Weekly Weigh-In: 12 /19/2017: SO MANY HOLIDAY PARTIES

Hope this week everyone is safe and works there best to keep as much as they can off. Look forward to hearing some updates and also please be safe this week!


  • wagetty
    wagetty Posts: 16 Member
    Last week 259
    This week 258

    The scale was pretty wobbly but was closed to the 8 than the 9 so I'm going to take it. Squirrelnaut thanks for the encouragement last week.

    Hope everyone is staying safe and warm.
  • Squirrelnaut
    Squirrelnaut Posts: 53 Member
    Down another bit again this week. It's bringing my average per-week down, but I'll take it since it's the holiday season.

    Last Week: 317.4 lbs
    This Week: 316.2 lbs (-1.2 lbs)

    Starting GFB weight: 359.4
    Total lost with Team GFB: 43.2 lbs (grand total 98.8)
    Goal weight: 220

    Glad that you were able to stay on track, wagetty! Keep it up!

    And happy holidays to everybody! Enjoy your time with family and friends and try not to worry too much about being perfect. Holidays come once a year, gotta just do our best and keep on chugging!
  • nigiokas
    nigiokas Posts: 19 Member
    Tuesday Weigh-in eh? Sorry Monday.

    Starting Weight: 292 lbs
    Last week: 289 lbs
    This week: 290 lbs
    Goal weight: 220 lbs for now

    Still not doing well with this whole weight loss thing. Cookie update: I did alright (it helps that a lot of them are in sealed boxes and I don't see them too much throughout the day). It's been tough for me for the past month. I'm thankful for these weigh in posts for me to keep track of my progress and of course for the support here. Thanks guys :smile:

    Anyway have a great week and happy holidays! :smiley: