Help...Clean eating pyramid?

Hi, I just joined this group and it is my first day of ever eating clean...I have lost weight in the past by simply counting calories and or exercising too much but do not feel healthy at all.I decide I wanted a lifestyle change and so here I am...
I have to tell you eating oatmeal with covering it in sugar was very hard for me today! Any way I would love someone to tell me how much dairy/carb/protein/fat/fruit/vegetable I should be eating a day (how many servings) otherwise I will just eat nuts and whole wheat bread all day thinking at least I am eating clean:)
Please help!


  • auntjudith254
    auntjudith254 Posts: 29 Member
    Eat organic fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats and fish. Avoid processed foods.
    K2KRAKY Posts: 7 Member
    Use a wee bit of maple syrup instead of sugar on your oatmeal. I'm making overnight oats these days. Lots of recipes on pinterest. I like vanilla chai oatmeal and I sweeten it very slightly with about a tablespoon of maple syrup or more like 2 teaspoons. I make it all up and stir it and put it in mason jars (jelly sized ones) that hold about a cup. Next day I grab one on my way out the door and microwave it at work. Sometimes I add a bit of almond or coconut milk if it's a little thick. With the cinnamon and other spices in there I really don't miss the maple syrup if I forget it. Tastes good....good for me. Check out pinterest.
  • woowookookoo
    woowookookoo Posts: 2 Member
    I worked with a holistic nutrition coach and was allowed to use xylitol (xyla) in place of white sugar. It might be a good start for now to get you off the sugar.
  • aquanet2
    aquanet2 Posts: 26 Member
    I need ideas on how to cook vegetables.
  • jringer1
    jringer1 Posts: 1,230 Member
    Roast your veggies in coconut oil. Almost all root vegetables are delicious cooked this way.
  • cbrestensky
    cbrestensky Posts: 38 Member
    I add cherries and walnuts to Steele cut oats. They are naturally sweet and make the oatmeal delicious. I also use peaches, dates and almonds for the effect. All good stuff!