EdisonLean Fitness Challenge Rules & Point System

izzoja11 Posts: 5 Member
edited October 2016 in Social Groups

If you're reading this, you have officially committed yourself to the EdisonLean Fitness Challenge. The goal of the challenge is to support and hopefully improve the body, mind, and spirit of all participants. Don't panic, seeing the term fitness doesn't necessarily mean you need to begin lifting weights like Tony Horton or Spinning like Jillian Michaels. If that is your goal, great, but if you're more interested in gaining a healthier mind and spirit, you will be able to obtain those as well.

You will find the challenge rules and point system below. Just in case you forgot, the teams are also posted on the discussion board in an earlier post. GOOD LUCK! #fitfam #gainz #edisonlean #doyouevenliftbro? #ican'thearyouareyoutakingazumbaclass?

The challenge will officially begin on Monday, October 17th, 2016
The end date will be Friday, January 6th, 2017 (13 weeks long)
Each team will select a team leader
Each team leader will be responsible for tallying and posting their teams points each week
Each team member will select a weekly goal and a challenge goal
Based on the point system below, each member will earn points based on their discussion board activity/personal growth
Each team will post their total points by 3 pm every Friday
Awards will be presented at the end of the challenge for the team with the most points across the 13 weeks
Additional prizes will be given for individual success


1 Point
Daily Workout (weight training, cardio, yoga/zumba, standing while working, etc.)
- 30 minute intervals
Spending quality time with family and/or friends
Daily recreational reading
Daily steps (at least 2 walks of at least 10 minutes)
Meet targeted daily food intake (if your goal contains carb/meat/calorie decrease

2 Points
Inspirational post to discussion board (text)
Motivational quote, pic, or meme to discussion board
Comment on another member's post
Sharing relaxation techniques

3 Points
Post food/meal recipes
Encourage another team member
Post a daily workout video or a motivational video

4 Points
Post about your team's overall progress toward meeting their goals
Post about your journey toward a healthier lifestyle

5 Points
Refer a coworker to participate
Post a video of team members working out together (can also be members of different teams)
If a team member meets their weekly goal


If each member of the team participates on the discussion board during that week


For every member that meets their overall goal at the end of the challenge
