
Hi everyone. I have recently returned to the 5:2 diet after putting quite a bit of weight on. I have started this group so fellow 5:2'ers can swap tips and recipe ideas and hopefully make a few new friends on the way


  • yoyo_300
    yoyo_300 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey noticed you started this thread a year ago. Are you still doing 5.2 fast?
  • weekesy
    weekesy Posts: 5 Member
    I've been doing 5:2 for 6 months to lose my baby weight. I'm 3 stone down with 5lbs to go to goal. Love this WOE!
  • Junthe
    Junthe Posts: 19 Member
    Wow weekesy, that a great loss in the amount of time taken. Impressed!
    Justed start ed 5:2 this week after a more vegan/ raw foods diet that l have plateaued on for the last 3 months.
    So far, the fast days feel great. I have more energy and knowing of me rather than eat for food sake.
  • sarahmilner714
    sarahmilner714 Posts: 23 Member
  • janna674
    janna674 Posts: 410 Member
    Just starting this today ... Hoping for some decent results
  • lakemouse
    lakemouse Posts: 12 Member
    I started today, I'm excited!
  • lakemouse
    lakemouse Posts: 12 Member
    Today is my 2nd fast day. I was suprised at my last fast day that I never really felt hungry if I picked the right foods! I'm going to use the same foods today. Breakfast: 1 slice bacon, lunch : 1/2 can Campbell's chicken noodle soup with water and steamed broccoli with lemon, dinner: 2 cups lettus and 2 oz canned salmon and 1/2 cup chickpeas and lemon over all. Then if I need a snack during the day or just before bed I can have a cup of chicken or beef broth! It worked great last time. I also picked my fast days to be days where I'm really busy so I don't think about it much.
  • vc5511
    vc5511 Posts: 4 Member
    Just started the 5:2 diet today. Honestly, I'm really hungry, but probably didn't choose the best option for lunch. Sipping green tea is really helping.
  • vc5511
    vc5511 Posts: 4 Member
    Just started the 5:2 diet today. Today has been tough, but drinking green tea seems to help stave off the hunger pangs.
  • Faye369
    Faye369 Posts: 33 Member
    I am 2 weeks in to the 5:2 strategy (hate the word diet!) and am down 4 lbs. I decided on the 5:2 after seeing Dr Mosley on the Dr Oz show at a time when I needed to make a change because I had plateaued. My fast days are usually Monday and Thursday but shift Thursday to Wednesday depending on what I'm doing. I decided when I started that if I went over a little on my calories on a fast day I wasn't going to beat myself up. My usual consumption is a piece of rye toast with 1 TB natural PB or almond butter and fresh blueberries with coffee (210 cal) grapefruit (104 cal) and casein protein with either mashed banana (211 cal) or blueberries for supper (141 cal) so my total ranges 455 - 525. My daughter turned me on to casein protein about a month ago .. it is slow release so leaves you feeling full longer than the normal protein shakes. I mix mine not as a shake but more as a pudding and it also satisfies my urge for sweet treat.
  • raverhayley
    raverhayley Posts: 112 Member
    Hey everyone... im in my 3rd week of 5:2 and coping well so far. Looking to loose3-4 stone :)