Aaaand it finally happened :(

JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
Over my weight loss journey I've had people make the odd innocuous comment about LC after they've asked me to explain "what I'm doing" to them (I am hesitant to talk about it because I am aware of how low carb is generally perceived). Today, in a small group I'm in, a big IIFYM pushing female body builder I know posts this SCATHING article about low carb and essentially implies that LC is guaranteed to fail and leave you with terrible body comp.

...She knows I'm the only low carber in the group :( . I've lost 90lbs, I'm running marathon length, why the need to delegitimize what I've done? She used to be obese too! I know our fitness goals are miles apart but I've always tried to compliment her on her physique gains because I know how hard she works at it and how mean people can be to women who bulk.

Just lousy and I have no where low carb friendly to really share this


  • LowCarb4Me2016
    LowCarb4Me2016 Posts: 575 Member
    Its possible she's simply insensitive and had no idea you would be bothered by it. Its also possible she's just a jerk being a jerk. I think I'd say something to her, but also be prepared for her not to care what I think.
  • sarahshealthy
    sarahshealthy Posts: 42 Member
    Low carb is never recieved well by people who don't understand. Just like there is a science behind IIFYM, there's a science behind low carb. I've had people tell me stupid crap at work but guess what? What I'm doing works! What YOU'RE doing works for YOU. I will never understand why people comment on things that don't concern them. You have plenty of supportive people on this site!! Losing 90 pounds is amazing.
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    edited December 2016
    Well I scoped out your profile pictures and your body comp is not terrible in the least. You aren't overtly muscular which I assume is the woman in question's preferred physique but you aren't skinny fat or bad looking in any way. In fact I think your body comp probably matches your goals as a marathoner. Perhaps she's jealous that you've obtained your ideal and hers is harder going?
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    @JessicaMcB - I'd probably tell her that you also follow an IIFYM program - you just have medical requirements that set your macros differently that hers. I'd laugh it off and leave her to be upset. If it works for you, find a description that you are comfortable with and just share that. "I gave up the whites - sugars and grains." "I follow a more balanced plan that works for me." "This meal does fit my macros, quite perfectly in fact." "I'm glad your plan works for you. I'm just thankful that there are so many dietary options out there, because we all know that no one thing every works for everyone!" Or somesuch...
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I always hate it when someone says "there's no reason to do low carb unless you have a medical reason or your doctor told you to". I didn't have any medical reason. I just wanted to lose weight and break my sugar addiction. Then I discovered what actual health felt like! I had no idea my small time issues could be affected by diet! I'm so glad I didn't come across some negative Nellie like her before I started. I might have thought she knows what she's talking about and it may have stopped me from making the best decision ever.
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    edited December 2016
    She's either rude or forgot or didn't know you were still on LCHF. Regardless, I wouldn't give it another thought. She probably just read some article on that struck a note with her and wanted to proselytize the message. I doubt she remembered you live the LC life.

    Plus, you're getting results you want so just blow this off.
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    Thanks all, I'm going to let it lie because there is no changing her mind anyway, just needed to vent the suck to people who may have experienced the same.
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    lol I commented on a post in the main forum the other day explaining the relationship between carbs and insulin and fat storage. Just a general comment mind you, not debunking anyone elses comments or having a go and one chick took it upon herself to PM me and abuse me outright calling me a stupid *kitten* and much worse. Completely unprovoked and it kept going until I googled how to block people on MFP. Geez ... some people.

    I once had a woman PM me to accost me for criticizing Arby's in the food forum. I laughed a lot that day ;)
  • moonlights
    moonlights Posts: 141 Member
    Wow, you guys are making me glad I only read/post on this forum!
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    :( I am so sorry. I think she's dumb and full of crap. I used to do iifym. My protein target was set for lbm, my fat was a minimum target to hit for hormone function, my carbs filled the gaps....juuuust like LCHF with the switch to higher fat for fat adaption purposes and the subsequent lowering of carbs.

    Ugh. I'm sorry someone made you feel like that.
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    There always been Luddites, Flat-earthers, and Wet Blankets.

    In the galaxy of Nay-sayers, some draw comfort in clinging to simple, accepted ways of explaining things, while sad-sacks dwell on patently unimportant details and could suck the fun out of an orgy (but would never have the opportunity).
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    I'd be thinking to myself, "Confidence is Silent". Either that or "BITE ME". :p
  • mandycat223
    mandycat223 Posts: 502 Member
    "Living well is the best revenge."
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    Please do not mention The-Place-Which-Shall-Not-Be-Named. :wink:
    Is bad juju.