Week 1 Weigh In ~~~ November 7th - 13th



  • rhiannongrindley
    rhiannongrindley Posts: 52 Member
    I usually eat pretty well during the week but fall apart on weekends. Having said that, I somehow lost 800g (1.7 pounds) this week so very happy about that! :)
  • Lauraddb
    Lauraddb Posts: 3 Member
    Lost 2. 5 this week :smile:
  • LadyScorpio67
    LadyScorpio67 Posts: 247 Member
    edited November 2016
    MFP Start: 264.4
    CSW: 226.6
    CGW: 211.6
    UGW: 170

    11/8: 224.6

    So far: -2.0
    Total: -2.0
    To go: 13.0

    Could have been better but went out to eat for my birthday last night. Sunday I head out for a cruise vacation and won't be where I can weigh-in. At least when I get back I'll have a couple of days to get the salt flushed out of my system before I weigh again. :)
  • jenkofb
    jenkofb Posts: 43 Member
    I'm down 2.4lbs. Currently just sticking to calorie goal and doing a little walking. Glad to see everyone is doing so great!!
  • wow_suzibear1
    wow_suzibear1 Posts: 18 Member
    glad to see i lost 3 lbs.. mother nature packed on 2 lbs of water weight this past week.. im glad she took it back :)
  • lisag1288
    lisag1288 Posts: 31 Member
    Dropped 1.4 pounds, I was expecting a little more considering I followed my plan perfectly but its ok. I guess it is better to take it off slowly. I do feel better physically. I did not think 1200 calories would be enough to sustain me but I haven't had any serious hunger issues.
  • kathtnt
    kathtnt Posts: 5 Member
    Did great on water and exercise, got to tweak that calorie in. Up two ounces, feels like 2 lbs...
  • olsogo
    olsogo Posts: 25 Member
    Dropped 1.6 :D
  • stm712015
    stm712015 Posts: 138 Member
    Lost 2.4 lbs this week. I'm happy with that. Have logged all food, averaging 1200 cal./day allotment. On track to lose the 15 lbs by New Years! :)
  • MarilynTC
    MarilynTC Posts: 98 Member
    Down 2.2 lbs! I was much better than I've been in a LOOOOOONG time about logging ALL of my food - I have a bad habit of neglecting to log anything I eat after dinner, but this week I made a real effort to do it.
  • moonchildisme
    moonchildisme Posts: 83 Member
    dint go up or down :neutral:
  • Preetib24
    Preetib24 Posts: 15 Member
    I didn't lose any weight but I did lose an inch each from my hips, waist and arms. So i consider that still a win.

    I joined a gym so hopefully It will also help. I had a small fun size candy once last week but besides that I was clean.

    I really suggest everyone to measure themselves. It makes you feel better even tho the scale isn't going the right way.
  • megannxx
    megannxx Posts: 679 Member
    SW- 202.4 lbs

    Week 1- 202.6 lbs

    I've been having issues with my eating (not eating enough, or bingeing.) Had A late night and a ton of sodium the night before weigh in.

    Been keeping rather good with my water!
  • elisabel
    elisabel Posts: 242 Member
    edited November 2016
    2 Walks, 3 runs (1 mile, 2miles, and 4 miles) and 1 Zumba class....stuck to my diet and caloric goals almost all days and still GAINED, up 1.2 not sure what's going on! but on a positive note my clothes are fitting better. Today I'm wearing a pair of pants that I haven't been able to wear in over 4 year. Here's to a better next week!
  • dorenam
    dorenam Posts: 5 Member
    edited November 2016
    Stayed pretty much the same. Didn't help that I forgot thyroid medication one day. I will do better this week for sure.
  • ljtulips
    ljtulips Posts: 2 Member
    Lost 4lbs, current weight 129lbs
  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    I gained a pound. I've been bad lately. I'm starting to slowly get back on track. I find it really hard when I'm sick, but I've been sick forever, so I have to try harder.