Overweight and turning 47 in 2 days...Oh my!

Zoemondo Posts: 5 Member
Hello! So today I've started my journey...again. I'm at ground zero...day 1, numero uno and it feels hopeless, but I'm logging my food, tracking my water and walking a little bit again... I turn 47 on Oct. 19 and feeling closer to 50 with an excess of 70 lbs on my frame. I have tendonitis in both ankles so working out, even walking has been a challenge for the last 2 months. i've gained 8 lbs. in those 2 months, so obviously the food intake hasn't changed but the lack of walking 10k steps a day has...I'm freaking out! Everything I own is at max capacity and I REFUSE to go into a size larger. The hubs is getting my trusty old exercise bike out of storage today after work, so I will do 20 minutes intervals on that each day. I am a sugar *kitten* and fight that demon each day, especially at night when I want 3 oreo cookies and a glass of milk. I want to look back in 3 months, 6 months...even a year and remember today and how I'm feeling so that it keeps me moving forward. So here's to being 47 and fabulous! I look forward to getting to know some of you in this group and well...it feels kind of good to just write this up instead of keeping it inside and hoping for the best. :) I want this time to be THE TIME that I actually keep it going...


  • Seatownmum
    Seatownmum Posts: 24 Member
    Hi @Zoemondo , thx for sharing. I'm new to the group and will be 47 this summer. I am bound and determined to lose the extra 45 pounds I am carrying on my 5-4 frame.
    We can do this!
  • SportMCO
    SportMCO Posts: 3 Member
    Hey Zoemondo! I have been doing this for 191 days, wanting the Oreos everyday. But now, 67 pounds lighter and happier, there is so much more that I can do now. As someone in the closer-to-50-than-40 club, I know it is hard and easier to blame fate, age, or gravity. You can do it! We can help! Good Luck!
  • ChristinBuss
    ChristinBuss Posts: 16 Member
    Walking is great....walking helps with not just weight but stress and other problems. Wishing you well on your journey: )
  • tress29
    tress29 Posts: 614 Member
    Walking is great....walking helps with not just weight but stress and other problems.
    Yes, now that my boys can drive, they never want to walk anywhere. That's some quality alone time for me!

  • w3nd
    w3nd Posts: 12 Member
    Happy birthday zoemondo
  • Lindy0070
    Lindy0070 Posts: 51 Member
    I hope you had a lovely birthday
  • MTmimi
    MTmimi Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks for sharing your story. It sounds like you're really motivated. You can do this! I started this journey a little over a year ago and was able to get to a healthy weight by staying on track. The last couple of months I've floundered though- by letting other priorities (work, the kids, etc) take over. If you want to try to stay motivated together, please add me as a friend.
  • MTmimi
    MTmimi Posts: 38 Member
    I'm 45 and 5'6
  • shonat11
    shonat11 Posts: 170 Member
    Hi everyone.
    Zoemondo , thanks for your story - sounds familiar!
    Good luck to you all on your health /weight loss journey and feel free to add me for mutual support.
  • snowboardermom
    snowboardermom Posts: 21 Member
    edited July 2017
    Zoemondo- you can do this!! I'm 49 (barely 40 and fabulous but I hope the Group let's me in)! I'm just starting back with MFP. Anyone can add me!
  • pammiekay68
    pammiekay68 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi @Zoemondo and everyone in this group. I have felt like I hit rock bottom and knew that I needed a change. I have been changing my eating habits for a little over a week now and already feel better. I can't wait until I have done this for 3, 6 or even 12 months!! I will turn 49 in October and would love to have more friends to help me on this journey.
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hi Pammieg68, I bet I know what the 68 represents :) I will be 49 in August and though I lost the majority of my weight in my early 40's (never thought that would be phrase I'll miss), since turning 48 it's been different. I won't say harder because I think for the most part we should strive to move forward and not dwell on the past.

    I would suggest, taking things one at a time, changing our eating habits can be hard and stressful, but try and find a balance between being happy and being mindful and reasonable. I think that will go a long way to maintaining a healthy weight. I started at 5'2" - 244 and my goal was 144 (after several tweaks) at 146 I did not look good, so I decided on 150-153 range. At that point I started adding in strength training and though I got smaller my weight went up a little . . . then a lot :D Now I am at (last logged weight) 170, but I am getting back to finding my balance and I believe my happy weight is around 155-158 with being active this puts me in size 2-4. I say all this to suggest you do some deep thinking to choose a size/weight that really works for you and that you can maintain.
  • ZhivagosGirl
    ZhivagosGirl Posts: 161 Member
    Another someone turning 49 this year... September to be exact. I'm down 54 lbs since January. I want to lose another 45-50, after that we'll see. Although I feel like I've been at this long enough now that I can't imagine eating any other way and the thought of eating in maintenance kind of terrifies me because I certainly don't want to gain again. I suppose I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. One day at a time, one pound at a time, right?