dinner . I will eat breakfast if I am hungry but if I am not, I just wait till lunch which is 90% of the time.
  • bowlerae
    bowlerae Posts: 555 Member
    I don't eat pasta, bread, potatoes, beans, corn, cane or artificial sugar, and most fruits. I drink only water, coffee, tea, water with Stur flavor enhancers and electrolyte water (So all water lol). Right now my fruit is limited to blueberries, blackberries and raspberries mixed in with full fat Greek Yogurt. That alone is about 12g net carbs so I always pre-log my food those days and make sure my other meals are very low carb. I also do a little bit of tomatoes in things like guacamole, salads, and pasta sauces, those are also high carb days. I miss bread the most and haven't found a decent replacement. Like I REALLY REALLY miss restaurant style bread. Oh and tortilla chips I miss a lot from restaurants but I can make some decent ones at home but baking low carb Flat Out wraps. Have a hard time with high protein.
  • Sarahb29
    Sarahb29 Posts: 952 Member
    I'm in one of the low carb groups on Facebook and they push a lot of fat bombs there for some reason. Fat isn't a goal, you eat it until you feel full (imo), but they are convinced they all have to have one or two a night. I had two once and my skin completely broke out! I stay in there because I've found some good recipes and ideas and I like sharing mine, but take peoples advice with several grains of salt.

    My Kroger/Fred Meyer FINALLY released Halo Top ice cream and it was almost sold out by the time I got there. I managed to grab the last red velvet and an oatmeal cookie flavor. Red velvet was a huge hit with everyone! I might go back for more.. lol.

    As far as bread goes I only have oopsie rolls and low carb tortillas. Carbquick once in awhile but as a treat only, I found the biscuits tasted worse than the almond flour biscuits and were kinda hockey puck like. I'm interested in trying pancakes with it though.

    In any case I agree with Sam and others that this is going to be an individual choice and you do what works best for you!
  • RowdysLady
    RowdysLady Posts: 1,370 Member
    kpk54 wrote: »
    I didn't find your mention of a half of a cupcake, a piece of bread or a potato any more enticing than I find the talk and pics of mug cakes and oopsie bread enticing. We've had threads on "low carb bread" and many of those may not be as low carb as the bread you mentioned. Or as tasty.

    What sort of bread are you eating that has 8 carbs per slice with 5 net per 2? I might want to get some. I could fit that into my lifestyle/macros better than low carb ice cream which is talked about here frequently. I never binged on bread.

    Ditto and I found that the Slim Thin breads are really a good thing to try if you don't mind tons of fiber. I put butter and some Tony's on Rye last night and put it under the broiler...oh wow was it tasty! It is expensive for sure, but if you need/want some bread it's the most bread like thing I've found that's still very low carb.


  • PamWOhio
    PamWOhio Posts: 120 Member
    My Healthy life Wheat and White look about the same but they are 35 calories a slice and only 2.5 grams of fiber per slice but I can still work with that. Do I just order this stuff online?
  • PamWOhio
    PamWOhio Posts: 120 Member
    You guys are being so helpful and so NICE. Sometimes these threads keep me from saying a word out of fear of some of the more heavy handed people. I know everyone means well but I have pretty low self confidence as it is so I take things wrong sometimes.
  • Cyndi146
    Cyndi146 Posts: 411 Member
    I've joined a couple FB groups but they seem to be ruled by whoever started the group... and it's their way or the highway! I just keep my mouth shut and take the few tips I can find. This place is definitely the most helpful. I agree we are all different and need to find what works for us and what we can stick to forever. It's our own personal journey.

    For me, I try not to eat fake foods. I eat mostly meat, cheese, eggs & cream with a some veges. My weightloss comes to a halt as soon as I start adding in LCHF bread or ice cream bars. If I'm going to go over on carbs I'd rather it be things like potatoes, rice, beans. I'll miss those from time to time. My biggest weakness is alcohol. I LOVE wine. My tolerance is so low right now though, that a couple glasses and I'm out and don't remember a whole lot the next day. I process vodka much better and have come to enjoy a glass of vodka & sparkling water with maybe a squeeze of Mio flavoring. Try not to have it everyday though. Everything in balance.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    I don't eat bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, etc. because I can't fit those carbs in. I do make low carb pizzas using low carb tortillas as the crust - 5g net carbs in those tortillas. Once I add in the sauce and cheese (some cheeses have 1g of carbs per oz.), I can end up with 9-10g of carbs in a pizza... I know that is high, and it does hurt to think about. But I can usually make it fit into my carb and calorie goals as long as I do that only once and otherwise limit carbs the rest of the day.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    Yep. I haven't had any of that stuff for 6 months since starting keto. I had some ground beef in the fridge yesterday and was thinking about lunch for today with the idea (in regards to the mention of bread in the thread) that it sure would be nice to eat a burger and not have it sliding out from between two pieces of lettuce. :p

  • kdz0444
    kdz0444 Posts: 143 Member
    I don't do bread, potato, or pasta anymore but I do occasionally have a whole wheat tortilla and fruit. I also occasionally do popcorn when we go to the movie theater but only a small amount. I also do ice cream like halo top or arctic zero but I stick to serving sizes. The facebook groups are brutal. I am part of 2 but usually just lurk and get recipes.
  • PamWOhio
    PamWOhio Posts: 120 Member
    Hubby is picking up my Halo Top on Thursday. I keep trying to get him to go early but he is being a putz about it. I don't miss the snacks much and if I do, 2 or 3 doritos or 2 or 3 crackers is all I need and then I don't feel "deprived" at all. I am a potato addict so I think I am doing good having an occasional 4 or 5 ounce potato as long as I account for it and have no other carbs for the rest of the day. I am happy to see that I have cut way back. When I started, I was "fitting in" 2 or 3 a week and now it is once a week max. Same with my sammiches.
  • RowdysLady
    RowdysLady Posts: 1,370 Member
    PamWOhio wrote: »
    My Healthy life Wheat and White look about the same but they are 35 calories a slice and only 2.5 grams of fiber per slice but I can still work with that. Do I just order this stuff online?

    The Slim Thin? yep. I've not seen it in stores yet.