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  • bestmeicanbe1
    bestmeicanbe1 Posts: 160 Member
    Hi I'm Brandi, 23 l, stay at home mom of 3. Just had a baby in October. I am 144lbs lost 36 lbs, Looking to lose 15-20 lbs yet. So ready to get to my goal, feel good about myself
  • Forest91
    Forest91 Posts: 1,203 Member
    My name is Sarah and I am coming over from you previous challenge drop 15 by Jan 1st even through I only lost 1.1lbs. I am from London England and I'm hoping this challenge I will be able to do better because I already lost 41lbs but I still got another 55.8lbs left to lose before I get to my goal weight.
  • SideshowTam
    SideshowTam Posts: 74 Member
    SO happy that this is continuing on :) This is the most rewarding challenge that I have found on MFP.

    I have lost 18 lb over the last challenge, and though I have slowed down (as we all can attest, over the holidays things get a bit lazy .... well, at least for me they do) and a new job working in a pizza restaurant is meaning I need to practise my self control a bit better now ! :D

    Definitely looking to ring in the new year in a positive manner, and continue on with the previous 3 months of commitment to my health.
  • Herntere
    Herntere Posts: 16 Member
    Hi I'm a 32 yr old who needs to lose about 40-50 pounds. I had great success in the past on mfp until I fell off the wagon. But can't wait to get back on the right path.
  • RamonaMoon
    RamonaMoon Posts: 321 Member
    Hi everyone! I've been doing these challenges for the past few months and find them really helpful to keep me ok track, even though I haven't been losing as much as I would like, I have not gained much either so that's a win. New year is as good a time as any to get motivated! My oldest friends wedding is in June and I would love to lose 20 lbs by then so this will give me the kick start I need.

    Good luck everyone!
  • crazylibraluv
    crazylibraluv Posts: 117 Member
    I'm doing other challenges for the new year
    My goal is to loss 5 lbs a month
    Summer 2016 weight 170 lbs
    Dec 1st weight 159 lbs
    CW weight 154 lbs
    End of winter goal 150 lbs
    End of spring goal 140 lbs
    End of summer goal 130 lbs
    End of winter goal 120 lbs
    Starting 2018 maintain my weigh
  • kethra
    kethra Posts: 85 Member
    I'm from your previous challenge!

    I'm Kazia. I'm 34 from Texas, and my highest weight was 251.2. I'm down to 221.8 as of this week. We'll see where I am to start the next challenge off!

    I'm doing keto and moderate workouts. As a fresh beginner, I was working out 6 days a week (DDP Yoga) for 2 straight weeks before I had to take a small break. I didn't pull any muscles, but worked myself to the point of exhaustion and was so sore/exhausted I couldn't really function for a few days. I'm starting up again on Tuesday, actually following the program's suggested beginner plan so I don't burn myself out after 2 weeks again.

    I completed the last challenge and lost 15.8 lbs between Nov 1st and end of 2015. If I complete this new challenge successfully, I will have lost at least 50 lbs towards my goal of losing 111 lbs. It will be so good to be that close to ONEderland again. It's only 21.8 lbs away!
  • travel4fun
    travel4fun Posts: 36 Member
    I'm Beth. I'm 43 and from central Oregon. First time doing a challenge. Six weeks ago I made a goal of losing 44 lbs by my 44th birthday. I'm down 10 lbs so far. Not bad considering Thanksgiving, Christmas and an unplanned surgery all happened during that time. I'm doing C25K and trying to eat healthy. I have a serious sugar addiction and need to detox after the holidays. Looking forward to being inspired by all of you and making some serious progress towards a healthier life over the next few months!
  • LMR51
    LMR51 Posts: 15 Member
    edited December 2016
    I'm Lisa. 51 years old. Would like to lose 30 lbs altogether. I'm too sedimentary but had some heart issues last year. Im good to go now but so much harder to lose after 50. Looking forward to the challenge. I'm from Ottawa Ontario
  • TLC227
    TLC227 Posts: 210 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I'm Mika. I'm an almost 35 year-old ex-athlete that's fallen off the wagon a little and need a little bit of motivation to get back in tip-top shape. Looking to lose about 15-20 pounds just to lean out a bit. I'm always looking to add new friends for motivation, inspiration or just to be a listening ear. See you around the boards!
  • starfiresparkles
    starfiresparkles Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm Jessica. This is my first challenge. I'll be turning 28 years old soon. I started on MyFitnessPal at 205 lbs and through my last job was able to get down in the 160s from being more active at work and following a calorie deficit. After switching jobs I'm back up to 180 lbs and need to get back on track. I hope to lose 45 lbs by the end of Summer or Fall to reach my ultimate goal weight. I'm really looking forward to this challenge!
  • pmb0602
    pmb0602 Posts: 20 Member
    Happy New Year everyone!! My name is Pam. I am 52 years old and live in the Chicago area. I joined MFP in May 2014 at 190 lbs. I am down to 169 now with a goal of 150. I am committing to better tracking this year, as in the past that is really the only thing that helped me lose weight. I have never joined a challenge and am looking forward to both receiving support as well as supporting all of you! Let's do this!!!! :)
  • LadyScorpio67
    LadyScorpio67 Posts: 247 Member
    Hello! So glad to see another challenge! This will take me into 2 years for this group and happy to be a part of it.
    I didn't get to finish the last challenge as life happens came all at once for me.
    I've gained some back and have the mindset to get that and my remaining weight off and hit my goal. Regardless, I won't give up!
    Happy New Year!!
  • Meghanebk
    Meghanebk Posts: 321 Member
    edited January 2017
    Hi everyone! I did the last challenge and met my (very small and slow) goal, so I'm keeping it up with this one. The accountability helps me a lot.

    I'm taking the slow and small changes route to eventually lose around 35 lbs. Best wishes to everyone!
  • Parsniphead
    Parsniphead Posts: 43 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Ali and I'm 46yo. I have approximately 55lbs to lose and 20lbs would be a good target to start with.

    I have been away for a while, but have now been able to return and feel very determined. I also have a six year old son and want to get fit, not just slim, to be able to keep up with him.
  • 12qw34
    12qw34 Posts: 139 Member
    Hi my name is Jodee. I live in Massachusetts. I have 10 year old boy/girl twins that keep me busy. I have been with my husband for18 years. I am 51 and need to focus on eating better and exercising. Life has gotten in the way this past few years with my mother's health declining. Glad to be joining another challege. Good luck everyone!
  • lisag1288
    lisag1288 Posts: 31 Member
    Hello everyone! Excited to join this new challenge. I have about 30 pounds to lose total. I will enter my spreadsheet info tomorrow when I weigh in.
  • Sapphire1812
    Sapphire1812 Posts: 100 Member
    Look forward to joining you all again for another challenge, as it helps keep me more accountable. Got a bit lazy coming up to Christmas... but with the help of challenges have lost 17.4lbs in total previously. Good luck everyone!! :smile:
  • JennipherBrown
    JennipherBrown Posts: 7 Member
    Hey ladies! I'm 40 to be 41 in March and let's just say I call bull *kitten* on the saying "If you don't use it you lose it" to be completely accurate because in my case when I didn't use it I gained it.

    Not using my body caused me to gain weight, gain lack of self confidence, and gain not liking photos, and not liking the mirror. Now I did lose energy and spark but who wants that. I would actually like to lose 31pds by April but I figure 20 is a fabulous start.

    I would like fitness to become a lifestyle of activity not a oh hear we go let me lose this weight for this event again I'm glad to be here and hope it will be the start of something great.
  • crazylibraluv
    crazylibraluv Posts: 117 Member
    I'm doing other challenges for the new year
    My goal is to loss 5 lbs a month
    Summer 2016 weight 170 lbs
    Dec 1st weight 159 lbs
    CW weight 154 lbs
    End of winter goal 150 lbs
    End of spring goal 140 lbs
    End of summer goal 130 lbs
    End of winter goal 120 lbs
    Starting 2018 maintain my weigh

    Jan 1st 154 lbs