Weekly Check In: Jan. 1 - Jan. 7 2017

TristansHawk Posts: 114 Member
Happy New Year everyone!
To those of you sticking around, welcome back!
To those of you who have just joined, welcome!

Each week, we have a weekly check-in where we can rant/rave about life and our weight loss journeys and goals for the week. I don't know about all of you, but writing down my goals for the week and checking in at the end of the week helps keep me accountable and lets me see where I did well and where I need improvement.

This week, I am trying to keep in my calorie goal each day. During the holidays, I don't bother with it since Christmas is the biggest holiday my family celebrates and we have a traditional turkey dinner, a dinner fondue and a dessert fondue (with chocolate and dulce du leche!), not to mention all the cookies and baked goodies!

I am sure I have gained a few pounds (no surprise there), so I have been avoiding the scale. I hope that by working harder on my intake this week, it won't surprise me as much when I step on the scale on Sunday!

RANT: I love to run. I don't care if there is snow outside and it's cold. I gave my self a stress fracture over a year ago, and the muscle in my leg STILL bothers me. When I saw the doctor for the stress fracture, he said that I have slightly flat feet, which does not help....but I am still having problems, which I noticed got worse when I went back to the city for school (hard pavement etc. outside makes it worse...). Then, when I went back home, I must have overworked my foot/leg and gave myself extensor tendonitis. I couldn't even walk without upsetting it, let alone stand. It is gone now, but it lasted a week. First thing when I get back to school, I am seeing the doctor and asking about orthotics...my student insurance plan will pretty much cover them and they will help with both problems that I have been having. /End Rant


  • bm1409
    bm1409 Posts: 1,715 Member
    I made it through the holidays with a 7 pound loss. I am one pound away from 136. In the past I always get down to 136, stay there a day or two and go right back up to 145 (or more) and start all over again. I am determined to brake that pattern and continue to my goal of 129. Just getting down to 135 will be a major accomplishment for me.
  • kefalo
    kefalo Posts: 182 Member
    Happy New Year everyone!

    I am sure I have gained a few pounds (no surprise there), so I have been avoiding the scale. I hope that by working harder on my intake this week, it won't surprise me as much when I step on the scale on Sunday!

    RANT: I love to run. I don't care if there is snow outside and it's cold. I gave my self a stress fracture over a year ago, and the muscle in my leg STILL bothers me. When I saw the doctor for the stress fracture, he said that I have slightly flat feet, which does not help....but I am still having problems, which I noticed got worse when I went back to the city for school (hard pavement etc. outside makes it worse...). Then, when I went back home, I must have overworked my foot/leg and gave myself extensor tendonitis. I couldn't even walk without upsetting it, let alone stand. It is gone now, but it lasted a week. First thing when I get back to school, I am seeing the doctor and asking about orthotics...my student insurance plan will pretty much cover them and they will help with both problems that I have been having. /End Rant

    I love the rant! I also love to run, and will do it when it's cold (did it in the rain this morning) - it saved my sanity when I was writing my book over a year back and nowadays when I'm at home working hard, if I don't run in the morning I just feel sub-standard all day. Sorry to hear about your foot, I've had some low-level leg pain at times, which means I have to rest (I also have flat feet) but not to the point of orthotics yet. Have you gone and gotten your gait analysed at a sports store? That way you know you are wearing the right shoes (you probably know about this, but just to check).
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    TristansHawk - That's great to have the student insurance plan!

    Bm1409 - Yep, this is your year to get there and keep it there! Sounds like 2017 is off to a good start for you.

    kefalo - I'm impressed with your dedication to running and how much you enjoy it. This is my year to kick regular exercise back into my life. It's wonderful when it's at the point that your genuinely miss it if you don't do it.

    Over the past couple of years, I have built much better habits for sleep, de-stressing and nutrition. This is my year to add in some really good, exercise/activity habits. :)
  • kefalo
    kefalo Posts: 182 Member

    kefalo - I'm impressed with your dedication to running and how much you enjoy it. This is my year to kick regular exercise back into my life. It's wonderful when it's at the point that your genuinely miss it if you don't do it.

    Over the past couple of years, I have built much better habits for sleep, de-stressing and nutrition. This is my year to add in some really good, exercise/activity habits. :)

    Thank you Marcella, at the moment I feel like a have a new lease on life because I had two years of stomach issues until last year when a stomach bacteria was found - I took antibiotics to get rid of it (which were horrific!!) and now I just feel like a different person and have lost almost 8 kilos since - and am planning to lose a lot more!! So now not just running, but also weights, exercise bike and pilates/yoga are part of my regular weekly exercise plan.
  • L010
    L010 Posts: 139 Member
    Thanks for creating this group. Looking forward to track and loose weight in 2017.
  • akielroki
    akielroki Posts: 29 Member
    Well I gained weight during the holidays. Maybe I can develop better habits this time. I'm at 77.2kg right now. My goal is 64kg! Health before weight though, I need to focus on getting all the nutrients I need with less calorie rich foods. It can be hard for a vegetarian trying to turn vegan.
  • Brin1956
    Brin1956 Posts: 168 Member
    I Lost 65 lbs last winter but gained 20 back when I moved back home. Hoping to have not gained anything over christmas will weigh-in on friday. Hard to get out and exercise in the cold and dark. I think we are up to 7 hours of sunlight a day. Not even 5pm and getting dark. -14 f this weekend so going to want to hibernate. I sure feel the cold more than I did.