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  • wow_suzibear1
    wow_suzibear1 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi Guys... My name is Suzanne, im a 48 year old granny with 3 (almost 4) amazing grandboys and I reside outside Chicago. I would like to get down to a size 10, I dont have any idea how many lbs that will require but im at a 20-22 now.. so im figuring 75 lbs. I have dieted and lost 50lbs+ a few times so i know i can do it, but I have also gained it all back. I am a calorie counter so MFP is perfect for me.. Im wishing you all success with this challenge
  • SideshowTam
    SideshowTam Posts: 74 Member
    Hello! I'm Tamika, from the mid east coast of Australia.
    I have lost 7.5kg since using MFP since mid September, and I think any group challenge just helps with the motivation just *that* much more. I have another 30kg to go, but, small steps and short term goals is the way to go. 15lbs by New Year? I think we can manage that!

    I'm 26 years old and though I'd love to have a thin figure, for me its all about fitness. I think thats something that becomes more important as we age. Being skinny isn't going to help me kick *kitten*! :D
  • tiffanycones20
    tiffanycones20 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, Tiffany from Tulsa,OK, new nurse and in grad school need to lose about 45lbs that I gained while in nursing school. We can do this
  • ahurley619
    ahurley619 Posts: 15 Member
    Amber from Cali. Started on this journey with my hubby 3 days ago. We are starting out by watching our calorie intake with MFP. Haven't started a workout plan yet, so this challenge will be quite helpful. Looking forward to it.
  • kathtnt
    kathtnt Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, greetings to all. I am Kathy and working on getting rid of the extra 20lbs of weight and getting and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
  • moonchildisme
    moonchildisme Posts: 83 Member
    I'm 46 from Michigan. I have been morbid obese most of my life. I am now over weight and want to keep going.
  • debbiemuz
    debbiemuz Posts: 194 Member
    Hi, I'm Debbie and I'm relatively new here. Just started in August. I'm 50, lost 20 pounds using MFP, and need to lose about 30-40 more pounds. I know it's going to get harder the more I lose. I live in Oklahoma with my husband and 9-year-old son who is always on the go. Want to lose for him, so that we can have more fun, especially outside.

    Short-term, I want to have some accountability during the holidays.
    Long-term, I would like to have a normal BMI.
  • alexib
    alexib Posts: 45 Member
    Hi, I'm Alexis from South Carolina, I've been a member on MFP for a couple of years and like many of you, I have lost weight and gained it back. I'm 25 and I'll be graduating from college in May (took longer than expected) and want to be in the best shape I can be going forward. It would be great to lose 15lbs by January, I know I can do it. I could definitely use accountabilibuddy, especially during the holidays. I am also trying to cut out sweets and added sugar, which is hard because I love candy and red velvet cake.
  • zharptichka
    zharptichka Posts: 127 Member
    Hi, I'm Erin from Virginia. I've been heavy all my life so everything is sort of new territory for me. I've lost about 20 pounds so far but I've got a long way to go still. I'm hoping that joining this group will help me get through the holidays on track.
  • dragonsfruit
    dragonsfruit Posts: 4 Member
    edited October 2016
    Hi, I'm Meaghan from Florida. I've starting gaining weight due to careless and unhealthy eating. I'm looking to lose 15 pounds this year but my ultimate goal is to lose 20 pounds!
    I hope to have support on my journey alongside give back support to others (:
  • DarleneOnTrack
    DarleneOnTrack Posts: 12 Member
    Hello everyone :)
    I am Darlene and I have two kids. My son is 3 and my daughter is 2.

    First off I LOVE FOOD!!!! (I am sure many can agree hehe)
    Food is weakness, controlling what and how much I eat is the biggest challenge for me within my weight loss journey. If anyone has any tips, please do tell :tongue:

    Unfortunately, I have had a roller coaster effect with my weight loss. Two years ago I started at a weight of 248lbs. I had gotten all the way down to 201 (over the course of 7ish months). I felt better, got confident, and just all together stopped pretty much everything I was doing. (not smart I know) Well about 4 months ago I was back up to 220 lbs! I have gotten down 217lbs but I can feel myself slipping back into old habits already. I want to make this a life style change (so i do not experience weight gain again like before), not just a quick lose weight, feel great kind of thing. I am hoping to make friends and create a strong support group along this crazy, yet amazing weight loss journey.

    If anyone wants to have an accountable partner, I would love to have one.


  • susanmaryb4766
    susanmaryb4766 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. I'm brand new as of 10 minutes ago. My daughter just started her freshman year in college. She said she lost about 10 pounds and I gained it! Been feeling very uncomfortable in my own skin. Clothes don't fit. Have no energy. But I have to get motivated and start walking again. Then move onto the rec. center. We luve in Colorado, so very inexpensive to join. And, obviously, I have to quit eating the wrong foods. Going to cook healthy and my husband will have to,as well! Looking forward to Nov.1!! :-)
  • GreatLakeGirl
    GreatLakeGirl Posts: 11 Member
    Hello! Janet from Michigan! I lost 50 lbs using MFP, and I manages to gain back 18 of those! With every pound I gained back I would tell my self that "you've still lost X lbs overall". I'm trying again and manages to lose 8 lbs so far. Losing 15 lbs by January 1 would be amazing, but I'll settle for anything. If you need friends please friend me! Many of the people I originally lost weight with are inactive now.
  • tmoneyag99
    tmoneyag99 Posts: 480 Member
    Newbie here!
  • Mamzelc606
    Mamzelc606 Posts: 30 Member
    edited October 2016
    Hi all! I am in Canada and I have lost 20 lbs, have to lose another 65. I think entering this challenge will give me the buttkick I needed this week!
    Oh and add me if you feel :)
  • Mamzelc606
    Mamzelc606 Posts: 30 Member
    I've been using MFP for a while under an old account name. I managed to lose 31lbs in about 3 months and then I started to go off track. So I'm back again with a new account and fresh determination.

    I had 200lbs to lose in total and now I've got 169lbs to go. I don't have a time frame in mind, though I am aiming for 2lbs a week. Sometimes it's more, sometimes it's less, but at least it's coming off!

    I'm going to be 30 in March and I'm tired of being tired. Being fat is starting to have an impact. I'm exhausted all the time, I get out of breath super quick and chub rub is not fun!

    Just wanna say I love your profile pic! XD
  • treebag72
    treebag72 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, my name is Theresa from Hampshire
  • lizzbobeth
    lizzbobeth Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Everyone!! I'm Lizz, and I am pumped to join this challenge!

    I am 5'3, started at 185lbs. Now I'm down to 170, and would LOVE to lose another 15 by January 1st! I'm going on a vacation to Europe in mid-December, so if I can lose 15 by that point and just maintain the weight loss through my vacation, I'll be stoked!

    Looking forward to being a part of this group, and no longer going through this journey alone!!
  • xtinalovexo
    xtinalovexo Posts: 1,376 Member
    Hellllloooo :):flowerforyou: Im new! :drinker: I started in 2011 and successfully dropped 50lbs... then in 2014 I had a severe accident leaving me partially disabled and unable to use my right arm. After two surgeries, I successfully regained about 60% mobility, but gained back all my weight! In January I started the gym and did lose a bit of weight, but have been having a hard time staying on track and controlling my drinking. I am ready to commit and be held accountable as well as motivate and support others!!! :):)<3
  • amanda_deanne
    amanda_deanne Posts: 38 Member
    I'm in! I am Amanda from Western Canada. I first joined MFP in 2012 and lost 70lbs. I was able to maintain that for two years when I got pregnant. I had two babies back to back and am ready to lose the weight I gained in the process! I started a new MFP with a new starting weight and my first goal is to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight and then I will reassess from there. I'm excited for a challenge and love this idea!