Tell Me More 16/8 Fast & Questions

So I have read a little about this 16/8 fasting. Or at least I think that is what it is. One person says they eat from 11 am until 7 pm. Question 1.": Does that mean that you consume all your calories/food in that time frame? I am a calorie counter. It keeps me honest and in check. Question 2: If I decide to go this route, could I deviate from it every now and then? Like seeing my in laws bout once a month. We do eat breakfast earlier. Any other tips or advice. Or does this not sound like it is good for me?


  • kimberlyb6682
    kimberlyb6682 Posts: 79 Member
    edited November 2016
    you can fast as often as you want, 1 day a week or every day of the week. most days do a 20/4 fast and eat between 4pm and 8pm, somedays I wake up hungry and have breakfast. I usually end up under my calories on the days I fast because I'm full.
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    I IF at least 16/8 M-Th because I work those days and it's easy. I usually go it on the weekends too, but don't stress it if I eat earlier than 1 or 2. Yes I eat all my calories in that window, but it's common for me to be quite a bit below my calorie target.
  • cstehansen
    cstehansen Posts: 1,984 Member
    Generally just eat all my calories between 11 & 7. I usually have to remind myself to eat at 11. Not unusual for me to forget and end up just eating between noon and 7. I'm in maintenance so I do try to get most of my calories in on a regular basis. I don't sweat being a bit over some days and under others as long as it evens out. I do still log just to keep myself honest.

    There have been times when I have done breakfast and lunch only or breakfast and dinner only due to extenuating circumstances. I do try to make sure I have at least 12-13 hours between dinner and breakfast if that is the case though.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I don't specifically count the hours or watch the clock for when it's time to eat. Even if I'm basically doing 16/8, if it's been 16 and I'm not hungry I just wait til I am. Most days I end up doing 18/6 because of that. But if I'm ready at 16 or 14... I just eat. I might try to push it off longer if it would suit my schedule better.
    There's nothing wrong with doing that 5 days a week and eating 3 meals or however you want to break it up on other days. I pretty much do IF Monday through Friday. The hubs always wants a good breakfast on the weekends and I like to sleep in so I usually eat right after waking up those days. Though, by the time food is cooked it's usually still after noon! Lol

    I'm a big advocate for "eat when hungry" but that's the hard part... figuring out what hungry actually feels like. I really think most of the time that we feel like we are hungry more than twice during the day that it's probably not real hunger. Assuming we have a fair amount of bodyfat of course.
    I think IF and extended fasting is so valuable because it helps us really feel hungry. But also amaze ourselves that it doesn't come with the same feeling of urgency as it once did going only 3 or 4 hours between eating. I think it's really good to push past the hungry point on a regular basis at least for a little while.

    I don't have any trouble getting in all the calories I need in just a few hours. I actually have to be careful some days because I can eat a surprising amount of food in one setting! I mean they always say it's hard to overeat protein and fat. I disagree! :smile:
    If I do happen to eat 3 meals in a day, I could easily eat double the food I would normally eat. But that's what seems to happen to me if I eat when not really hungry. It makes no sense but I can eat a lot of food not even being hungry. It's like once I get going, it's hard to stop the "eat all the food" signal. That's why IF works so well for me.
  • ksullivan2050
    ksullivan2050 Posts: 16 Member
    I do a 20/4 now just about everyday. I had been doing IF (but did t know it was a thing) prior to going LCHF in July. I then cut out my "snack" (kale chips or humus) after work around 4-5pm. After reading about IF I realized that's what I was naturally doing - pushed it until 7pm. I don't stress if I eat earlier on the weekend or occasional weekday but it rarely happens as I'm just not hungry. and I love working out in a fasted state - in regard to calories I am always under because I am full and I absolutely count. I need the accountability for sure.
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    Breakfast with the inlaws won't affect anything, except you may feel a bit hungrier in the a.m. on the days following ... depends on how long you've been doing IF.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Not a big deal.... fast when you want, eat when you want. Breakfast with the in-laws shouldn't cause a problem. As long as it's not waffles with fruit & syrup, lol.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Apparently Jimmy Moore and Jason Fung are starting a fasting related podcast together in January! I'm super excited. I love them both but especially Jason. I like his no nonsense way of speaking. I think the podcast is going to be great and just in time for some after holiday extended fasting! :smile:
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Apparently Jimmy Moore and Jason Fung are starting a fasting related podcast together in January! I'm super excited. I love them both but especially Jason. I like his no nonsense way of speaking. I think the podcast is going to be great and just in time for some after holiday extended fasting! :smile:

    That would be good. If you find it, can you share it with the group? I'd love to hear those two together. :)
  • solska
    solska Posts: 348 Member
    I do what people call bulletproof coffee fasting, meaning, I have a bpc coffee either when I get up or sometime after that, I don't eat anything else until sometime between 2pm-6pm. And then I eat low carb, I try to finish eating as early as possible but at least before midnight. And I try to have at least 14 hours of fasting hours. On days like that when you have a big breakfast you can just skip dinner.
  • kimberlyb6682
    kimberlyb6682 Posts: 79 Member
    I don't have anything but water, black tea and bouillon ( for salt ) when I fast. but I read that fat has a low impact on your blood glucose so if it's working for you it's probably fine.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    Apparently Jimmy Moore and Jason Fung are starting a fasting related podcast together in January! I'm super excited. I love them both but especially Jason. I like his no nonsense way of speaking. I think the podcast is going to be great and just in time for some after holiday extended fasting! :smile:

    That would be good. If you find it, can you share it with the group? I'd love to hear those two together. :)

    So far the only information I've heard was from this episode of low carb conversations where in the beginning, Jimmy explains that he is leaving this show (Jenna is leaving it too). He says that he and Jason are starting the fasting podcast in January. I don't recall if he mentions the name it will have but if you listen to Livin La Vida Low Carb I'm sure he will announce it in there soon too.