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vblake2012 Posts: 9 Member
Procedure date: April 20th 2016
lbs. lost as of June 13th 35lbs


  • ptsmiles
    ptsmiles Posts: 511 Member
    That is outstanding! Congratulations!
  • brp1627
    brp1627 Posts: 24 Member
    Had my 2 month follow up appointment today. Only down a total of 7 pounds on the study scale. Feeling discouraged.
  • ptsmiles
    ptsmiles Posts: 511 Member
    I understand. I have only lost 12lbs as of my 4 month visit. I keep going up and down and back up. I understand that isn't unusual, but it is still frustrating. I think I had high expectations and have to keep reminding myself that 12lbs is more weight than I have lost on my own in the last year. Just keep working at it and remember that you have lost weight. It may not be as much as you hoped, but you are only two months in and there is still time left in the study.
  • smithebeth
    smithebeth Posts: 16 Member
    Gosh that is great vblake2012! I am scheduled for August 16th. How much weight do you have to lose? What was your starting BMI?
  • brp1627
    brp1627 Posts: 24 Member
    How is everyone doing? I had my 6 month endoscopy today. My 6 month appointment is on Wednesday of next week. I really haven't lost any more weight since month 2 (maybe 10 lbs total). It goes down a couple pounds, but then back up again. I was pretty darn certain that I have the device, but now I really don't think so. Minimal weight lost, and I don't get full as quick anymore either.
  • ptsmiles
    ptsmiles Posts: 511 Member
    Hi @brp1627, I am having the same issue with my weight fluctuating. Also, like you I don't get as full as quickly as I did initially. I have my 9 month f/u on the 16th.
  • smithebeth
    smithebeth Posts: 16 Member
    brp1627.... After the procedure, how long were you sick or have stomach cramps? I have my procedure tomorrow and I am wondering if I will know if I get the device or not. I find it hard to believe that people won't know by their eating capabilities whether or not they have the device? ptsmiles.... I can't wait to hear about your progress on Wed.!!
  • brp1627
    brp1627 Posts: 24 Member
    Smithebeth- I had a terrible sore throat for a few days after the procedure. And a day or two of cramping (maybe more, but it's hard to remember now). I don't recall nausea, unless I over ate. At first, I could hardly eat anything because I'd get so full after only a few bites of food. But 6+ months into the study, I feel like I can eat close to what I could before the study. I do not think I have the device.
  • smithebeth
    smithebeth Posts: 16 Member
    I got excluded from the study
  • ptsmiles
    ptsmiles Posts: 511 Member
    @smithebeth, I'm so sorry.
  • ptsmiles
    ptsmiles Posts: 511 Member
    January 24th is my last appointment and also my unblinding. I will find out that day if I have the device or not and if I need an endoscopy the following week. I'm excited, but can't believed how fast it has gone. I don't think I have the device and if I do, I'll be disappointed because I haven't lost as much as I hoped I would.
  • brp1627
    brp1627 Posts: 24 Member
    Only a few days to go ptsmiles!
  • ptsmiles
    ptsmiles Posts: 511 Member
    So I had my un blinding on the 25th and I did not receive the device. I didn't think I had it, so I wasn't surprised or disappointed. Hopefully, I will receive my Weight Watcher's gift card soon, so I can get started on that. I had the option to receive the device once it was approved and I declined because I want to wait and see what the study outcome is. I have been able to get to the gym everyday this week, which is something I just hadn't had the time to do in awhile. I'm hoping to get to the gym at least 3-4 days/week from now on. Feel free to keep posting and I will keep checking this group and answering questions as they come up. Keep me posted on how all of you are doing.
  • lovlylady126
    lovlylady126 Posts: 5 Member
    Today is day two... crazy horrible cramping... just trying breathe through it. I can hardly eat, I think I consumed approx. 400 cals yesterday and am at about 150 now... just scared to eat, an I'm not very hungry. I have no nausea, but did vomit early this morning. I'm hoping the cramping ends very soon. Is anyone participating now?
  • ptsmiles
    ptsmiles Posts: 511 Member
    @lovlylady126 I'm sorry you are having cramping. Did they give you anything for them? I know I got a prescription for cramping and one for nausea.
  • lovlylady126
    lovlylady126 Posts: 5 Member
    Yes! But it's now day 3 and it's not quite as bad, but it's still rough... the pills help some. My amount of food has dramatically decreased. Last night I ate 1 bite of chicken. 2 bites of potato and a half a bite of cabbage. Unbelievable!
  • ptsmiles
    ptsmiles Posts: 511 Member
    @lovlylady126 Wow. Now, I'm kinda jealous I didn't get the device. I do wonder though once it is removed if your hunger will return to normal or if after a year you will be used to it and it won't be a challenge to continue the same way.
  • lovlylady126
    lovlylady126 Posts: 5 Member
    Me too! I'm already nervous.
  • brp1627
    brp1627 Posts: 24 Member
    Me too! I'm already nervous.

    It's been a couple of weeks now, how are things going with you?
  • ptsmiles
    ptsmiles Posts: 511 Member
    How are you doing @brp1627 ?