Hello! I'm new here.

I am one month post op for gastric bypass surgery. And other than a few bad choices with food, I'm doing very well. I have just begun the work out part of my process. I'm looking for some friends and a bit of a support group during this process. What do you think?


  • payntr
    payntr Posts: 9 Member
    Hi gin! I am new on here too. I had RNY 2 weeks ago. I am doing well also! It really is a complicated process trying to get all the protein, fluids, etc. in line. lol Glad to see some new posts here. Welcome!
  • Rebecca_1492
    Rebecca_1492 Posts: 11 Member
    Gin and Payntr, I had RNY on Nov 28 and would love to help out with support and ideas. I think a good support group will be very helpful for long term success.
  • payntr
    payntr Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Rebecca! There isn't alit of activity in here. Obesity help has a wealth of info and support. I am on there a lot! Add me as a friend if you do. I think you would really like it! TC