Ketogenic on a tight budget



  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    edited October 2016
    I will chime in that eating expensive and fancy meat is absolutely not required. You can thrive and get healthy even eating the cheap stuff in the store.

    I "survived" a month eating nothing but ground beef with a little seasoning. Now, I am a big eater and have a calorie goal of almost 3,000 calories a day. I was able to get the meat for under $2 a pound. I ate for less than $3.75 a day. Someone eating 1400-1600 calories a day will spend about half that amount. My diet was highly ketogenic (80% fat and 20% protein with 0% carbs). You may need to add even more fat, depending on your need to maintain high ketones.

    Hold on! I know this isn't the solution you're looking for. You don't need to eat only ground beef. But, this could be a good base to build a cheap diet on. Ground beef and eggs are cheap and healthy foods. If you find some veggies on sale or some other things to add in, and they fit your budget and macros, you're sitting pretty.

    I guess my only point would be to not stress about the best quality meat if it can't fit your budget. The biggest boon comes from removing the crap from your diet. The difference between high-priced meat and cheap-meat is trivial, if it even exists (which I have reason to believe it doesn't).

    Edit: I put "survived" in quotes because it's a massive under-statement. I thrived on it. I actually enjoyed it more than I thought I would. I felt great. And, removing dairy dropped my weight more than I expected (while averaging 2,650 calories a day).
  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member
    So insightful . Thank you for all of your great responses!
  • MindfulMother
    MindfulMother Posts: 38 Member
    Elizabeth, You are on the right track to health and that is awesome. You can do this!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,057 Member
    I am one who eats mainly organic grass fed and pastured meat and eggs. I have a relationship with farmers who will cater to individual needs. My monthly meat cost this year is $156. I have many reasons for choosing to buy my meat right from the farm, but the one I'd like to highlight here is the fact that I get many items for free, such as bones and parts of the animals that most others don't use, like heads and feet. I make my own bone broth and headcheese for instance, and derive a lot of enjoyment from the entire experience. And yes, I believe I am healthier eating this meat, whether that may be the case or not scientifically. I know that my meat has not been exposed to chemicals and that means a lot to me.

    I eat LCHF, and the bulk of my diet is protein and fat. What I have noticed is that I am actually saving money eating this way, since I am no longer eating any...or very little processed food, which can be expensive. I use my animal fat for cooking, save bacon fat, make my own lard, and buy butter and coconut oil.

    I am not buying breads, cereals, fruit, junk food etc, and and I now buy considerably less vegetables than before keto. With my meat purchases already arranged, all I have to buy weekly is a few fresh veggies, butter, cream, cheese, maybe extra bacon and paper products. I also grow my own vegetables in the summer and make my own pickles and tomato sauce etc. My total grocery bill is less than when we ate a regular SAD diet.

    I would suggest many of the same things that other folks here recommend. That is, the quality of the meat may not be as important as being able to buy in bulk and watch for deals. Get the best quality meat you can afford, and stock up. I find it more simple to eat this kind of diet...not nearly as many foods or products to purchase makes me very happy.

    Good luck and try not to stress out about it. With experience, you will find ways that work for you.
  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member
    Kitnthecat--- I think the overall thought I am gaining is get the best at this point I can afford. I downloaded the dirty dozen lists for my shopping this week. I am going to save and buy from one of our organic farms in the area. But at this point it is better for me to just low carbs it. Keep it going. I am off work won't return to mid December. I have learned a lot. I enjoy hearing how people put this practical into their lives. Thank you for sharing

  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,057 Member
    You're welcome. I forgot to mention things like nuts. They can be pricey but I don't buy them often, and I watch for sales.
  • kiwiapplepear
    kiwiapplepear Posts: 65 Member
    In Jesus's name we ask for complete healing of Elizabeth Father, please cover her with the holy blood of Jesus, fill her with your Holy Spirit, purify her with your Holy Fire, and restoration of her body mind and soul. Amen xxxxx
  • DietPrada
    DietPrada Posts: 1,171 Member
    Please don't say headcheese :/
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,057 Member
    Options's just meat and broth that has jellied......
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    headcheese - my Grandpa's favorite, I remember when I was little he used to buy it at the deli and eat slices of it with vinegar. I can't stand to look at it :o