Accountability Buddies?

katiely95 Posts: 63 Member
Good morning,

After another failure of an attempt to stay on my diet and workout schedule due to full time college as well as full time career stresses, I have decided to seek out some people to help me stay in check. I'm very willing to check in once a day and keep each other as accountable as possible,

Over the past 2 years, I swear, after yo-yoing I've lost at least 70 lbs total, but it keeps coming back on and I keep needing to take it back off. It's been a struggle.

I've been struggling with body issues and anxiety ever since I could remember.. My only real goals out of this are to finally be happy with myself and to gain more energy as well as a real meaning for life.

At my highest, I've been 153 at 5'3.5, and at my lowest I've been 116.

My current weight (This is after eating this morning) is 128.8.

Mind you, I'm super frustrated because I had a big binge eating fit this week. I was seriously 123.6 pounds just a little over a week ago..

In all, I'd love for you to share your story. Any and all motivation helps. Please, feel free to add me. Let's get healthy... together.

Yours Truly,


  • CaitKilla
    CaitKilla Posts: 75 Member
    Yes!! Add me girl!!
  • mespinal221
    mespinal221 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey! I'm pretty much in the same boat as you. I just graduated college in May and I partied like crazy over the summer and never worked out so I'm trying to get back into the habit of working out and would love to work with you guys to set up a workout plan and nutrition plan! Let me know what you think, it would be fun!
  • ashleighlu1
    ashleighlu1 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I also struggle sticking with a diet or workout schedule. I am starting to get back on track, and would love some friends to hold me accountable. I'm aiming to workout 6 times a week. I am doing Barre3 (loving it when I can motivate myself enough to actually do it) and using an elliptical trained if I'm not feeling up to anything else.

    I don't always have the best diet - I'm a habitual snacker and struggle eating healthy all the time.

    Right now I am at 119. I was lower, but went through a lazy streak.
  • DonutBelly
    DonutBelly Posts: 28 Member
    You can add me please. I'm in the same boat.