New to Keto

Hello, my name is Cathy and I am new to Keto. My doctor recommended Paleo due to my autoimmune disease. I was doing research and it appears that a Keto style version, or Paleo Plus, would be able to help me gain remission faster. Which I need to do as quickly as possible since my health is deteriorating.
I apologize in advance for any and all newbie questions. I just really need help if I don't want to die young like my mother.
Thank you.


  • bluebent
    bluebent Posts: 4 Member
    Give it an honest go and I'm confident you will feel better. I'm not sure which autoimmune disease you have but I know that Keto is great for lots of different ailments. I have arthritis in many joints and when I stuck with keto in the past every ache went away! My problem is that when I start to feel better I go back to my old ways of eating and the pain returns. I've only been back on Keto for three days now and am also looking for support and motivation. I really want to feel good for the long haul. I have two young children and I need to be active and pain free to be the best mom I can be. Good luck to you!
  • sisisisepuede
    sisisisepuede Posts: 27 Member
    Welcome Cathy! There are lots of resources here and online about how to start off. Trust the process and yourself-- and bring on the questions! :)
  • charlotte251
    charlotte251 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi Cathy, first thing's first, get on to calculate your ideal fat/protein/carb percentages then change them in HOME>GOALS, also, feel free to add me if you like :)
  • LaLalTodd
    LaLalTodd Posts: 3 Member
    I just did this and I think I did something wrong, it had me at 25g/75carbs. 80g/21% protein and 122g/72% fat. I am freaking out at how high the fat allowance is!
  • sikanos07
    sikanos07 Posts: 10 Member
    I have mine set for 10% carbs, 25% protein, 65% fat. The allowance of grams you are permitted I think based off your calories allowance bc it carbs that percentage from there. I THINK lol bc I when I have my calories at 1200 it gives me 22grams and when I have it set for 1400 it gives me more. What I do is watch my nutrients through the day and make sure my total carb count from my subtracted fiber count stays around 20 grams for the day. I just stared day 8 this morning so I am also very new to it but it seems to be working bc I am down 6.4lbs and lost 4 inches at my waist. Hopefully I helped some with how I watch my carbs for the day because the mfp does not have a net carb calculator
  • jbullock1111
    jbullock1111 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm not sure I'm using the calculator correctly...any hints by any chance? Totally new to this :)