Calorie Overestimate (Today only)

Hi, I have a Charge HR. Yesterday, I took about 17K steps, my fitness pal registered as 442 calories burned. Today I took 10K (so far :)) and it's saying 532 burned? That's way too much. Is anyone else experiencing this?


  • SusanMFindlay
    SusanMFindlay Posts: 1,804 Member
    Your calories burned won't necessarily be directly proportional to your steps taken if you have a FitBit with a Heartrate Monitor. Did you exert yourself more today? e.g. Running some of those steps instead of walking? Or being on your feet a lot without necessarily taking steps? Or walking up hills instead of on a flat surface?
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,564 Member
    Keep in mind that when you sync your Fitbit, MFP will estimate your total calories burned for the entire day. If it was early to mid-afternoon when it told you 532 calories, it's expecting that you will remain that active for the rest of the day. When you sync it again later and you haven't moved as much, that adjustment will drop.
  • siobhani83
    siobhani83 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks ladies. I didn't do anything other than my usual. I ended up at 20K steps which is what I always so in the same format and it told me 908 cals burned (no adjustment) which I think is wrong. I'm usually at like 500 cal burned. I'll see what it says today and go from there. Thanks! :)