C25K and strength training

FSLSBSmfp Posts: 38 Member
Hey all, I've decided to do C25K and it's exciting because I've never run before.

I also want to strength train 2 times per week:
Day 1 = front squats & chin-ups.
Day 2 = deadlifts & dips.

If I did C25K on mon/wed/fri, would doing the strength days on tue/thu be best? The other option could be creating a 3 day strength training split and lifting on the same days as I run.

What have you all found works best for performance and recovery? Other than running 5K and maintaining strength, my main goal is to lose weight.


  • Rinde99
    Rinde99 Posts: 393 Member
    FSLSBSmfp wrote: »
    Hey all, I've decided to do C25K and it's exciting because I've never run before.

    I also want to strength train 2 times per week:
    Day 1 = front squats & chin-ups.
    Day 2 = deadlifts & dips.

    If I did C25K on mon/wed/fri, would doing the strength days on tue/thu be best? The other option could be creating a 3 day strength training split and lifting on the same days as I run.

    What have you all found works best for performance and recovery? Other than running 5K and maintaining strength, my main goal is to lose weight.

    I'm no expert but I run on MWF and do my strength training on TThS. Works for me.
  • FSLSBSmfp
    FSLSBSmfp Posts: 38 Member
    Yeah cool, thanks for the info. That's what I'm going with too. I'll see how it goes. I'm starting C25K tomorrow.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Is there a reason you only want to do those 4 exercises?

    A full body programme twice a week would probably be more effective
  • FSLSBSmfp
    FSLSBSmfp Posts: 38 Member
    edited November 2016
  • FSLSBSmfp
    FSLSBSmfp Posts: 38 Member
    Is there a reason you only want to do those 4 exercises?

    A full body programme twice a week would probably be more effective

    Sorry bout that last post. Kid got my phone mid sentence lol

    I wanted to go a minimalist routine and focus on improving fitness. I have since changed the lifting routine though as a more full body legs/push/pull setup.

    Front squat, incline bench, rows.
    Deadlift, dips, chins.
  • crooked_left_hook
    crooked_left_hook Posts: 364 Member
    Just based on personal experience, I would not weight train on the days you run. It's just too much strain on your joints. I need a little extra recovery time to avoid joint injuries so I've done a cycle run/lift/rest days without too many issues (so 2 days between runs, and on rest days I still walk 12K steps). I know others do well with run M-W-F and lift T-Th-S with Sunday as a rest day.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    I do a heavy legs day twice a week, and it was really messing with my ability to do c25k at the same time. I'm still working out what to do. I'm older and diabetic with poor tendon circulation, and need at least two days after legs to be fully recovered. At the moment I'm just running anyway. I ran in the morning before legs day last time and had a PR on squats, so that worked out okay - skipped a day, and today my legs are still achy but I'm going to try to run anyway and see how I feel.

    Lifting heavy with some muscle group as often as possible keeps my blood sugar down. I do have a full recovery day once a week, and on the morning after, I can really see that I skipped a day in my glucose levels. So six days of strength training / week isn't going to change. I'm just going to have to work around it with the running - which may mean that I progress very slowly at both lifting and running. But that's fine.