Nutritarian November



  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Hi guys! How is your week going?

    Karrie, I'm so sorry about your hedgie :( How did the kids take it? I can't imagine having to be the "adult" in those situations... I dread eventually having my pup pass away during my time. He's the first pet that is actually mine, and I will be so crushed.

    Carla, I'm obsessed with your artwork!!!! it is so beautiful. I realllllly love the resin format. I think I first saw it at this gallery in Hawaii, and truthfully I couldn't afford anything there, but I fell in love with it! Your stuff is so nice. I can imagine how hard it would be to price though, probably with any form of art, because not everyone can appreciate how much time and energy (and materials) go into each one.

    Mihani, I still have a weird relationship with veggies but I had my first salad in four months this week!! I thought of you guys, and that you would be proud lol. It's pretty sad, but I think I'm getting back to normal a bit now. I hope anyway. I need to get some serious prep done this weekend. I've been having tomato soups/minestrone like crazy lately, so comforting! How is work going? PLEASEEEEEEEEE my thanksgiving wish for you is at least two days off!!
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,364 Member
    Mihani, I am with wish is for you to take at least 2 days off for Thanksgiving. You work sooo hard. I was starting to worry a bit since you hadn't posted in a while. You are always so consistent. Glad you are okay :)

    Lia, you are right, super proud of you for digging into that salad! Sometimes it just takes a few of them to get back into the groove. I should tell myself that too and see if it works!

    Thank you both for the resin-love! I have some news that made my day today: my cousin, who runs an upscale laser skin clinic downtown Vancouver, would like to hang a few pieces of my art in her clinic :) She will have my business cards there for anyone that is interested. She has a spa-like space and it will will help my art look good! yay! She actually wanted to buy some, but I said to just hang it and she can switch them out for others when she gets tired of them.

    Please no one ask about my food. It has been so terrible lately. I had a few good days when I made curry, but once it was gone I was in binge-land. Darn it! Where is my self discipline lately? Maybe it is hidden under the scones... :D but seriously, I need to smarten up.

    Thanks for being awesome guys!
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    The kids wailed and wailed in the morning when my hubby told them (I couldn't do it). We all hugged and cried and cried and hugged. It was rough. We had her cremated. My mom is making a stepping stone for her and we are going to bury the ashes under the stone out at the cabin (I didn't want to bury her little body because I was afraid something might try to dig her up which would be a nightmare).

    I'm slowly getting back on track. I'm about 50% right now. But I made some hummus last night - so tasty when it's homemade! And I just had carrot sticks, cherry tomatoes and hummus (would have had more veggies if they were stocked in my fridge...)

    So the weekend is for grocery shopping and food prep again. we'll see if round #2 is any more successful....
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,058 Member
    Sorry I am so hit and miss on the group lately. Work is nuts, but I am dealing with it pretty well lately. I have been trying to work out more too, at least treadmill. I didn't get to the 30DS yet but I plan to.

    Worked today at the office, stopped on the way home and grabbed some kale and made the golden lentil stew and some brown rice tonight, the rice will be good for steamer bags of broccoli and cauliflower lunches this week, I add some soy sauce and nooch and they are good that way. Usually the steamer bags are kinda blah, but nooch perks up everything.

    Back to the office tomorrow.

    Lia, yay for salads! Definitely proud of you. How are you feeling? Morning sickness subsiding?

    Carla, that is awesome, just getting your art out there where people can see it is a big step to sales. I would sort of think that selling your art is a bit like selling a piece of yourself though, hard to price!

    Karrie, hope the kids are feeling better. Yay for weekend prep! I'm with you.

  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Hi guys! Is it Christmas yet?! I'm dying for it.

    I am finally feeling mostly normal again!! Yayyyy. I need to work on my eating though. I'm eating less than I was before, but it's still not all healthful. Cookies follow a lot of meals lol. And my stomach is starting to stick out, which is weird, because isn't that what we always want NOT to happen?! Lol. I've been dieting pretty much since teenage years so it's weird that it's okay for the opposite to happen? Oh well. I am really hoping for some online black friday sales so I can get some clothes.

    Anyone else black friday shopping?! US friends, I hope you guys have an amazing holiday! Lots of R&R because you guys definitely all need and deserve it. What will be on your menus??

    Sorry to hear about the kids, and so nice that you have a nice place to bury here. We did the same with our family pets! Cremated with nice memorial stones. It's good closure :)

    Carla, so exciting about your artwork!! I would be in awe going into an office and seeing that on the wall lol. It will probably look so fresh and clean in a spa like place.

    Mihani, hope you can get some peace at least on Thursday. Do it for us!! Haha. You do so much for other people as it is, might as well do something for US! Hehehee. Does that work?!!?

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,058 Member
    Lia yay for feeling better!!! And now you have a baby bump lol. I don't shop until a week or two before Christmas. I used to do it on Christmas Eve day at a mall (it was actually so much fun then), but now I do mostly Amazon a week or so before, maybe run around a bit to buy some local things. I hate shopping and crowds.

    We're having our usual Thanksgiving Extravaganza, which is so funny because our family is so small, we have LOTS of leftovers.

    I am taking T-Day off, will work through the weekend. Things are nuts. I am eating crap and my pants are tight. :(

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,058 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving to my U.S. friends, and Happy Thursday to my Canadian friends. Grateful for this great group of people. <3 y'all.

    Will be drinking some wine and eating far too much today, and leftovers for a couple days, but going to hit the grocery tomorrow or Saturday and stock up on some ETL staples, get back on track between then and Christmas.
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Happy thanksgiving, US friends!!! I hope you have a beautiful day with lovely people and delicious food (and drinks!). Have a wine for me too, Mihani xoxo
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,364 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving!!

    Enjoy your day off Mihani!

    A baby bump is so cute Lia! Does that make it feel more real? Good idea stocking up on some clothing deals on Black Friday.

    Joe and I usually celebrate both the Cdn and US Thanksgiving, but this time around we didn't/aren't doing anything for either. We have yesterday through to Monday off and we're just relaxing with no set plans.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,058 Member
    Haven't managed to get back on track yet, but plan for tomorrow... got the greens, got the beans, on it!

  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Aw yay Carla, that's awesome! Relaxing with no set plans is actually the BEST holiday plans!!! haha. My husband is already whining about all the plans and family gatherings to come over Christmas lol.

    I had greens AND beans for lunch. Woohoo! But it's really about 50/50 right now as far as ETL/non-ETL. Yesterday I had quite a few cookies at a baby shower for my friend. It turns out she's having a girl, and we all suspected a boy, so my friend turned to me in a mock panic and said "all the girls are being taken up!!" haha. I would love to have a girl but who knows.

    I don't feel anything yet, so the bump just feels like I've really let myself go lol. And keep forgetting/having to remind myself.... did I really eat way too much lately?!!? Or is this baby?!?! Haha. I had a meltdown in front of my midwife last week because my bump doesn't look like a baby yet, lol, she said it will come. So fingers crossed!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,058 Member
    I'm so busy I can't see straight, will catch up soon. Boss is leaving for a vacation in a couple days and we're scrambling. I did read everything, things to say! lol