Determined December 2016: Week 1 (12/1-12/7)



  • VKetoV
    VKetoV Posts: 111 Member
    <5g carbohydrates/day
    Throwing in some kcal cycling, 2 days/week leaner protein sources (fish, chicken) for a greater deficit
    1 day every 2 week higher kcal "cheat day" (high fat whole cheese) to keep some sanity & will power
    Keep the abdominals/serratus visible & cut
  • solska
    solska Posts: 348 Member
    Thanks for staring the December thread!

    My goals this month: Lose 11.1 pounds at least by Jan 1st. That is get to right under 85kgs at 84.999 kgs:) that is 187.39 pounds.
    Sleep 8 hours a day, sleep earlier, wake up earlier
    Fit desk for at least 500kcal 6 days a week
    10000 steps a day, be out as much as possible
    Water water water, no soda, maybe one a week. sweeteners only in coffee and food
    Less cheese
    Moisturizer! I'm 40, I need to start doing this.
    Take supplements and meds
    Net carbs under 40, calories under 1500
    Dumb bells
    Focus on work not food
    More fiction, less news, tv, work stuff,
    Light therapy everyday
    Clean clutter
    Manage time better
  • monikker
    monikker Posts: 322 Member
    What is DE??
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    1000 minutes of movement for December: 45 minutes today. Walked to the grocery store for spinach. 2.84 miles, 3.7 mph. Done.
  • asgentr
    asgentr Posts: 228 Member
    My goals are:
    1. Learn new low-carb recipes to keep boredom and temptation at bay
    2. Eat more raw vegetables (I have been a fan of frozen, cooked for convenience)
    3. Make bone broth (trying to resist the purchase of an Instant Pot, but may succumb)
    4. Reduce my daughter's consumption of sugar
    5. Of course, lose weight (4- 5 lbs)
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    monikker wrote: »
    What is DE??

    Diatomaceous Earth. It's not really dirt, but fossilized remains of algae and contains trace minerals including a large percentage of silica.
  • genmon00
    genmon00 Posts: 604 Member
    November was a big challenge for me too many birthdays and celebrations! And my new work schedule kills me lol Im aiming to KETO ON and stay under 40 net carbs.
    Goal 1# Stay under 40 carbs/day (weekly average)
    Goal 2# No gains!
    Goal 3# Try to eliminate late dinners and IF during work week

  • MyriiStorm
    MyriiStorm Posts: 609 Member
    I'm counting on y'all to hold me accountable for this! :wink:

    SW: 186
    GW: 182
    No sweets! (I learned my lesson over Thanksgiving weekend.)
    Work out at least 3 times a week.
  • gregpesot
    gregpesot Posts: 10 Member
    edited December 2016
    did well this week as I'm trying to go low carb (again) and get back on track with workouts!

    got up last five mornings at 5:00am and rode my tri bike

    stuck to daily carb goals and between the two lost four pounds between Monday and Thursday

    just need to keep it up and this group helps a lot and holds you to your goals!

    Have a nice weekend everybody and good luck!!
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    Cadori wrote: »
    baconslave wrote: »
    Cadori wrote: »
    My goals:
    • Stay on plan during vacation 12/2-12/11 - we're driving to Oregon and staying for a week. Roadtrips are notorious carb fests for me: chips, sweets, eating out, etc. We already have planned to bring coconut oil, cream and torani and subsist on BPC for most of the drive. Gotta love my supportive husband!
    • Lose 9 pounds - If I can do this, I'm at 235 and should be down another size. Great way to end the year!
    • Keep up with Diatomaceous Earth every morning. It's helping with energy, IF and (coincidentally? probably, but still) the two weeks I stopped taking it I didn't lose. Plus, my skin is looking fabulous ;)
    • Start morning or evening workouts on return from vacation

    I want to start taking DE but I don't have a stretch of time I can take it where I'm not going to run into food. Clearly I'm going to have to think harder about it.

    I drink a tsp in a 24 oz glass of water right before I leave for work (so, 4:45 ish) and have BPC on the way to work. I eat lunch around 1 usually.

    What is BPC? (I don't know all of the acronyms yet).
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Rejoining the challenges... In Houston today - headed to the Space Center for the behind the scenes 5 hour Level 9 tour. Not cheap... but should be freaking awesome. Lunch is included but pretty unlikely that it will be gluten free. Whatever it is is probably bread or breaded something. I will bring a protein bar with me and cross my fingers for a salad. Headed to Montego Bay Sunday AM.
    This month's challenge for me is to maintain 139.
    8 glasses of water.
    Daily Carb level at approx 50 this month.
    Vitamins & minerals.
    Daily exercise of some sort.
  • LowCarb4Me2016
    LowCarb4Me2016 Posts: 575 Member
    DebSozo wrote: »
    Cadori wrote: »
    baconslave wrote: »
    Cadori wrote: »
    My goals:
    • Stay on plan during vacation 12/2-12/11 - we're driving to Oregon and staying for a week. Roadtrips are notorious carb fests for me: chips, sweets, eating out, etc. We already have planned to bring coconut oil, cream and torani and subsist on BPC for most of the drive. Gotta love my supportive husband!
    • Lose 9 pounds - If I can do this, I'm at 235 and should be down another size. Great way to end the year!
    • Keep up with Diatomaceous Earth every morning. It's helping with energy, IF and (coincidentally? probably, but still) the two weeks I stopped taking it I didn't lose. Plus, my skin is looking fabulous ;)
    • Start morning or evening workouts on return from vacation

    I want to start taking DE but I don't have a stretch of time I can take it where I'm not going to run into food. Clearly I'm going to have to think harder about it.

    I drink a tsp in a 24 oz glass of water right before I leave for work (so, 4:45 ish) and have BPC on the way to work. I eat lunch around 1 usually.

    What is BPC? (I don't know all of the acronyms yet).

    Bulletproof coffee.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    edited December 2016
    Thurs, 12/1:
    SW: 163.4
    CW: 163.4

    Water: 72oz Small-checkmark.png
    Electrolytes Good: Small-checkmark.png
    Exercise as Planned?: 60 min stomp bout the hilly yardSmall-checkmark.png
    At or Under Carb Level:110g total Small-checkmark.png
    At or Under Calorie Limit: No. Well intentioned-spouse-sabotage :(


    Weekly Trees of Christmas Awesomeness Collected:

    The spouse sabotage is a running issue. I'm going to have to move my snacks back to bedtime to mitigate the spousal interference. He does bring a low-carb snack, but at this weight calories can't be fudged as much without consequence. If he keeps doing this, I'll have to crank my daily cal count back down by 50 or 100. I tell him I'm not going to snack. He brings them up anyway when he goes to pour himself another drink. And he brings up enough for me.

    I think that keeping my Sundays better will help, but if I'm not losing any by the middle of the month, I'll nudge it back down.

    Also, my carb count is total, not net. I get about 25-30 grams of fiber every day.
  • Lillith32
    Lillith32 Posts: 483 Member
    Ok, I know I'm late to the party, but... starting weight - 172lb (dang it, gained 20 lb over the summer)
    Goal #1 - get back to 160s
    Goal #2 - log everything I eat the whole month with possible exceptions of company holiday party and new years' eve.
    Goal #3 - stay under carbs and calories 90% of the time, and if I go over on calories make sure it's keto food.
  • solska
    solska Posts: 348 Member
    Lost a pound since yesterday! Part of the resistant water weight. Almost at a total of 20 pound weight loss now though I fear if I get out of keto 10 pounds of that will come back on. Some tight shoes were not so tight yesterday, and a couple of other things like that... Still sleeping very little and feel very tired.

    Will be away for a funereal service this weekend. I need to just not eat from the buffets...Need to take my grassfed butter with me. I hate nongrassfed butter.
    SLEEP more.
    Rest and relax more
    Less internet junk
    Keep watching carbs and calories, drink water, intermittent fasting
  • ileathms
    ileathms Posts: 29 Member
    Ready to tackle December head-on and shed the last bit of extra baggage I picked up in 2016!

    Goal #1: 1000 minutes of exercise this month. 30 minutes logged so far...970 to go!

    Goal #2: Shed 5 lbs from 143-> 138

    Goal #3: Cut back coffee intake, increase water
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    My goals:
    * Get back in maintenance range (130-133) and stay there. (Currently 135.)
    * Calories at 1350/day + exercise calories as desired.
    * Carbs under 30-40gm net. If I make exceptions, no more than 1-2x/mo and still under 80-100 gm carbs.
    * Exercise at least 30 min at least 5x/wk. At least two of those (preferably 3) need to be strength training!
    * Shift bed time back by 30 mins each week. (Aiming for 10:00 by 12/31.)
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    12/2 check-in:
    Calories and carbs have been under goal yesterday and today (well under today!).
    Did 3.25 miles on the treadmill this evening (intervals).
    Will start the bedtime challenge tomorrow night. :)
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    edited December 2016
    canadjineh wrote: »
    Rejoining the challenges... In Houston today - headed to the Space Center for the behind the scenes 5 hour Level 9 tour. Not cheap... but should be freaking awesome. Lunch is included but pretty unlikely that it will be gluten free. Whatever it is is probably bread or breaded something. I will bring a protein bar with me and cross my fingers for a salad. Headed to Montego Bay Sunday AM.
    This month's challenge for me is to maintain 139.
    8 glasses of water.
    Daily Carb level at approx 50 this month.
    Vitamins & minerals.
    Daily exercise of some sort.

    Wow!! The Level 9 tour was so worth it. Our guide actually worked on the Apollo program and we got to go into the Shuttle training simulator cockpit, electricals area, and payload bay. We also got to go right into the Nat. Historic Site Apollo program Control Room and sit at the desks during the talk & photos presented by our guide David Cisco. We also spent a fair bit of time watching the International Space Station Control Room live, from behind glass this time as this is an active mission room. Two astronauts readying for their mission in early 2017 were going through their last underwater training session for maintenance on the ISS in the Neutral Bouyancy Pool. We watched and listened to their practice run though too. I took a ton of photos where allowed. Luckily lunch was whatever we wanted at the NASA employee/contractor concession. I managed to load up with a huge mixed greens, cheese, & chicken breast salad topped with full fat blue cheese dressing, drinks etc. Gluten free and low carb!. Hubby had good Hawaiian pizza, yogurt and fruit.
    Drank enough water
    Protein bar for supper with nuts - carbs fine til this point then I had a peanut M&M moment.
    Vitamins all in.
    Lots of walking.
    Breakfast at hotel included.... scrambled eggs, sausage, cream & cheddar cheese, and hot sauce on top. Same today.