How to become vegan - tips

gabiedweeb Posts: 4 Member
I know it's hard for a lot of people to give up animal products, but this is where I'll be posting some tops and alternatives to help you!


  • gabiedweeb
    gabiedweeb Posts: 4 Member
    Okay so I kind of forgot to update this. But here are some helpful ways to go vegan!

    1. Find out WHY you want to do it. The most important thing I have to say about this is that it probably should be deeper than just to lose weight or be healthier. Those are important, of course, but there are other reasons to consider. Watch some documentaries; I recommend Cowspiracy highly, it talks about how the animal agriculture industry is negatively impacting the climate!
    2. SLOWLY cut out animal products or else you will be overwhelmed!! Replace regular milk with almond/nut, soy, flax, oat etc milk! They taste amazing, and have great nutritional value. There are other replacements for things you'd normally eat, but they can be expensive.
    3. Find a place near you for local, inexpensive produce. Vegetables and fruit carry most of the nutrients you need throughout the day, so stock up on them! Local produce places and farmers markets are usually way cheaper than grocery store prices!
    4. Try new things! As of this year, I've tried guacamole, hummus, sushi, vegan meat substitutions and a plethora of other great vegan options. Keep your options open to enjoy what you eat!
    5. If you mess up - it's okay, I promise! It's very hard for many people to transition to being vegan so it only makes sense you will accidentally(or not so accidentally) slip up. It's understandable, but just remind yourself of why you want this change in your life.
    6. Read vegan blogs, recipies, watch YouTube videos etc. This can give you great ideas and tips!

    I'll be posting vegan recipies and a glimpse of some things I eat daily!
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    Hi! I've been vegan for a few weeks now...loving it and definitely wish I did this years ago! I could go on and on and on...but I won't. Love that you made this group, hope more people decide to join in and chat!
  • gabiedweeb
    gabiedweeb Posts: 4 Member
    Another tip I have to make things easier is to GET THOSE NUTRIENTS!! I found that when I first went vegan, I tracked my meals on this app and saw that I was not getting enough iron and protein, which is typical for vegans. I found high protein foods like tofu, soybeans, beans and lentils etc, and also food high in iron like spinach, and worked it into my diet (:
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    ^^ Yes! I upped my protein w/ more beans and feel so much better, I no longer want to eat the entire kitchen. Really makes a difference!
  • I've been a vegetarian since January 1st. This is my first week actually dairy free. So far its been ok. My question is how to not to give into cheese cravings especially is social situations. I don't drink milk, eat yogurt, or ice cream anyway. Cheese just seems to be the one thing I have a problem with.
  • newvegdi
    newvegdi Posts: 9 Member
    Just spoke with my doctor and she said the number one thing for vegans is a good source of B12. I mix a packet of Emergen-C every day (has B12 and extra C which my eye doctor reccomended after my PRK procedure). I also take a vegan Omega 3 DHA supplementon the advice of someone on Reddit. I'm only about a month in but so far, so good:)
  • Restoredvitality
    Restoredvitality Posts: 16 Member
    edited September 2016
    I've been struggling with trying to be vegan for several years, but I am absolutely ready to be consistent and eat well. I honestly feel sooooooooooo much better with the absence of animal products and no longer care whether or not my family will do this with me. So, here we go 100% Vegan immediately:)
  • Take your B12 supplement everyone! Cyanocobalamin
  • And eat your green vegetables!!!
  • imfittted
    imfittted Posts: 73 Member
    I've been a vegetarian since January 1st. This is my first week actually dairy free. So far its been ok. My question is how to not to give into cheese cravings especially is social situations. I don't drink milk, eat yogurt, or ice cream anyway. Cheese just seems to be the one thing I have a problem with.

    I love cheese and I knew cheese was going to be a problem for me going vegan. I've been dairy free for almost 3 weeks (vegan too) and trust me it gets easier. What worked for me was going out and finding good vegan cheese to substitute. The kinds made with cashews seem to be the best. Treeline is my current favorite. I have found so far that also educating myself about the diary industry both treatment of animals and diary being bad for us also helps. I think about that when I see cheese and it helps remind that I don't want it.

  • 1TigerEyes
    1TigerEyes Posts: 3 Member
    One of my brothers has been telling me to go vegan for a year now, I believe. I should've listened. Went to the Dr this past Friday & they found some masses in my left breast. It's freaking me out. I know plant based is best for natural healing & have seen & read plenty of true life stories to back that up. If the masses are what I hope they're not, I'm starting to ease into becoming vegan from now on to heal my body, for life.
    I'm definitely going to need help, though. I love me some cheese too, & I've always been a meat & fish eater. I know it'll be tough, but breast cancer is worse.
  • tip - find vegan support groups. These groups are filled with like-minded people and it takes away stress about the social/eating-out part that some people have. I've met up with groups on Meet Up before and have met some awesome people - and found some pretty awesome feeds too :D