December Weight Loss 2016-Please Join!

BananaBite Posts: 135 Member
Hi everyone! Were in the season of giving, so let's continue to give ourselves a gift. This challenge is to set an obtainable goal for one month and to track the progress.

SW: 116 lbs
GW: 114 lbs (for November)



  • BananaBite
    BananaBite Posts: 135 Member
    December 2, 2016: 117 lbs
    December 9, 2016:
    December 16, 2016:
    December 23, 2016:
    December 30, 2016:
  • viaTess
    viaTess Posts: 24 Member
    I'm excited for progress, but also disappointed from a neck/shoulder/back muscle sprain that has kept me sedentary for 6 days and could affect me for a week or more! UGH!

    My goals are simple for the month -
    CW 137.2
    GW 136
    Fitness goal - once it is safe, get into a schedule with strength training every other day and cardio when I want to watch Netflix (while I'm on my bike). Also, create an exercise plan for the 3-6 nights away for Christmas.
  • kellyshell215
    kellyshell215 Posts: 98 Member
    I'm glad a new challenge was created. I'm excited for this month because It will be complicated, but I'm going to try my best. My goals are to maintain my weight and maybe lose 1kg try to workout at least 3x a week (mostly HIIT and Strength Training). I wont be able to weight after 20th december only when I come back from my holidays on january (I know its early but it would be awesome if decide to do one).

    SW: 54kg (119lbs)
    GW: 54-53kg (119 - 116.8lbs)

    01/12/16: 54kg (119lbs)
  • Silveya
    Silveya Posts: 77 Member
    edited December 2016
    Thank you for making a December group!
    I have been working on several daily challenges that I've set up for myself. Among them are to stay under my calorie burn by 100 or more, drink more water, change my sleeping habits and a few physical goals (such as 12k steps a day.)

    Decemeber 2016:
    SW (Dec 1st): 124.8 lbs.
    Dec 03:
    Dec 10:
    Dec 17:
    Dec 24:
    Dec 31:
    GW (Dec 31st): 120 lbs.

    We learn something even on the bad days / weeks. All of it moves us forward even if we can't see it yet. We "will" get there!
  • lalajka
    lalajka Posts: 368 Member
    I just stepped on my scale after a very long time and the number has never been this high... So a December challenge is just what I need! I'd like to lose at least 2 kg before 2017 and my plan is to eat healthier and do calisthenics and strength training 4-5x a week. I'd also love to try yoga.

    SW: 68 kg
    GW: 66 kg

    Dec 03: 68 kg
    Dec 10:
    Dec 17:
    Dec 24:
    Dec 31:

    Good luck everyone!
  • Hi everyone! I'm architect and interior designer and mother of three. Two years ago I had my twins, and because of my busy schedule I still haven't lost last 6kg of my pregnancy weight. My goal for december is to avoid overeating for holidays and to lose 1,5kg.

    SW: 62,5 kg
    GW: 61 kg

    Dec 03: 62,5 kg
    Dec 10:
    Dec 17:
    Dec 24:
    Dec 31:
  • Kenda2427
    Kenda2427 Posts: 1,592 Member
    I am in for this, major goal is to not gain the 5 lbs of Christmas weight.
    12/2/16. 116.4
  • fitfunjamey
    fitfunjamey Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! Have been a bit off track post thanksgiving and needing some accountability/goals!

    SW: 125
    GW: 122
  • vrojapu
    vrojapu Posts: 268 Member
    Back at it again!!
    Dec 3: 145.1
  • Roasties1234
    Roasties1234 Posts: 15 Member
    my aim is to say the same over xmas, if not loose and then loose loose loose after xmas for my November wedding!!!
  • RulaAsaad
    RulaAsaad Posts: 71 Member
    Hello, everyone! I'm new here :smirk: : so excited for such a group!!

    SW: 57 kg
    GW: 54 kg

    Dec 03: 57 kg
    Dec 10:
    Dec 17:
    Dec 24:
    Dec 31:

    I have no healthy diet or exercising routine, but it will all change starting now :blush:
  • viaTess
    viaTess Posts: 24 Member
    Hi! Have been a bit off track post thanksgiving and needing some accountability/goals!

    SW: 125
    GW: 122

    Holidays are so hard, I'm planning to learn some new holiday recipe that are nutritious and full of protein to keep me full and away from over eating. I hope we both have better luck this month!
  • nineteentwenty
    nineteentwenty Posts: 469 Member
    ...I am up to 138lbs already?! JEEZ. I am absolutely down for this challenge. The first things that have to change are my eating habits, then I can follow up with getting more active. I am feeling 4 workouts per week, mixed cardio and weights.

    SW: 138lbs (UGH)
    GW: 134lbs

    Dec 03: 138lbs
    Dec 10:
    Dec 17:
    Dec 24:
    Dec 31:
  • lps1dragonfly
    lps1dragonfly Posts: 111 Member
    12/5/16 119# (actually measured a week prior)
    GW 120# (this is my maintenance)

    my goals I just stated this AM on here are to Log and complete my diary everyday this week and to do my yoga everyday. I had been restricted for about 6 wks with a broken foot. I'm not back to 100% yet but when I am it's gonna be great!
  • melissafawnw
    melissafawnw Posts: 67 Member
    I'm in the final stretch to get back to my "college weight" after a weight gain I experienced/let happen while on medical leave. Anyway, I have a few pounds to go to until I'm at my ultimate goal weight. I'm trying to hit this by my one year wedding anniversary in February... which means I have to put in work during the holidays!

    December SW: 119
    End of month GW: 117

    I'm off from school for a few weeks, so my plan is to exercise 5x/ week (up from usually 3-4 during the quarter) and try to hit my .5 lbs/week calorie goal nearly everyday.
  • 33bbcc33
    33bbcc33 Posts: 59 Member
    edited December 2016
    Wasn't a great start to December with a weekend in Austin eating a lot of junk foods. I want to work extra hard these coming weeks (cutting/strength & cardio 6x/week) and hope to maintain and not gain after my xmas vaca week back home.

    HW: 156
    Last weigh in : 133
    12/31/16: GW (130)
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    Packed on 10 lbs quick-as-you-please when I turned 50. I'm 52 and they aren't going anyplace on their own!

    I'm five feet, four inches. 140 lbs. Mostly in my stomach!
  • hrush1889
    hrush1889 Posts: 56 Member
    My December/ultimate goal is 120lbs. Not actually sure what I am at now, around 122 I dont actually have a scale. Anyway excited to give this last part of a year my best! Good luck everyone, you got this!
  • Silveya
    Silveya Posts: 77 Member
    Packed on 10 lbs quick-as-you-please when I turned 50. I'm 52 and they aren't going anyplace on their own!

    I'm five feet, four inches. 140 lbs. Mostly in my stomach!

    You've got this! Knowing what you need to do and then beginning to move forward is spot on! *cheers you on!*
  • Silveya
    Silveya Posts: 77 Member
    First update.

    Decemeber 2016:
    SW (Dec 1st): 124.8 lbs.
    Dec 03: 124.8 lbs.
    Dec 10:
    Dec 17:
    Dec 24:
    Dec 31:
    GW (Dec 31st): 120 lbs.

    We learn something even on the bad days / weeks. All of it moves us forward even if we can't see it yet. We "will" get there!