Jingle Joel December



  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Just dropping in to wish a Merry Christmas to you all! I will be getting back on track and posting more regularly this coming week.
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Merry Christmas everyone!! Hope you all are enjoying some time off and some family time and some relaxing time. I had food poisoning Christmas Eve so it's a Christmas miracle that I haven't stuffed my face this holiday but I am craving lots of fruit, so I'll take it. Very happy to have you guys around toooooo ❤❤❤
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    Ugh, Lia, sick on Christmas Eve. I hope you feel much better now. Is this the week you have off? We had a similar thing happen here...Joe caught the norovirus at work his last day before his vacation and was really sick. We had to cancel Christmas Eve with his family, and Christmas day at our place. It was a very quiet Christmas, but it was relaxing.

    Mihani, I will be getting back on track too, come January. Since we had to cancel our Christmas dinner, we're having my family over on January 7, but after that we're getting serious. I think we're going to re-watch all the good documentaries and I'm going to read a Fuhrman book again to get fired up.

    I'm having a lot of fun with my art this week. Relaxing and playing around with different techniques, with no final piece in mind. Just stretching a bit and seeing if I can make some new discoveries. I covered the handle of a cutting board with decorative resin and gave it as a gift to my in-laws. I wish I would have taken a picture to show you guys! I have another one made but it didn't turn out near as nice.

    I found a new dal recipe that is quick and easy. http://blog.fatfreevegan.com/2013/07/fat-free-dal-tadka.html
    I make it even easier by sauteing all of the onions with the garlic up front. In the Instant pot, I can do it all in one go - turn it to saute, then switch to pressure cooking when ready. Nice comfort food. (I checked and there's instructions for stovetop as well if anyone is interested).
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Sorry to hear you were sick on Christmas Eve, Lia... and Joe too, Carla. That's no fun!

    Looking forward to more pics of your artwork Carla. I'll try that dal recipe, I love the fat free vegan website. I've had a couple duds, but for the most part the recipes have all turned out great.

    Speaking of cooking, I'm really going to try to get some time on Monday to make a couple things that I can eat all week. I haven't been eating nearly as well lately. Busy and distracted and just eating total crap. Not to mention too much alcohol the couple weeks before Christmas. Need to prep some salad fixin's too.

    I made it through the last week of the year without having a meltdown, but it was close lol. A lot of long days this past week. I am going to be in the office all weekend. Now that I have all the end of year priorities done I have to catch up on all the other stuff that I let slide.