I need to lose 50 pounds.

I just started counting my macros and I need any tips on healthy eating and workouts that will help me to lose the weight. Please help :'(


  • I've lost 40 lbs in four months on a nutritional ketogenic diet. This is high fat, moderate protein, and low carb. I didn't bother with calorie counting until I stalled for two months. This particular diet kind of does WHOOSH and stall. If the stall is longer than a couple of months, begin calorie counting and make sure you are not overdoing it on any of your macros.

    Typical Day:

    Breakfast - 2 eggs, breakfast sausage, and coffee with real cream
    Lunch - Homemade beanless chili or a big spinach salad with homemade dressing.
    Dinner - Shrimp in heavy cream with lemon zest over zucchini noodles.
    Lots of water and tea

    I don't normally snack because I'm just not hungry. I did not begin exercising until after losing my first 25 pounds. I decided to lift because I have plantar fasciitis, arthritis, and Achilles tendonitis so the less impact the better. 1 hour of various weights. I was surprised to find I was getting plenty of cardio with battle ropes and beating a tire with a sledgehammer.
  • vallet2017
    vallet2017 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everybody...I'm also trying to lose about 50 pounds...and I think 10 pounds at a time is a great idea! I have always yo-yo dieted my whole life...my biggest weakness is sweets! lol...does anyone have any suggestions on substitutions for sweets or maybe low fat, sugar free dessert ideas?
  • jacq_bjacq
    jacq_bjacq Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! For me Meal Prep and plan is the key in eating healthy. First I plan the food for the week - breakfast, snacks, lunches, and dinner. Then I do my food shopping based on the plan. I cook all the work lunches for me and my husband for the week on a Sunday which usually takes 1-2 hours depending on the kind of food. I usually cook 2 types of lunches where we can interchange. The food planning really cuts off all the stress on what to cook especially for dinner.

    @vallet2017 do you eat cherries? They are sweet but healthy and low GI.
  • kaylangrandorff
    kaylangrandorff Posts: 94 Member
    jacq_bjacq wrote: »
    Hello! For me Meal Prep and plan is the key in eating healthy. First I plan the food for the week - breakfast, snacks, lunches, and dinner. Then I do my food shopping based on the plan. I cook all the work lunches for me and my husband for the week on a Sunday which usually takes 1-2 hours depending on the kind of food. I usually cook 2 types of lunches where we can interchange. The food planning really cuts off all the stress on what to cook especially for dinner.

    @vallet2017 do you eat cherries? They are sweet but healthy and low GI.

    I do the same thing. It has become part of my Sunday. Usually done before or after the football game, depending on the time of the game. Lol. Usually leftover dinner becomes the next days lunch or dinner repenting how I write it out. It also helps you budget for food.
  • 33scrappy
    33scrappy Posts: 5 Member
    Hello. I'm looking to lose between 40-50#. I lost 55 last year, but life happened and part of it found me again. Any tips on meal prep would be great, as I've never done it. I am going to buckle down and get motivated to do this again. Any tips are appreciated.
  • monicaamy902
    monicaamy902 Posts: 55 Member
    vallet2017 wrote: »
    Hello everybody...I'm also trying to lose about 50 pounds...and I think 10 pounds at a time is a great idea! I have always yo-yo dieted my whole life...my biggest weakness is sweets! lol...does anyone have any suggestions on substitutions for sweets or maybe low fat, sugar free dessert ideas?

    @vallet2017 I agree with the people before. I can't eat any sweets (sugar or sugar free sweets) without craving more. If you don't eat sweets, but eat fruit, the fruit turns into the most amazing sweet deliciousness! I LOVE watermelon right now. It's so delicious, and since it's mostly water, you can eat a lot!
  • monicaamy902
    monicaamy902 Posts: 55 Member
    @33scrappy I'm right there with you! I had a major tragedy in my life a few years ago and lost 25 lbs, which was the perfect weight for me, but because I lost it from the stress, I gained it all back plus another 20!! Ugh! I feel motivated today to start over though!!
  • goinest
    goinest Posts: 1 Member

    I would like advice on how to properly lose about 50 pounds. I have started doing body weight exercises and would like advice on how to properly use my scale when weighing my food. What am I looking for? I am a 49 year old male, large frame and have learned that not eating enough will keep the weight on.

    Thanks for your feedback.
  • SUSHER5592
    SUSHER5592 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello all, my name is Sonja. Started this journey Dec 1, so far I've lost 3.5 pounds, not easy, but im sticking to it. Working on losing 50 pounds by JUNE 2017/ i'll be 50 in 6 months.
  • Hello! What we find that really helps is adding 1-2 tsp of organic coconut oil to your morning meal. The healthy fat acts as an excellent appetite suppressant all day long - and you may forget to eat lunch :open_mouth:
  • diamondlife88
    diamondlife88 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I also am looking to lose about 50 lbs. I have lost weight in the past, but gained it back after having 2 more children. The last baby is 2 years old and I have bounced between 205-215 since loosing then. I just started working with a fitness coach last week and have forged a new commitment to my health. What has worked best for my food consumption is planning in advance. I am very excited to finally be mentally ready to change my lifestyle!
  • Shutterbuggg
    Shutterbuggg Posts: 196 Member
    Don't get caught up in fads or focusing on too much at first. It truly is Calories in vs Calories out. Find out your BMR and set your daily calorie goal. If you like Reese's Peanut butter cups, you can still eat them, just as long as it fits in your calories for the day. And if you go over for one day, adjust and move forward. A single failure or overage in calories will not sabbotage you, only quitting will.
    Like others have said, start with a smaller goal in mind and go from there. The weight didn't get on your body in one week or month, so be realistic and don't expect it to come off immediately.
    One additional bit of advice is to STAY HYDRATED! It will help with your metabolism and it will help with confusing thirst for hunger. Stick with water or unsweetened teas (hot or cold).
  • Shutterbuggg
    Shutterbuggg Posts: 196 Member
    Also a quote that motivates me when I don't see the results as quick as I like...

    "Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant. "

    Meaning you need to also need to exercise patience and keep setting yourself up for success in order to see results. Focus on the positive.
  • sherecep
    sherecep Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I need to lose about 50 lbs, I have done meal prepping for lunches and have a written plan in place for dinners, I have a definite weakness for bread and sweets.My meal prep after day three gets to me. When I prep for myself, I push through because I don't want to see my hard work go to waste, If I prep for both me and my husband he gets discourage by lunch meal two then everything for the rest of the week goes out the window. I'm looking for more creative ways to stay motivated with meal prep.
    I also work out five times a week sometimes for two or more hours in a day. The scale is not moving much... help please
  • Shutterbuggg
    Shutterbuggg Posts: 196 Member
    @sherecep Meal prep for several days just doesn't work for me. I get bored with what I have prepared and I usually throw meals away. Prepping for only 2 days seems to help me with that, but I know it isn't as time effective.. But if I am not excited or interested in the food I eat, I lose focus. Perhaps only prep for a couple days and make sure that there is something in the meal you look forward to eating. Keep at it and keep your calories under budget for the day.
    What kind of workouts are you doing? If it is cardio only, I highly suggest incorporating weight lifting. Building muscle adds to your metabolism and is great for re-shaping your body.
  • Jasmine8007
    Jasmine8007 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm new to MFP, my first week actually. :) I also want to lose 50 lbs. I'm 54 with a heart condition so the going will be slow, but I'm determined that this will be MY year! One of my goals is to begin yoga. I've been told by my doctor (female) that yoga is a great way to tone up and lose weight. I also have a Fitbit and am walking as much as I can during the day. I have to admit, making the 10 thousand steps per day is quite a challenge for me! There are times that I literally walk around my kitchen table several times just to make it. LOL My dog starts following then sits and watches me go round and round. I wonder what he's thinking. Are there any other yoga peeps here? I'm looking forward to meeting some great people. I have a Pinterest account with really awesome recipes for vegans, vegetarians, and pescatarians if anyone is interested. :)
  • tyshieha
    tyshieha Posts: 76 Member
    My doctor told me this past week that all my stats look very good. My blood pressure and my sugar level is well below where in needs to be. My only problem right now is my vitamin D. I have always been anemic and now my anemia in under control with no medicine. All I am doing to taking all the bad stuff out of my diet. Its amazing to know that that this is all I needed to do. I am under so much stress right now and I am glad to know that I am still doing this. My goal this year to lose 5 pounds a month. That means I will lose 1.5 pounds a week. I start back my exercising tomorrow!!!

    The elliptical machine since I have to start over I am going to try to do atleast 20 min @ 1. I am going to only do weights once a week. I think the problem I was having last time is I was doing to many weights and since muscle weighs more then fat I was not losing like I wanted because I was doing to many weights. I think I want to concentrate of losing the fat then I will concentrate on gaining muscle.

    So my exercise plan for the year is to get to 5X's a week at the gym every week consistent and get on the elliptical atleast 60 min going level 4. I wont make that probable until December of this year but that is my goal for this year.

    I am so proud of myself because I am sticking to my lifestyle change. People will bring things to work and ask me if I want some and 9x out of 10 I say no. My wheel power is getting really good. So I am eating real food and all my food is going to be cooked from whole food with whole ingredients.

    I am not using box or processed food. Even when I need to make tomato sauce I am going to make it myself. That way I know what is going into my body. I need to work on serving size and I am going to try to eat 5-6 small meals a day as a posed to 3 large meals a day. What I am finding out is that when I eat 3 meals I want to snack more but I am going to try the 5-6 meals to see if that work better for me. I am going to still try to stay under my 1200 calories per day. I will let y'all know how this is working out.
  • laburto
    laburto Posts: 43 Member
    Cardio..3 months of running will make you lose a decent amount. Make sure you do intervals as well. Strength training should be involved as well.